BCSA Sample SMS Document
Use this document in conjunction with the Railway Safety Management System Guidelines found on the BCSA website. Titles in red type are the headings from the applicable sections of the guidelines. Read the guidelines and compare the text in the sample SMS to understand how the sample meets the requirements of the guidelines.
ABC Lumber Company’s Safety Management System
Prepared by: Bob Smith
Shipping Supervisor
Initial Submission Requirements Item 4.(1)
v A description of the railway company’s operations and rail network
Railway Operations Overview
ABC Lumber company operates five kilometers of track using a Trackmobile to switch with a crew consisting of a Trackmobile operator and a Conductor. Lumber is the only commodity moved on our property and our crews do not go off site. CN spots the empty cars to our site and pulls the loads. Our crews do not operate when CN is on site. ABC Lumber moves approximately 2500 cars annually.
Railway Map
SMS Guideline: Section A
Safety Policy, Annual Safety Targets
Associated Safety Initiatives
Company Safety Policy
Safety shall be regarded by everyone as the prime consideration in the performance of their duties at ABC Lumber Company.
We will comply with all existing legislative requirements and strive to eliminate any foreseeable hazards that may result in accidents or injuries to our employees. Employees have the responsibility to perform their duties in a manner that will not adversely affect their own health, safety or the physical well-being of their co-workers. Management is responsible for the development and implementation of safe practices and procedures. At ABC Lumber, no job is so important that it cannot be done safely.
Signed: Ron Dorland
Mill Manager ABC Lumber Company
Railway Safety Performance Targets
ABC Lumber Company has set a performance target of 0 rail related accidents/incidents per year based on the number of hours our rail crew works and the tonnage the mill ships. This target is achievable as it is based on our previous accident data. Our accident target will be reviewed quarterly and evaluated against accident records and safety initiatives.
SMS Guideline: Section B
Safety Authorities, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
SMS Guideline: Section C
Employee and Representative Involvement
Employee Involvement in the SMS
Employees at ABC Lumber Company were consulted in the drafting and development of the SMS through the OH&S committee. Employees are involved in the process of setting annual safety targets, and risk management. Monthly safety meetings identify risk and risk control measures. The OH&S committee also participates in accident investigations and assists with implementing corrective actions.
SMS Guideline: Section D
Compliance with Applicable Regulations, Rules, Standards and Orders
Applicable Regulations, Rules, Standards and Orders
• Part 8 Notice of Railway Works Regulations for British Columbia Industrial Railways
• Part 9 Industrial Railway Employee Qualification Standards Regulations for British Columbia Industrial Railways
• Part 11 Railway Safety Appliance Standards for British Columbia Industrial Railways
• Part 12 Safety Management System Regulations for British Columbia Industrial Railways
• Part 15 Industrial Railway Crossing Regulations
• Part 17 ROR for Industrial Railways without a Main Track
• Part 18 Railway Equipment Reflectorization Rules for British Columbia Industrial Railways
• Part 19g ROR General Description and Location of Fixed Signals with a Main Track
• Part 19i ROR General Notice and Definitions for British Columbia Industrial Railways with a Main Track
• Part 19h ROR General Notice and Definitions for British Columbia Industrial Railways with Restricted Tracks
• Part 19m ROR General Rules or British Columbia Industrial Railways with a Main Track
• Part 19l ROR General Rules for British Columbia Industrial Railways with Restricted Tracks
• Part 19y ROR Signals for British Columbia Industrial Railways with a Main Track
• Part 19x ROR Signals for British Columbia Industrial Railways with Restricted Tracks
• Part 19s ROR Protection of Slow or Impassable Track for British Columbia Railways with a Main Track
• Part 19r ROR Protection of Slow or Impassable Track for British Columbia Railways with Restricted Tracks
• Part 19q ROR Operation of Movements for British Columbia Industrial Railways with a main Track
• Part 19p ROR Operation of Movements for British Columbia Industrial Railways with Restricted Tracks
• Part 19bb ROR Switches for British Columbia Industrial railways with a Main Track
• Part 19aa ROR Switches for British Columbia Industrial railways with Restricted Tracks
• Part 19v ROR Radio for British Columbia Industrial Railways with a Main Track
• Part 19u ROR Radio for British Columbia Industrial Railways with Restricted Tracks
• Part 19k ROR General Procedures for British Columbia Industrial Railways with a Main Track
• Part 19j ROR General Procedures for British Columbia Industrial Railways with Restricted Tracks
• Part 20 Freight Car Inspections and Safety Rules for British Columbia Industrial Railways
• Part 22 Locomotives and Car Moving Equipment Inspection and Safety Rules for British Columbia Industrial Railways
• Part 24 Medical Rules Governing Safety Critical Positions for British Columbia Industrial Railways
• Part 26 Railway Rules Governing Safety Critical Positions
• Part 27 Rules for the Control and Prevention of Fires on Rights-of-Way for British Columbia Industrial Railways
• Part 28 Rules Respecting Track Safety for British Columbia Industrial Railways
• Part 32 Work/Rest Rules for Railway Operating Employees for British Columbia Industrial Railways
• Part 33 Standard Respecting Railway Clearance for British Columbia Industrial Railways
• Part 37 Accident and Incident Reporting Requirements for All Industrial Railways
Process for evaluating compliance and monitoring changes
ABC Lumber company will comply with the regulations, rules, standards and orders noted on the preceding page. The Training Supervisor is responsible for monitoring changes and assessing their impact on ABC Lumber Company’s operations. The Training Supervisor is also responsible for evaluating ABC Lumber company’s compliance with the regulations, rules, standards and orders. Compliance will be verified annually in conjunction with the annual safety audit performed by the Mill Manager. ABC Lumber Company will work with the BC Safety Authority to keep abreast of any upcoming changes to the regulations which may affect railway operations at the mill.
