About the list of Gasoline Dispensing Facilities

Subject to Vapor Recovery Testing:

Most Gasoline Dispensing Facilities (GDF) in the MBUAPCD, have a “Company” name and a “Doing Business As” (DBA) name.

Some have a Company name only, these will be listed, first, the DBA list then follows.

7-Eleven GDFs are listed under the word “Store”.

Chevron company GDFs are listed under the word “Station”

Conoco Phillips (76) company GDFs are listed under the word “Site”

Quik Stop GDFs are listed under the word “Station”

Phase II EVR Vapor Recovery System Type Legend with Certifying Executive Order:

Without ISD With ISD

Healy = Healy EVR system: VR201 VR202

VST = VST HH with Veeder Root Vapor Polisher VR203 VR204

VSTh = VST HH with Healy Clean Air Separator VR209

VSThi = VST HH with Hirt Thermal Oxidizer VR205

VSTm = VST HH with VST Membrane Possessor VR203 VR204

HH = Hanging Hardware (nozzle, curb hose, breakaway connector, and whip hose).

ISD Status Legend

EVR as yet, no ISD

EVRn ISD not required

EVRi Incon ISD

EVRv Veeder Root ISD

Gasoline Dispensing Facilities

Subject to VR Testing

DBA-AKA Company Name Str nb Location City Permit # Repl # Phase II Description Annual TRI Test Months

--------------- -------------------- ------ ------------------ -------------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------------------- ------ --- --------------------

101 Gas Station, 32655 Silliman Road Soledad 13931 Healy EVRi gasoline dispensing Y April or May

Inc. facility (4)

676 East Lake 676 East Lake Avenue Watsonville 14480 VST EVRv gasoline dispensing Y April or May

Avenue, LLC facility (8)

A & B Liquor 601 Broadway King City 14242 Healy EVR gasoline dispensing Y November or December

facility (4)

AJ's Fuel Market of 836 Bay Avenue Capitola 13017A Healy EVR gasoline dispensing Y April or May

Capitola, Inc. facility (8)

Alisal Union School 427 Bardin Road Salinas 14300 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y July or August

District facility (1)

Aviation Specialties 250 Airport Drive King City 12381 OPW EVRI aviation fuel storage Y February or March

Unlimited Inc. tanks

Ben Lomond Gas 9500 Highway 9 Ben Lomond 14261 VST EVRn gasoline dispensing Y July or August

facility (4)

Big Creek Lumber 3564 Highway 1 Davenport 12175 OPW EVRI gasoline storage tank Y November or December


Big Sur River Inn Highway 1 Big Sur 14272 VSTh EVRn gasoline dispensing Y September or October

facility (4)

Cabrillo College 6500 Soquel Drive Aptos 12498 OPW EVRI gasoline storage tanks Y November or December

California Highway 10395 Soquel Drive Aptos 13649 Assist-Healy gasoline dispensing Y February or March

Patrol A/G facility (2)

Carmel Highlands Highway 1 Carmel 12334 Balance gasoline dispensing Y September or October

Service, Inc. Highlands facility (4)

Carmel Towing & 4th Avenue Carmel 14282 VSTh EVRn gasoline dispensing Y June or July

Garage Inc. facility (4)

City of Hollister 1321 South Street Hollister 14293 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y July or August

facility (2)

City of Marina 3040 Lake Court Marina 12595A OPW EVRI gasoline storage tank Y July or August


City of Monterey 351 Madison Street Monterey 14181 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y August or September

facility (2)

City of Monterey 23 Ryan Ranch Road Monterey 14182 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y August or September

facility (4)

City of Pacific 2100 Sunset Drive Pacific Grove 14351 VSTh EVRn gasoline dispensing Y April or May

Grove facility (1)

City of Santa Cruz 1125 River Street Santa Cruz 14132 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y June or July

facility (2)

City of Watsonville 100 Aviation Way Watsonville 12507 OPW EVRI aviation fuel storage Y April or May

