5th November
9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP*), St Andrew's Kingham
10.45 am Morning Service Churchill (Activities for children)
4.00 pm Evening Prayer at St Peter’s, Daylesford
6.00 pm Service of Memorial, All Saints' Churchill
12th November
9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP*), All Saints' Churchill
10.45 am Remembrance Parade Service, St Andrew's Kingham
19th November
9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP*), St Andrew’s Kingham
10.45 am Holy Communion, All Saints’ Churchill (Shoebox Appeal Day)
26th November
9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP*), All Saints' Churchill
10.45 am All Age Worship, St Andrew's Kingham (Everyone very welcome)

*BCP = Book of Common Prayer

PRAYER MEETINGS Tuesdays at 7 am in St Andrew's, Kingham & Thursdays at 7.30am in All Saints' , Churchill (NOTE NEW DAY & TIME)

Tuesday morning Bible Study Group 10-12 noon at 2 Blacksmith Court, Kingham home of Brenda & John Ingram. Meeting every Tuesday morning in November. All Welcome.

LIFE EXPLORED - a DVD-based course on Thursday evenings 2nd November to 14th December, in Churchill meeting room. Starting each evening with pudding & cheese! Contact Sam at the church office on 658852

NOVEMBER CHURCH NEWS. Please send your contributions to
Belinda Armstrong at by the 15th October

December Church News Contributions to Belinda Armstrong at
by the 15th November

NOVEMBER 2 0 1 7

Remember, Remember, … Revd David Salter

The old nursery rhyme encourages us to remember the story of Guy Fawkes and his plot to overthrow parliament by force. The reason to remember is to learn from the mistakes that he made, so we don’t repeat them. That event was a long time ago and seems very distant to me but the celebration is a great tradition to keep.

November this year has two other occasions to help us remember, perhaps with better reasons. On Sunday 5th November we’re having our annual Service of Memorial at 6pm in All Saints, Churchill. All Saints Day is a celebration of the lives of those who have died. We particularly remember those we have loved and we thank God for them. My father died two and a half years ago and I still remember him at various times. Odd things remind me of him and I find myself thinking that it would be lovely to chat together about what’s going on now. That’s not possible, but I take comfort that he is with God and I share life with other family-members and friends.

One week later will be Remembrance Sunday, when we all pause for a couple of minutes to remember those who gave their lives to defend our freedom. Sometimes the possibility of war seems very far away and yet even today our forces are serving in many places around the world, ready to put their lives on the line for our sakes. Let’s also remember them in our prayers, and resolve to do all we can to build peace in the world.

I hope that you can join us for these services. Please get in touch if you’d like me to add someone’s name to the list of those we read out at the Service of Memorial. Also, with all this looking back to the past, don’t forget to enjoy the present. God is the same, yesterday, today and for ever. Remember him, as he never forgets us!

With every blessing this November,


TGI FRIDAY - Thank God It's Fridayon Friday 3rd November - Friday Fun open to all children in school years 3-6 (7-10yrs). Meeting in Churchill Village Hall from 6.30-7.30 pm once a month. Contact Sally Salter 658852 for details.
SPARK - group for boys in years 7-11, meeting on Thursday evenings 7.15 - 8.45 pm (term time only) at 'Dapplestones', Hastings Hill, Churchill OX7 6NA.

IMPACT Our girls' home group meets on Sundaysand is a time to chat, laugh, enjoy friendships and discover God's word. Years 7-9 (6-7.30PM) Years 10-13 (7-8.30PM)Email for more info.

REMIX - Term time Youth Club for secondary school kids @ Glyme Hall Fridays 3.15-4.45pm.

Boys Hike & Breakfast - 11th November & 9th December @ 9-12 noon. Start at Chipping Norton School, Finish at St Mary's Church. Ages 11+ fry up provided. RSVP John Marshall 077733036741 or email


Kingham Lunch Club will be at 12.00 noon on 16th November in Kingham Village Hall. Contact Lesley Sutherland 01608 678991 for further details

Churchill & Sarsden Luncheon will be on Tuesday 8th November. Lunches start at 12 noon for a warming sherry and seated for lunch by 12.30. Residents of Churchill over 65 are most welcome to join our friendly monthly luncheon for the price of £4 meeting on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Phone Joyce Woods 658738 to book a place or to find out more about the Club.

