Project Title / Applies to subpopulation(s)
Date Range / yyyy/mm/dd / to / yyyy/mm/dd
Other date range criteria:
Middle Development Instrument (MDI) (2010 onwards)
The Middle Development Instrument (MDI) is a questionnaire designed to measurethe developmental health and well-being of children in middle childhood. The MDI was developed by researchers at UBC in collaboration with the United Way of the Lower Mainland and the Vancouver School Board. This is a self-report questionnaire completed by children in Grade 4 where all the questions are read out loud by a classroom teacher. The questions measure five areas of development and well-being: (1) social and emotional development; (2) connectedness; (3) school experiences; (4) physical health and well-being; and (5) constructive us of time.
For further information on the MDI see:

Demographic Section (from school district):
child_id / Child - Number - placement on the class list
sch_name / School - NameResearch rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
sch_dist / School District Number
mincode / School - Code assigned by the Ministry of Education (8 digits)Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
sch_city / School - CityResearch rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
sch_pstl6 / School - Postal code (first 3 characters)
School – Postal code (6 digits) Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
chl_pstl6 / Child - Postal Code(first 3 characters)
Child - Postal code (6 digits) Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release:
SD_gend / Child - Gender from school district
age / Child - Age
cls_id / Class - ID number of class in school
Teacher Information
tea_id / Teacher ID
Demographic Section (from student)
chl_live1 / Child - Adults live with - Mother
chl_live2 / Child - Adults live with - Father
chl_live3 / Child - Adults live with – Stepfather
chl_live4 / Child - Adults live with – Stepmother
chl_live5 / Child - Adults live with - Grandmother
chl_live6 / Child - Adults live with - Grandfather
chl_live7 / Child - Adults live with – Secondmother
chl_live8 / Child - Adults live with – Secondfather
chl_live9 / Child - Adults live with - Part time with each parent
chl_live10 / Child - Adults live with - Foster parents
chl_live11 / Child - Adults live with - Other
chl_live11tx / Child - Adults live with - Other (text)
chl_sib / Child - Siblings
chl_sibno / Child - Number of siblings
chl_firstlang1 / Child - First language learned - English
chl_firstlang2 / Child - First language learned - Cantonese
chl_firstlang3 / Child - First language learned - Farsi
chl_firstlang4 / Child - First language learned - Filipino/Tagalog
chl_firstlang5 / Child - First language learned - French
chl_firstlang6 / Child - First language learned - Hindi
chl_firstlang7 / Child - First language learned - Japanese
chl_firstlang8 / Child - First language learned - Korean
chl_firstlang9 / Child - First language learned - Mandarin
chl_firstlang10 / Child - First language learned - Punjabi
chl_firstlang11 / Child - First language learned - Spanish
chl_firstlang12 / Child - First language learned - Vietnamese
chl_firstlang13 / Child - First language learned - Other
chl_firstlang13tx / Child - First language learned - Other (text)
chl_homlang1 / Child - Home language speak - English
chl_homlang2 / Child - Home language speak - Cantonese
chl_homlang3 / Child - Home language speak - Farsi
chl_homlang4 / Child - Home language speak - Filipino/Tagalog
chl_homlang5 / Child - Home language speak - French
chl_homlang6 / Child - Home language speak - Hindi
chl_homlang7 / Child - Home language speak - Japanese
chl_homlang8 / Child - Home language speak - Korean
chl_homlang9 / Child - Home language speak - Mandarin
chl_homlang10 / Child - Home language speak - Punjabi
chl_homlang11 / Child - Home language speak - Spanish
chl_homlang12 / Child - Home language speak - Vietnamese
chl_homlang13 / Child - Home language speak - Other
chl_homlang13tx / Child - Home language speak - Other (text)
chl_engread / Child - Difficultly to read English
Sample Questions
sam_pizza / Sample - Like to eat pizza
sam_carrots / Sample - Like to eat carrots
q1 / I feel sorry for other kids who don't have the things that I have
q2 / When I see someone being treated mean it bothers me
q3 / I am a person who cares about the feelings of others
q4 / I have more good times than bad times
q5 / I believe more good things than bad things will happen to me
q6 / I start most days thinking I will have a good day
q7 / In general, I like being the way I am
q8 / Overall, I have a lot to be proud of
q9 / A lot of things about me are good
q10 / In most ways my life is close to the way I would want it to be
q11 / The things in my life are excellent
q12 / I am happy with my life
