Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing I (First) Year Annual Examination 2011-12
Course Code:PBN108 Paper ID: 0071108
Medical Surgical Nursing
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75 Max Marks: 75
Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Write short notes on any five of the following (limit your answer to 50 words). (3x5=15)
a) Pre Operative Care.
b) Tension Headache.
c) Health Education to Patient with Pacemaker.
d) Cardiac Emergencies.
e) Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis.
f) Dietary Management of Peptic Ulcer.
g) Types of Neoplasms.
h) Drug therapy for Tuberculosis patient.
2. a) List the causes of unconsciousness. (4)
b) Briefly describe the nursing care of unconscious patient. (8)
3. Mr. Alok admitted in Neuro Medicine ward with diagnosis of epilepsy.
a) Define epilepsy. (1)
b) List the causes of epilepsy. (3)
c) List the drugs given for medical management of epilepsy. (2)
d) Briefly describe nursing care during epileptic attack. (6)
4. Mrs. Rajkumari, 65 year old woman admitted in Medical ward with diagnosis of hypertension. Answer the following:
a) Define hypertension. (1)
b) List the etiological factors of hypertension. (3)
c) Briefly describe medical management of hypertension. (3)
d) Prepare nursing care plan for Mrs. Rajkumari for three priority needs. (5)
5. Mrs. Poornima, 40 years old woman brought to emergency with severe dyspnea. She is diagnosed as having asthmatic attack.
a) Define asthma. (1)
b) List the sign and symptoms of asthma. (3)
c) Briefly describe medical and nursing management of asthma (4+4)
6. Mr. Rajesh, 40 years old male, admitted in surgery ward with diagnosis of hemorrhoids.
a) List the types of hemorrhoids. (4)
b) Describe pre-operative and post-operative nursing care for Mr. Rajesh as he is posted for hemorrhoidectomy. (4+4)
7. Mrs. Rajni, 65 years old woman admitted in medical ward with diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.
a) List the types of diabetes mellitus. (2)
b) List the sign and symptoms of diabetes mellitus. (3)
c) Briefly describe medical management of diabetes mellitus. (3)
d) Prepare discharge planning for her regarding home care. (4)
8. Mrs. Roshni, 85 years old woman admitted in eye ward with diagnosis of cataract.
a) List the sign and symptoms of cataract. (2)
b) Briefly explain pathophysiologyof cataract. (3)
c) Prepare nursing care plan for her as she is posted for surgery. (7)