Date:November8, 2016
PRESENT: Mr. Schouten,Mr. Horner, Ms.Higgins-Wright, Ms.Essebag, Ada Leung, David Fan (Co-Chair), ErumRizwan*, Grace He*, HalaAbuBotain*, Kevin Kang Qiao*, LalehMarashi*, Majid Sohrabi* (Treasurer),Rev. Philip Der* (Co-Chair), Philip Zhu* (Co-Secretary), PreetiLamba*, Ruby Ganeshamoorthy*, ShaliniBhatla*, Tracy Zhao*, Waheeda Ali*, Yanhui Ma*,BitsySawhney, Cindy Ng, Maureen Ramanan
REGRETS: Karen Wong, Ping Yuan, Sandy Liu, Vik Gandhi
ABSENT: ArunaWickramage, Jennifer Chen, Patricia Kitagawa
The meeting started at 7:05 pm with a warm welcome from chair David Fan.
Approved by Philip Z and seconded by Ruby; all in favour
- APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: Both Sept 27 and Oct 13, 2016 meeting minutes were approved by Shalini and seconded by Ruby; all in favour.
- Student Council Report:
Presenters: Brent Choi, Jennifer Ma
Brentand Jennifer provided an update on current & upcoming events:
- Semi-formalis going to take place on Nov 24, 6pm – 11pm,2016 at Hazelton Manor in Vaughan. This year’stheme is 1996. Tickets are on sale at School Cash Online between Nov 8 and Nov 11.
- Joshua Cheung was electedas Grade 9 rep.
- Guest Presentation: Visual Art Teacher:
Presenter: Mr. Tryphonopoulos
- Request council for $4000 to buy 5 DSLR camera kits,
- The last time when the Visual Arts department purchased cameras was 6 years ago.
- The department has no budget to replace the old ones.
- These cameras will be used by 3 Visual Arts classes for grades 10 to 12 (about 110 students), and the photography club.
- Teacher’s Representative Report:
Presenter: Mr. Horner
- Staff had some training for 2 hours on Monday, Nov 7, 2016. It was about mental health, to help students focus on process and achieve their own success.
- Remembrance Day (Friday, Nov 11, 2016) Assembly will be in the gym during the morning.
- The last PA day (Friday, Oct 28), staff were trained on how to learn and develop.
- Midterm report cards will go to home next week.
- Principal’s Report:
Presenter: Mr. Schouten
Mr. Schouten provided an update on current & upcoming events:
- Mr. Ma and Mr. Carlos won “Catalyst for Change” award by Alpha Educations for IB History. During the teaching of the WWII history in China, they organized students to interview grandparents. They made history.
- This year’s final enrollment is 1907 students.
- IB Info Night was held on Oct 26, 2016 at Le Parc. Over 3000 people attended. The assessment will be held at Bayview Secondary School on Nov 19 AM and PM, and Nov 22 evening. Last year out of over 900 applicants, 116 were accepted to IB program. Next year, about 500 will accepted. Bayview will accept 58 students.
- A group of 29 students responded to give feedback to principal on how clubs run and club members are selected. The first meeting will be held next Monday.
- School improvement items
- At the front of the school, accessible side walk was completed, parking was repainted
- To the south of the school,a new concrete pad for bike racks was placed
- Treasurer’s Report:
- For 2016/2017 year, fundraising account available balance is $4,605.01; PRO grant account balance is $1000; and YRDSB account is $1000 for school council operation
- Fundraising Sub-committee Update:
Presenter: Grace He
- Asked how to use School Cash Online for parents to donate to school council
- Suggested to promote fundraising via E-Bulletin, and direct campaign letter to parents
- During Fall Showcase on Dec 1 at Richmond Hill Performance Arts Centre from 7pm to 9:30pm, 5 sub-committee members are assigned tasks to raise funds:donations$25or more receiving a free 2017 calendar and 50/50 raffle tickets.
- Mr. Horner offered a half page program space to school council in order to promote fundraising.
- Parent Engagement Sub-committee Update
Presenter: Shalini
- School resource officer Constable Chris will give a presentation on Thursday, Nov 17, 2016. Chris will need a computer and projector. Chris will contact Mr. Horner for setup of computer, projector, and speakersif in the cafeteria.
- Joe Rich workshop is scheduled on Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 evening
- Symposium is scheduled on Thursday, April 27, 2017 evening, starting 7pm. There are 7 to 8 workshop options.
- 2017-2017 School Council Budget
Presenter: Philip Der
- 7 funding requests: Healthy snacks, Relay for Life, Equity & Inclusive Ed Symposium, Eco Team, Visual Art 5 Cameras, Best Buddies Prom, and Visual Arts Club - Art Night.
- Council won’t support “Visual Arts Club - Art Night”, because clubs should go to student council for funding
- Majid motioned to approve the budget; seconded by Philip Zhu; passed by all in favour.
- Upcoming meeting dates: Dec 13, Jan 10, Mar2 (Thursday), April 4, May 9, June 13
- Co-chair Rev. Philip presented Bitsy a framed photo of the 2016-2017 school council members, and thanked her for the contribution to the school council for the last 8 years
Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday, Dec13,2016 at 7:00pm in the Bayview Secondary School Library
School Council Handbook
Bayview S S Constitution
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