D.Pharm I (First) Year Annual Examination 2015-16
Course Code:DPH103 Paper ID: 0691303
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 Max Marks: 75
Note: Attempt any six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
uksV% dqy N% Á”uksa ds mRrj nhft,A Á”u la[;k ,d vfuok;Z gSA
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer to 50 words). (4x5=20)
fuEufyf[k esa ls fdUgh ikWap Á’uksa ds mRrj nhft,A mRrj ipkl ‘kCnks ls vf/kd ugha gksus pkfg,A
a) What are resins? Give its types along with suitable examples.
jsftu D;k gS\ mi;qDr mnkgj.k ds lkFk&lkFk mlds çdkj nhft,A
b) Give identification tests for hydrolysable tannins.
gkbMªksykbtscy VSfuu ds fy, igpku ijh{k.k crkb;sA
c) Give classification of glycosides giving suitable examples.
mi;qDr mnkgj.k nsrs gq, XykbdkslkbM ds oxhZdj.k nhft,A
d) How adulteration differs from substituent? Give any three examples of non deliberate type drug adulteration.
feykoV fdl çdkj lcLVhV~,UV ls fHkUu gS\ xSj tkucw>dj çdkj vkS”kf/k feykoV ds dksbZ rhu mnkgj.k nhft,A
e) Differentiate between lemon oil and lemon grass oil, giving their biological source, family, active chemical constituents and uses.
uhacw dk rsy vkSj uhacw ?kkl rsy ds chp] muds tSfod lzksr] ifjokj] lfØ; jklk;fud ?kVd dk mi;ksx dk mnkgj.k nsrs gq, vUrj Li”V dhft,A
f) Differentiate between pale and black catechu.
ihyk vkSj dkyk dRFkk ds chp vUrj Li”V dhft,A
g) Give the category, biological source, chemical constituents and uses of hyoscyamus.
Hyoscyamus dk Js.kh] tSfod lzksr] jklk;fud ?kVdksa rFkk mi;ksx crkb;sA
h) Give a brief account on “Yeast”.
[kehj ij ,d laf{kIr fVIi.kh nhft,A
2. Write short notes on the following: (6+6)
fuEufyf[kr ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k;s&
a) Significance of Pharmacopoeial Standards
b) Scope of Pharmacognosy
3. Discuss chamotaxonomical and pharmacological systems of crude drug classification with suitable examples, their merits and demerits. (12)
Mi;qDr mnkgj.k lfgr ØwM vkS”kf/k dk dseksVsDlksuksfedy ,oa QkekZdkWyksftdy ç.kkyh ij rFkk muds xq.k ,oa voxq.k dh foospuk dhft,A
4. What is drug adulteration? Give a detailed account on Physical and Microscopical evaluation of drugs. (12)
vkS”kf/k feykoV D;k gS\ vkS”kf/k ds HkkSfrdh ,oa ekbØksLdksfidy ewY;kadu ij foLr`r fVIi.kh fyf[k;sA
5. Give complete pharmacognosy of Rauwolfia. (12)
Rauwolfia dh lEiw.kZ QkekZdksXukWlh nhft,A
6. a) Discuss microscopic features of ginger along with a well labelled diagram. (6)
,d LoPN ukekafdr vkjs[k lfgr vnjd dk ekbØksLdksfid y{k.kksa ij ppkZ dhft,A
b) Write official source, preparation and identification tests of silk and cotton and wool. (6)
flYd] dikl ,oa Åu ds vkWfQfl;y lzksr] rS;kjh rFkk igpku ijh{k.k fyf[k;sA
7. What are different methods of extraction of volatile oils? Give identification tests and therapeutic uses of tannins. (12)
ok”I’khy rsy dh fudklh ds vyx&vyx rjhds D;k gSa\ VSfuu ds igpku ijh{k.k rFkk fpfdRlh; mi;ksx nhft,A
8. Give official source, chemical constituents and uses of any four of the following: (3x4=12)
fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha pkj ds vkWfQfl;y lzksr] jklk;fud ?kVdksa rFkk mi;ksx nhft,A
a) Punarnava
b) Aconite
c) Amla
d) Ajowan
e) Belladona