B.Sc. Agriculture III (Third) Semester Examination 2015-16

Course Code: BAG306 Paper ID: 0981376

Production Technology of Fruits and Vegetable Corps

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Max Marks: 75

Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.

uksV% dqy N% iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft,A iz'u la[;k ,d vfuok;Z gSA

1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer to 50 words). (4x5=20)

fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgh ikWap iz'uksa ds mRrj fyf[k;s ¼mRrj ipkl 'kCnks ls vf/kd ugha gksuk pkfg,½A

a) Horticulture.


b) Olericulture.

lfCt;ksa dh [ksrh

c) Tropical zone.

Å”.kdfVca/kh; {ks=

d) Forcing.


e) Pruning.


f) Patch grafting.

iSp xzkf¶Vax

g) Growth regulators.

xzksFk jsxwysVlZ

h) Propagation


2. Write in detail about the crop regulation in guava crop. (10)

ve:n dh Qly esa Qly fu;eu ds ckjs esa foLrkj ls fyf[k;saA

3. Differentiate between the following (any four): (2.5x4=10)

fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha pkj ds chp vUrj fyf[k;s&

a)  Tropical and temperate cauliflower

b)  Asiatic and European cultivars of carrot

c)  Fruits and vegetables

d)  Scarification and stratification

e)  Hoeing and boeing

f)  Thinning and roughing

4. Write down the cultivation practices of papaya and mango under following heads: (2x5=10)

fuEufyf[kr ‘kh”kksZa ds rgr iihrk vkSj vke dh [ksrh çFkkvksa dks fyf[k;s&

a)  Improved varieties

b)  Selection of site and preparation of pits

c)  Planting time and method

d)  Irrigation management

e)  Manures and fertilizer management.

5. Discuss in detail about the importance of olericulture in national economy and human health. (10)

jk”Vªh; vFkZO;oLFkk vkSj ekuo LokLF; esa lfCt;ksa dh [ksrh ds egRo ds ckjs esa foLrkj ls ppkZ dhft,A

6. Enlist the various types of vegetable classification and discuss in details about the classification based on temperature and on the basis of respiration rate after harvest with suitable examples. (10)

lCth oxhZdj.k ds fofHkUu çdkjksa dks lwfpc) dhft, rFkk mi;qDr mnkgj.k lfgr Qly ds ckn ‘olu nj ds vk/kkj ij vk/kkfjr oxhZdj.k rFkk rkieku ij vk/kkfjr oxhZdj.k ds ckjs esa foLrkj ls ppkZ dhft,A

7. Discuss in brief about the cultivation practices of okra and pea crop under following heads. (2x5=10)

fuEufyf[kr ‘kh”kksZa ds rgr fHkaMh vkSj eVj dh Qly dh [ksrh çFkkvksa ds ckjs esa ppkZ dhft,&

a)  Climate requirement

b)  Improved varieties

c)  Seed rate and spacing

d)  Weed management

e)  Harvesting

8. Write in detail about the various physiological disorders in tomato crop. (10)

VekVj dh Qly esa fofHkUu ‘kkjhfjd fodkjksa ds ckjs esa foLrkj ls fyf[k;sA