- Municipal Airport tanks and loadout


Coast Oil Company, 845 Walnut Avenue Greenfield 12098 Balance gasoline bulk loading and Y November or December

LLC dispensing facility (2)

Coast Oil Company, 103 Lee Road Watsonville 12099 Balance gasoline bulk loading and Y November or December

LLC dispensing facility (5)

Cornerstone 6320 Highway 9 Felton 14243 VSThi EVRn gasoline dispensing Y December each year

Automotive Services facility (12) or January of the

following year

County of Monterey - 2620 San Antonio Lake Bradley 13602 Assist - gasoline dispensing Y January, February,

Lake San Antonio Hasstech facility (2) or March

County of San Benito 3240 Southside Road Hollister 9601B Assist-Healy gasoline dispensing Y March or April

- Public Works Dept. A/G facility (1)

County of Santa Cruz 691 Ocean Street Santa Cruz 14115 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y July or August

- General Services facility (2)


County of Santa Cruz 201 Hihn Street Felton 12452 OPW EVRI gasoline storage tank Y November or December

- Public Works Dept.

County of Santa Cruz 2700 Brommer Street Santa Cruz 14229 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y November or December

- Public Works Dept. facility (2)

County of Santa Cruz 2750 Lode Street Santa Cruz 12454 OPW EVRI gasoline storage tank Y August or September

- Public Works Dept.

D'Arrigo Bros. 20911 Harris Road Spreckels 14063 OPW EVRI gasoline storage tank Y May or June

Company of (ORVR)


Dassel's Petroleum, 31 Wright Road Hollister 12131 Balance gasoline loading and Y September or October

Inc. dispensing facility (12)

Dassel's Petroleum, 50 Janis Way Scotts Valley 13863 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y September or October

Inc. facility (6)

Del Rey Car Wash, 810 Canyon Del Rey Del Rey Oaks 14219 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y February or March

Inc. Road facility (4)

Department of the Building 116 Fort Hunter 13691 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y May or June

Army - Fort Hunter Liggett facility (4)


Department of the Central Fuel Point Fort Hunter 14308 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y May or June

Army - Fort Hunter Liggett facility (2)


Department of the Building 230 Presidio of 13755 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y August or September

Army - Presidio of Monterey facility (4)


Devco Oil, Inc. 139 Encinal Street Santa Cruz 12425 Balance gasoline bulk loading and Y April or May

dispensing facility (7)

Don Chapin Company, 440 Crazy Horse Canyon Prunedale 14173 VST EVRn gasoline dispensing Y September or October

Inc. (The) Road facility (2)

Gavilan Aviation 200 Skylane Drive Hollister 12493 OPW EVRI aviation fuel storage Y August or September


Gonzales Ranch 800 5th Street Gonzales 14133 14756 Healy EVR gasoline dispensing Y October or November

Market, Inc. facility (8)

Granite Construction 600 West Beach Street Watsonville 14295 OPW EVRI gasoline storage tank Y September or October

Company (ORVR)

John P. Church 2 Corral de Tierra Salinas 12059 14287;14 Balance gasoline dispensing Y January or February

Road 684 facility (4)

Kato Corner Store, 398 Lighthouse Avenue Monterey 14268 Healy EVR gasoline dispensing Y July or August

Inc. facility (4)

Las Lomas Market & 307 San Juan Grade Salinas 14152 Healy EVR gasoline dispensing Y August or September

Gas Road facility (8)

Live Oak American 1200 17th Avenue Santa Cruz 14140 14479 Healy EVR gasoline dispensing Y June or July

facility (6)

Monterey Bay 32 Cannery Row Monterey 12323 OPW EVRI gasoline storage tank Y September or October

Boatworks Company, Ltd.

