Board Meeting

December 16, 2005

3184 W. 5th Ave

Vancouver BC

Present: Don Hutcheon, Catherine Bond, Steven Horvath, Mike Foreman, Trish Crawford, Wolfgang Linden, Staff: Shona Boisvert

I. Call to Order (W. Linden) 15:25

II. Approval of the Agenda - Approved with additional items:

1. Schedule Board Meetings

2. APA leadership conference

3. BOPN representative?

4. Liaison with College

5. D. Hutcheon’s report from meeting with Fin. Advisor, K. Findlay

6. Bill C-10 Update

III. Approval of the Minutes from the Previous Meeting (November 18, 2005) Unanimously approved

IV. Administrative Business (S. Boisvert)

- Thanks to our new website and Zal's hosting, there is no longer any need to charge members a $70.00 web profile activation fee. Request for Board's approval to abolish fee. Unanimously approved. ACTION (S. Boisvert) Make announcement to members

- Paterson & AGM Expense Report (approx. $8000.00 in expenses, which was expected)

V. Complaints against the College (W. Linden)

- Presented idea to 1) Plan an organized, moderated and constructive meeting for interested BCPA members to voice their complaints against the College 2) Bundle results and present to College. Goals: Facilitate voice for the members and work to change systemic issues/problems. Focus: Proactive, collaborative. ACTION (W. Linden) Meet with Michael and Andrea - request to present to CBPC Board to inform them that BCPA will be making a submission, and to convey the expectation that a substantial reply be drafted to BCPA. ACTION (All Board Members) Brain storm about how to organize the meeting with BCPA members.

VI. Member Roles for 2006 (W. Linden)

- W. Linden: President

- M. Foreman: V. P.

- D. Hutcheon: Treasurer

- C. Bond: Director

- S. Horvath: Director

VII. Free Community Listings for Members (S. Boisvert, on behalf of N. Aubé)

Proposal to offer members free community listings in newsletter for specific purposes which do not benefit the member financially (similar to rules for posting on the forum). Submissions would be printed at discretion of Editor, S. Horvath. Unanimously approved. ACTION (S. Boisvert) Determine space & frequency limits, etc. - to be approved by Editor - announce to members.

VIII. Old Business

1. Blue Cross Promotions (S. Horvath) - FYI - Recently received promotion for small businesses to apply for extended health coverage for services. Psychological services not covered. ACTION (S. Boisvert) Look into a

small business benefit plan for BCPA staff.

2. Concern about last meeting’s Board decision to allow non-members on DRN forum (T. Crawford). Skipped.

3. Membership Categories and Privileges - reviewed (see attachment for details)

4. Bill C-10 Update. Conversation still in progress.

IX. New Business

1. Scheduling of future Board meetings:

- Friday, January 20th 15:00 - 18:00

- Saturday, February 25th 10 - 13:00 BCPA office

- Saturday, March 25th 10 - 13:00 BCPA office

- Saturday, April 23rd 10 - 13: 00 BCPA office

2. APA leadership conference – attendees? Tabled until next meeting when dates are confirmed.

3. BOPN representative? Tabled until next meeting.

4. D. Hutcheon’s report from meeting with Fin. Advisor, K. Findlay (RBC Securities, Advisor to L. Shein).

- To the question of how to manage extra cash in bank, Findlay suggested running on approx. $20 000 cash in bank and placing remainder into 30-150 day T-bills for 3.3% return. ACTION (D. Hutcheon) Write 'thank you' letter to L. Schein for his referral.

5. Continuing Education

- T. Crawford agreed to act as CE Chair

- ACTION (S. Boisvert) Get in touch with Wolfgang to look at UBC for Morey (200ppl), Ask Morey if lecture style is ok.

- T. Crawford proposed inviting Steven Hayes to present a 2-day workshop in the fall (book titled, "Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life"). Unanimously approved.

5. APA not to Accredit Canadian Universities

At the next APA Council Meeting, which Trish is attending, there will be a vote on this issue. Outcome: BCPA will support mutual recognition of CPA and APA accreditation.

6. Next meeting agenda

Promotion of membership – recruitment and retention

IX. Adjournment 5:25