Re-appear B.Tech VI (Sixth) Semester Examination 2011-12
Course Code: ECS604 Paper ID: S966101
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75 Max Marks: 75
Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer to 50 words). (3x5=15)
a) How 8086 is superior to 8085?
b) Describe the function of 8086 instruction queue. How does it speed up proceeding?
c) What do you understand by multiplexing of address and data bus?
d) Differentiate between hardware and software interrupts?
e) Explain the use of stack pointer (SP) during PUSH and POP operation?
f) Explain the function of following 8086 instructions:
(i) LES DI,[BX] (ii) IRET (iii) HLT
g) Explain the following Pin of 8086:
(i) NMI (ii) BHE (iii) LOCK
h) Write a short note on instruction Pre-fixes for 8086?
2. a) Draw the Pin diagram of 8086? (6)
b) Explain the difference among SHORT JUMP, NEAR JUMP and FAR JUMP? (6)
3. a) Draw the block diagram of 8086 architecture and explain multiprocessor features. (6)
b) What is the meaning of C/D, RXD, RXC, DSR and TXD in 8251? Explain mode word of 8251? (6)
4. What do you mean by Addressing Mode? What are different types of Addressing Modes in 8086? Explain each of them with example. (12)
5. a) Explain in brief Data Transfer instructions of 8086 with examples? (6)
b) Give the machine code for move CH, BL, and write an assembly language program to transfer a block of 256 bytes from starting source address 20005 H to starting destination address 31000 H. (6)
6. a) Explain the assembler directives in brief? (6)
b) Explain with a neat diagram the operation and modes of 8255? (6)
7. a) What do you mean by dedicated software interrupt? Also explain its types in brief? (6)
b) Draw the functional block diagram of 8251. (6)
8. a) Draw the Pin configuration and block diagram of 8254? (6)
b) Differentiate 80186, 80286 and 80386? (6)