The September Lunch gave us a surprise as we had our local MP Robert Courts dining with us in an informal meet and greet. A good opportunity to really get to know our local MP.

TUESDAY CIRCLE Next Meeting on Tuesday 7th November at 2.30 pm in the Methodist Chapel, Churchill when there will be a talk by Mark Burbridge. For further details contact June Berrett on 658310

PCC Meeting - 7th November Joint Kingham & Churchill PCC Meeting at 7.30 pm in All Saints' Meeting Room, Churchill

On the 3rd October the Funeral Service for Charles Keitley was held at St Andrew’s,
On Saturday 7th October @ 1pm in All Saints', Churchill we celebrated the wedding of Nick Boaz & Honor Stobart
Harvest Celebrations - A big thank you to all who helped make our Harvest Celebrations so special. We had a wonderful evening at our Harvest Supper in Kingham Village Hall and at our Harvest Lunch up in Churchill. Both churches were decorated beautifully and special thanks to Peter Crudge and Andrea Ratcliffe who came to speak in Churchill about farming and THRIVE Northox.

Reminder for our Annual Bright Party for all 4 – 8 year olds on Tuesday 31st October 2017 from 4 - 5.45pm in Churchill Church. Book your place now with Janet: 01608 659269/email

Men’s United Full English Breakfast: Saturday 4th November 8.30-10am Church Centre, Chipping Norton. Coenraad Van Wyk’s testimony & time of fellowship and prayer. Please book a place with David Bishop:

Women's Event - Create @ Churchill - Advent wreath making, mulled wine & music. Saturday 2nd December 7.00 - 9.00pm,
All Saints' Church, Churchill Entry £5 - ALL WELCOME

Bring a dinner plate, all other materials provided.

RSVP Sally Salter 01608 658852 or or Sam in the Church Office 01608 658852

Remembrance Parade Service Sunday 12th November 10.45am at St Andrew's, Kingham.

SERVICE OF MEMORIAL Sunday 5th November 6pm All Saints' Churchill

During the service we remember and give thanks for people who have died and we will read out the names of those for whom we have taken funerals in the past year or two. If you would like us to include the name of someone in particular, contact David Salter on 658852

Shoebox Appeal - This year we are supporting Teams4U who send shoebox gifts to deprived children and their families across eastern Europe. Leaflets explaining what to put in your box and the local collection date and point can be found in the porches of both St Andrew's, Kingham and All Saints, Churchill. You can also look online at their website: We will be filling our shoeboxes at the 10.45am service on Sunday 19th November at Churchill

POSADA - Advent Sunday 3rd December to Christmas Eve - Would you like to host Mary and Joseph (small figures) for a night? As we prepare for Christmas this is a lovely chance to meet friends neighbours as you receive Mary Joseph one evening and take them to their next stop the following day. Contact Sam Shaw on 01608 658852 or

METHODIST CHURCH - CHURCHILL 1852-2017 All welcome.

This year our Harvest celebrations raised over £280 for Disasters Emergency committee. Thank you to all who contributed in any way towards this splendid result.

Sunday services, with the exception of November 12th, commence at 11 am and are as follows:

November 5th Service of Holy Communion led by Rev. Soba Sinnathamby November 12th at 10.50 am Remembrance Service led by Rev Malcolm Cook

November 19th Miss Mary Newman will lead the service

November 26th Rev Soba Sinnathamby will lead the service.

Craft Fellowship will be held on November 14th at 2.30 pm and
Bookshop Coffeeshop will be held on November 27th at 10 am

Remember the Christmas Tree Festival takes place in Chipping Norton Methodist Church from 30th November to 3rd December.