POSITION APPLIED FOR: / Suicide Bereavement Liaison Worker
Title: / Address:
Previous Surname(s):
Telephone No: / Mobile No:
Email address:
Are you eligible to work in the UK? / Yes No / NI Number:
EDUCATION AND TRAINING Please give details of your education (including qualifications), professional and other training. You should include any vocational training you have undertaken which is relevant to the post.
This section need only be completed if your CV does not cover this information.
Date / Name of school, college or place of learning / Qualification/Result or
Title of Training
DETAILS OF PRESENT/MOST RECENT EMPLOYMENT OR RELEVANT VOLUNTARY WORK Please start with the most recent and include an experience gained in a voluntary capacity. Please use an extra sheet if necessary.
This section need only be completed if your CV does not cover this information.
Employer: / Salary / £
Job Title: / Date Started:
Date Left/Leaving:
Brief description of main responsibilities and achievements:
Reason for leaving:
Other jobs in the past 10 years, the most recent first. You should include paid, unpaid and voluntary work.
Date from: / Date to: / Employer / Job Held / Salary / Reason for Leaving
Are you intending to hold additional jobs? Yes No
If yes, please state the number of hours you will be working in other jobs:
(this information is required to ensure we comply with Working Time Regulations)
SKILLS, EXPERIENCE AND ABILITIES: in a short statement of no more than 300 words, please tell us why you think you are suitable for the post.
REFERENCES Please give the names and addresses of two referees, including your latest or most recent employer.
Position held:
Tel Number:
Can we contact prior to interview? Yes No / Name:
Position held:
Tel Number:
Can we contact prior to interview? Yes No
- By completing the Application Form I declare, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information contained in the forms is true and complete. I understand that any misrepresentation or failure to disclose information may result in my application not proceeding or my employment being terminated.
- I understand that this post is exempt from the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and that if I am shortlisted for interview I will be asked to declare any convictions (spent or unspent) and that if I am offered the job this will be subject to an enhanced criminal record disclosure.
- I consent to Lifecraft processing my personal data (which includes sensitive personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act) and holding that data on computers or manually.
Signed: / Date:
To assist us in judging the effectiveness of our recruitment advertising please tick showing where learned about this vacancy
Internet / MIND / Recruitment websitesJob Centre website / Employment office / Other
Word of Mouth / Our website
Please forward your completed application form, equal opportunities form, CV and covering letter to: or post FAO Carole Morgan at the address on the application form heading.
Closing date for applications is midday on Thursday 14th September
Application Form / Page 1