q13 / So far I have gotten the important things I want in life
q14 / If I could live my life over, I would have it the same way
q15 / I feel unhappy a lot of the time
q16 / I feel upset about things
q17 / I feel that I do things wrong a lot
q18 / I worry about what other kids might be saying about me
q19 / I worry a lot that other people might not like me
q20 / I worry about being teased
q21 / I cheered someone up who was feeling sad
q22 / I helped someone who was being picked on
q23 / I helped someone who was hurt
q24 / Are there adults who are important to you at your school
q24no / Number of adults listed
q25 / At school, a teacher or another adult who really cares about me
q26 / At school, a teacher or another adult who believes that I will be a success
q27 / At school, a teacher or another adult who listens to me when I have something to say
q28 / In neighbourhood/community, an adult who really cares about me
q29 / In neighbourhood/community, an adult who believes that I will be a success
q30 / In neighbourhood/community, an adult who listens to me when I have something to say
q31 / Places in neighbourhood/community provides programs for kids your age
q32 / Safe places in your neighbourhood/community where you feel comfortable to hang out with friends
q33 / In home, a parent or another adult who believes that I will be a success
q34 / In home, a parent or another adult who listens to me when I have something to say
q35 / In home, a parent or another adult who I can talk to about my problems
q36 / I care about what my parents (or guardians) think of me
q37 / I feel part of a group of friends that do things together
q38 / I feel that I usually fit in with other kids around me
q39 / When I am with other kids my age, I feel I belong
q40 / I have at least one really good friend I can talk to when something is bothering me
q41 / I have a friend I can tell everything to
q42 / There is somebody my age who really understands me
q43 / I am certain I can learn the skills taught in school this year
q44 / If I have enough time, I can do a good job on all my school work
q45 / Even if the work in school is hard, I can learn it
q46 / Teachers and students treat each other with respect in this school
q47 / People care about each other in this school
q48 / Students in this school help each other, even if they are not friends
q49 / I feel like I belong in this school
q50 / I feel like I am important to this school
q51 / When I grow up, I have goals and plans for the future
q52a / Make friends
q52b / Get good grades
q52c / Learn new things
q53 / Physical bullying
q54 / Verbal bullying
q55 / Social bullying
q56 / Cyberbullying
q57 / In general, how would you describe your health
q58_1 / No physical or health condition that keeps you from doing things other kids your age do
q58_2 / Yes, physical disability
q58_3 / Yes, long term illness
q58_4 / Yes, overweight
q58_5 / Yes, something else
q58_5tx / Yes, something else (text)
q59 / How do you rate your body weight
q60 / How often do you like the way you look
q61 / How often do you eat breakfast
q62 / How often do your parents or other adult family members eat meals with you
q63 / How often do you eat food like pop, candy, potato chips, or something else
q64 / How often do you get a good night's sleep
q65 / What time do you usually go to bed during the weekdays
q66_1 / By myself - On school days, who are you usually with for most of the afternoon
q66_2 / Friend(s) about my age
q66_3 / Mother (or step mother, foster mother)
q66_4 / Father (or step father, foster father)
q66_5 / Younger brothers/sisters
q66_6 / Older brothers/sisters
q66_7 / Other adult(s)
q66_8 / Other describe
q66_8tx / Other describe (text)
q67a / After school until 6pm, go home
q67b / After school until 6pm, stay at school to participate in after school activities
q67c / After school until 6pm, go to an after school program/daycare
q67d / After school until 6pm, go to a friend's house
q67e / After school until 6pm, go to a park, playground, or community centre
q67f / After school until 6pm, hang out at the mall or stores
q67g / After school until 6pm, go someplace else, e.g., family member's home, or other places
q68a / Educational lessons or activities
q68a_Day / Days spent - educational lessons or activities
q68b / Art or music lessons
q68b_Day / Days spent - art or music lessons
q68c / Youth organizations
q68c_Day / Days spent - youth organizations
q68d / Individual sports with a coach or instructor
q68d_Day / Days spent - individual sports with a coach or instructor
q68e / Team sports with a coach or instructor
q68e_Day / Days spent - team sports with a coach or instructor
q69a / Sports and/or exercise for fun
q69a_Day / Days spent - sports and/or exercise for fun
q69a_Time / Time spent - sports and/or exercise for fun