SMS Guideline: Section E & F
Risk Management Process
Risk Control Strategies
Risk Management
ABC Lumber Company has completed a risk analysis of its existing railway operation with the aid of a “risk matrix” which is attached to this document. There is also a process in place through which the OH&S manager will conduct a risk analysis of any new rail operations, or significant changes to existing practices. Newly identified risks will be categorized using the risk matrix. The risk will then either be eliminated or if that is not possible mitigated. Employees have the responsibility to identify any new risk and work to mitigate risk with management. This process is conducted through the monthly OH&S safety meetings, but is not restricted only to the meetings. Employees are required to bring to the attention of management immediately any risk which poses imminent danger to themselves or other employees or to company property. A risk assessment of ABC Lumber Company’s rail operation has been attached as appendix A. All new risk assessments are kept on file with the OH&S manager.
SMS Guideline: Section G
Accident and Incident Reporting, Investigation and Analysis
Accident and Incident Reporting
All reportable railway accidents as defined by the BCSA accident reporting regulation, will be reported to BCSA by phone as soon as practicable using their 24 hour number 1-800 -360-3260. An accident report form will be filled out and faxed to BCSA after the details have been determined. Within 30 days a full report on the accident investigation will be submitted to BCSA determining the cause of the accident and necessary corrective action to be taken.
All rail related accidents will be reported immediately to the Shipping Manger. The OH&S Manager will conduct the accident investigation. The investigation will determine the cause, and contributing factors leading to the accident. Corrective actions will be determined by a joint panel consisting of the Shipping Manager, the OH&S Manager and representatives from the Employees Joint Occupational and Health committee. The Shipping Manager will ensure that corrective actions are implemented and complied with. The OH&S Manager will review all accident records quarterly to compare performance against the annual safety targets set out in section A.
SMS Guideline: Section H
Skills Training and Supervision
Rail Employee Training
ABC Lumber Company has two positions that require training in order to switch railcars; a Trackmobile operator and a Conductor. These positions are subject to a rules refresher course every three years. Every rail employee must obtain a score of 80% in the required courses. The training is provided by the Training Supervisor who will also conduct proficiency testing on the rail crews twice annually. The Training supervisor is responsible for ensuring that all employees qualifications are kept current. Additionally the Training Supervisor will review the training program annually to ensure that it continues to meet the standards of safety and compliance.
Contractors and visitors working at ABC Lumber will be required to undergo a visitor orientation course which contains an overview of rail operations at our site. They will be required to wear the appropriate personal protective gear and be under the supervision of the Shipping Supervisor when in the rail yard.
Qualification required for Conductors
v Car Air Brake course
v Freight Car Inspection Rules
v ABC Lumber’s Safe Switching Procedures
which includes material on securing cars, core safety rules on coupling, entraining and detraining, derails and using hand operated switches
Qualifications required for Trackmobile Operator
v Car Air Brake course
v Freight Car Inspection Rules
v ABC Lumber’s Safe Switching Procedures (which includes material on securing cars, core safety rules on coupling, entraining and detraining, derails and using hand operated switches)
v Course on Trackmobile operation
v Course on Trackmobile inspection
SMS Guideline: Section I
Safety Performance Data Collection
Assessing ABC Lumber’s Safety Performance
The Shipping Supervisor will be responsible for reviewing accident data, near misses and proficiency tests on a quarterly basis to evaluate ABC Lumber’s rail operation in relation to the annual safety targets stated in section A of the SMS. Accidents and near misses will be reviewed and analyzed to detect possible trends requiring further attention. OH&S committee meetings minutes will be reviewed. The Shipping Supervisor will ensure that safety performance is not compromised due to sporadic increases in the number of cars handled or hours worked by the rail crew.
SMS Guideline: Section J
Safety Audit and Evaluation
Safety Audits and SMS Evaluation
ABC Lumber Company conducts an annual safety audit of its entire operation including the railway operation. This audit is carried out under the authority of the Mill Manager. Accident reports, proficiency tests, track inspections, and Trackmobile safety inspections will all be scrutinized. Every three years an outside auditor will be brought in to conduct a safety audit of the entire mill operation. The results of these audits will be provided to the mill manager for review and corrective action. Records of the railway audit will be retained for review by the BCSA. Additionally The Shipping Supervisor will conduct an annual review of the SMS document itself to ensure it’s relevance and compliance to SMS standards.
SMS Guideline: Section K
Corrective Action Development,
Approval and Monitoring
Monitoring of Corrective Actions in the SMS Sections D through J
At the ABC Lumber Company it will be the responsibility of the following Supervisors and Managers to monitor corrective actions required resulting from issues identified in sections D through J of the SMS. It will be the responsibility of these Supervisors and Managers to ensure compliance with the corrective actions identified.
v Compliance to regulations – Training Supervisor
v Risk Management and Risk Control strategies – OH & S Manager
v Accident investigations and the necessary resulting corrective actions – OH & S Manager
v Skills and Training reviews and proficiency testing – Training Supervisor
v Analysis of safety performance data relative to the safety targets – Shipping Supervisor
v Safety Audits and their results – Shipping Supervisor
SMS Guideline: Section L
List of Documents Retained and Their Location
v Training Records
v Accident Investigation Records
v Equipment Inspection Records
v Track Inspection Records
v Switching Procedure Manual
v OH&S committee meeting minutes
v Proficiency tests
v Safety Audits
v Risk Assessments
Equipment inspection and track inspection records are kept on hard copy and stored in the office of the Shipping Supervisor. All other records are kept electronically and are available to be viewed in the office of the Training Supervisor.