BBABC Board of Directors Minutes

February 9, 2015

6:30 pm BT Media Center

Board Members Present: Keith Martin, Dan Coates, Sarah Brittain,Jenny Geiger, Rob Gallitz, Debora McCarty, Tracey Breuklander, and Ben Windle.

KeithMartin called the meeting to order at 6:35pm. Keith asked everyone to sign in.

Minutes: Keith Martin asked everyone to review the minutes from the January meeting. Sherry Gallitz made a motion and Dan Coatesseconded to accept the January minutes. All were in favor and the minutes were passed.

Treasurer Reports– Rhonda McManus reported that the checking account has $19,018.59savings account has $5.00 and money market account has $43,992.81. Dan Coatesmade a motion to accept the treasurer report and Debra McCarty seconded. All were in favor and the treasurer report was accepted.

General Membership–Ben thanked everyone for coming. Ben introduced some of our coaches –Girls Basketball Coach Jake Teuscher reported the girls are playing in regional semi against St. Augustine at BTTuesday. Have one senior and some juniors and younger kids on team. Very nice articles about the girls this year. Please come out and see the girls play tomorrow. Thanks for all the support.

Wrestling coach Chad Parker reported the wrestling team was 12 and 9 last year they are 3 and 11 this year. Boys are doing really well. Finished 5th in Conference. Hayden Goode won conference in his division. Thank you for all you do.

Track coach Nowicki Reported that the track team is just starting season. Thank you for the pole vault pit.

Coach Sutherland thanked booster for the football support. He reported that weightlifting is going on now and Coach Nato is doing a great job with that.

Girls Lacrosse coach Meg reported that this was her 4th year as head coach and 5th year with program. Thank you so much for the support and for our lacrosse wall. The lacrosse wall is making such a difference for both the boys and girls teams. Girls first home game tomorrow. We are a small and young team. Excited about our future.

Boys Lacrosse coach Jacko reported that this was his 2nd year as head coach. We have a very young team but a verycompetitive group. Our first home game is Friday.

Busta bear is our bear mascot and has not showed up for a few years because the costume was a mess. Dance team requested to have busta the bear come back so boosters had the costume cleaned and repaired. The dance team is so thankful for having him back.

Boys Basketball coach Chris Phelps really appreciates boosters. When he was an AD for 3 years somewhere else he never had the support that we have here. Barry Craig continues to support BT. Ben said that we are finishing up some winter sports. Boy’s basketball has finished off 4 straight district championships and will be playing home on Thursday. Our boy’s soccer team made it to the playoffs for the first time in six years. Girl’sweightlifting team finished sixth in the state. Hoping to revamp the weight room next. Our cheer team won a state championship a couple weeks ago. Spring sports are kicking off. Tennis with Coach Bruns for the boys and Kathy French for girls. Softball and baseball have kicked off with preseason and regular season games. Ben thanked Keith for Busta the Bear. Ben told everyone that the scoreboards will be up next week. Ben thanked the Mesners for coming out for our big games to serve fresh cooked food.

Keith explained that $45,000 has been spent on the score boards, lacrosse wall, busta bear, and pole vault. Keith explained to everyone present that annually booster gives $25,000 to Ben for athletics and $15,000 is given to field maintenance, and $12,000 is given out to all sports teams. Keith explained that much of our money comes from fundraisers during the year such as TPC and Low Country Boil. TPC is an easy fundraiser that will help the booster program and the teams. Keith asked that everyone support our fundraisers.

Committee Reports:

Executive Committee - Keith Martinreported for Amy Jasmon that Amy has TPC tickets available. They are $45.00 for each ticket. Tickets can be used any day of TPC. The team gets $25.00 per ticket. Checks need to be made out to BBABC. Please contact Amy if you want them. Tickets will be open to all BTHS organizations not just sports. If we get 1st place we will honor $500 for 1st place, $300.00 for 2nd place and $200.00 for 3rd place. Last year $30,425.00 was brought to our sports programs from TPC sales. Will have tickets available until April 25th. Tickets are groupedin 5, 10, or 15. Either turn back in the money or tickets. Opened the sales up to all clubs this year.

Finance Director – Tracey Breuklander had nothing to report.

Communications – Rob Gallitz asked the liaisons to send any team information (games, fundraising, etc.) to add to his emails.

Fundraising – Jenny Geiger reported working on getting sponsors. Please sell your tickets. Getting a little push back from parks and recreation for advertising. Low Country Boil will be April 11th from 5 pm – 10pm at Trout Creek Boat Ramp. Each team needs to donate a basket. Jenny needs volunteers. Keith said pies will be there. Jenny working with Arena. Having a problem with reaching out to Publix. Let Jenny know if you want a table. Don’t have paper tickets yet. Waiting for sponsors to make paper tickets. Jenny asked for a shrimp count from last year. Checking with the band to confirm that they will play again. Looking for a shrimp contact.

Membership –Candida Chisholm unable to attend. Keith reported that we are above last year memberships.

Sponsorship–Debra McCartyhad nothing to report but asked to remove Bono’ssign and find another sponsor.

Apparel– Amy Nourse has a lot to sell and will try to get to the other spring games.

Concessions – Sandra Mesnerunable to attend.

Team Liaison – Dan Coates thanked all the spring liaisons for coming out tonight. Rob Gallitz puts out a newsletter every week. Liaisons please get team information to Rob by 6pm on Sunday nights. Low Country Boil – all teams are expected to fill a table. Any issues that liaisons have please contact Dan.

Reserved Seating – Jay Marshall was unable to attend

Corporate Sponsorship – Bruce Kuzma was unable to attend.

Past President – Joe Jasmon was unable to attend.

New Business:

Old Business:

Next meeting will be on March2, 2015 at 6:30pm at the BT Media Center.

Sherry Gallitzmade a motion and Dan Coatesseconded to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor and meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.