q69b / Homework
q69b_Day / Days spent - homework
q69b_Time / Time spent - homework
q69c / Watch TV
q69c_Day / Days spent - watch TV
q69c_Time / Time spent - watch TV
q69d / Play video or computer games
q69d_Day / Days spent - play video or computer games
q69d_Time / Time spent - play video or computer games
q69e / Instant Message
q69e_Day / Days spent - Instant Message
q69e_Time / Time spent - Instant Message
q69f / Read for fun
q69f_Day / Days Spent- Read for fun
q69f_Time / Time Spent - Read for fun
q69g / Household chores
q69g_Day / Days spent - household chores
q69g_Time / Time spent - household chores
q69h / Practice a musical instrument
q69h_Day / Days spent - practice a musical instrument
q69h_Time / Time spent - practice a musical instrument
q69i / Arts & Crafts
q69i_Day / Days spent - Arts & Crafts
q99i_Time / Time spent - Arts & Crafts
q69j / Hang out with friends
q69j_Day / Days spent - hang out with friends
q69j_Time / Time spent - hang out with friends
q70 / Are you already doing the activity you wish you could be doing from 3-6pm
q70notx / If No - list one activity wish to do (text)
q70yestx / If Yes - activity already doing that you wished for (text)
q71_1 / Where would you like this activity to be: School
q71_2 / Where activity: Community Centre
q71_3 / Where activity: Home
q71_4 / Where activity: Park or Playground
q71_5 / Where activity: Other
q71_5tx / Where activity: Other describe (text)
q72_1 / Stops you from participating in the activities that you want to participate in after school - Have to go straight home after school
q72_2 / It is too difficult to get there
q72_3 / The activity that I want is not offered
q72_4 / The schedule does not fit the times that I can attend
q72_5 / It's not safe for me to go
q72_6 / I have too much homework to do
q72_7 / My parents do not approve
q72_8 / It costs too much
q72_9 / I need to take care of brothers or sisters or do other things at home
q72_10 / I am afraid I will not be good enough in that activity
q72_11 / I'm too busy
q72_12 / I don't know what is available
q72_13 / None of my friends are interested or want to go
q72_14 / Other
q72_14tx / Other, please describe (text)
Derived Variables: Calculated from Item Level Responses
empathy_mean / Empathy mean
Optimism_mean / Optimism mean
Selfconcept_mean / Self concept mean
SWL_mean / Satisfaction with Life mean
Sadness_mean / Sadness mean
Anxiety_mean / Anxiety mean
Prosocial_mean / Prosocial mean
Adultsschool_mean / Adults at school mean
Adultsneighbor_mean / Adults at neighborhood mean
Adultshome_mean / Adults at home mean
Peerbelonging_mean / Peer belonging mean
Friendshipintimacy_mean / Friendship intimacy mean
Acadselfconcept_mean / Academic self concept mean
Schoolsupport_mean / School support mean
Bullying_mean / Bullying mean
Schoolbelonging_mean / School belonging mean
swl_3categories / Satisfaction with life categories
selfesteem_3categories / Self-esteem categories
optimism_3categories / Optimism categories
no_sadness_3categories / No sadness categories
empathy_3categories / Empathy categories
no_anxiety_3categories / No anxiety categories
prosocial_3categories / Pro-social categories
health_3categories / Health categories
Wellbeingcomposite / Wellbeing composite
Childwellbeing_3categories / Child-wellbeing categories
peerbelongasset / Peer belonging asset
peerintimacyasset / Friendship intimacy asset
climateasset / School support asset
organizedactivity / Organized activity
activityasset / Participates in at least one organized activity asset
physicalasset / Physical bullying asset - Several times a week
verbalasset / Verbal bullying asset - Several times a week
socialasset / Social bullying asset - Several times a week
cyberasset / Cyberbullying asset - Several times a week
Bullyingcutoffs / Bullied in any of the four bullying domains
breakfastasset / Eat breakfast at least 3 times a week
mealsasset / Eat meals with parents at least three times a week
sleepasset / Get a good sleep at least three nights a week
peerrelationships / Peer relationships
peersasset / Peers relationships asset
healthhabits / all three (selected) health habits
healthasset / Health habits asset
homeasset / Adult at home asset
neighborasset / Adults at neighborhood asset
schoolasset / Adults at school asset
adultsrelationships / Adult relationships
adultsasset / Adults relationships asset
schoolexperiences / School experiences
schoolexperiencesasset / School experiences asset
coreassets5 / Core 5 assets
Geographic Codes: Based on Postal Codes
geo_sd / Geographic - School district of child's residence
geosd_na / Geographic - School district name of child's residence
n_current / Geographic - Neighbourhood number
neighname / Geographic - Neighbourhood name

Page 1 of 12March 2, 2011