Monterey County 1163 Terven Avenue Salinas 10975 14121 Balance gasoline dispensing Y September or October

Petroleum facility (16)

Monterey County 721 Abbott Street Salinas 12429 14237 Balance gasoline dispensing Y September or October

Petroleum facility (2)

Monterey Peninsula Sky Park Drive Monterey 13997 OPW EVRI gasoline storage tank Y September or October

Airport Rental Car (ORVR)


Monterey Peninsula 192 Healy Avenue Marina 12167 Assist-Healy gasoline dispensing Y December each year

Engineering, Inc. A/G facility (1) or January of the

following year

Monterey Peninsula 540 Canyon Del Rey Monterey 14521 VSTh EVRn gasoline dispensing Y July or August

Unified School Road facility (2)


Monterey Regional 14811 Del Monte Blvd. Marina 14221 OPW EVRI gasoline storage tank Y June or July

Water Pollution (ORVR)

Control Agency

Monterey-Salinas 1 Ryan Ranch Road Monterey 12421 14245 OPW EVRI gasoline dispensing Y January or February

Transit facility (1)

Monterey-Salinas 443 Victor Way Salinas 12422 14246 OPW EVRI gasoline dispensing Y January or February

Transit facility (1)

Monterey-Salinas 1 Ryan Ranch Road Monterey 14245 OPW EVRI gasoline storage tank Y January or February

Transit (ORVR)

Monterey-Salinas 443 Victor Way Salinas 14246 OPW EVRI gasoline storage tank Y January or February

Transit (ORVR)

Moreno Petroleum 33 Associated Lane Watsonville 11004A Balance - gasoline bulk loading and August or September

Company Hirt dispensing facility (6)

Moreno Petroleum 1110 West Beach Street Watsonville 13735 VSTh EVR gasoline dispensing Y August or September

Company facility (6)

Moulton's Service 201 Sea Ridge Road Aptos 14234 VST EVR gasoline dispensing Y April or May

Inc. facility (8)

Naval Postgraduate Navy Exchange Monterey 13968 Healy EVR gasoline dispensing Y May or June

School Center Gas Station facility (8)

Ord Market, Inc. 2700 Imjin Parkway Marina 13302 VST EVRv gasoline dispensing March or April

facility (8)

Pacific Gas and 150 7th Street Hollister 14125 VST EVRn gasoline dispensing Y May or June

Electric Company facility (1)

Pacific Gas and 401 Work Street Salinas 14126 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y May or June

Electric Company facility (1)

Pacific Gas and 2311 Garden Road Monterey 14127 VST EVRn gasoline dispensing Y May or June

Electric Company facility (1)

Pacific Gas and 615 7th Avenue Santa Cruz 14252 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y May or June

Electric Company facility (2)

Pebble Beach Company 2700 Seventeen Mile Pebble Beach 14275 VSTh EVRn gasoline dispensing Y August or September

Drive facility (1)

Pebble Beach Company 4005 Sunridge Road Pebble Beach 14276 VSTh EVRn gasoline dispensing Y August or September

facility (2)

Pine Canyon Store, 50410 Jolon Road King City 14210 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y March or April

Inc. facility (12)

Plaza 156 1615 San Juan Road Hollister 14343 Healy EVR gasoline dispensing Y January or February

facility (4)

Salinas Union High 13 Villa Street Salinas 14279 VSTh EVRn gasoline dispensing Y July or August

School District facility (1)

San Benito Petroleum 89 3rd Street Hollister 9718C Balance - gasoline dispensing Y May or June

Hirt facility (6)

Santa Cruz Port 135 5th Avenue Santa Cruz 12506 OPW EVRI gasoline storage tank Y October or November


Scotts Valley Gas & 201 Mount Hermon Road Scotts Valley 14387 Healy EVRv gasoline dispensing Y October or November

Mart facility (8)

Selby Petroleum Inc. 8 Williams Road Salinas 13419 14259 Balance gasoline dispensing Y July or August

facility (12)

Soilserv, Inc. 1427 Abbott Street Salinas 12491 14247 & OPW EVRI gasoline and aviation Y December each year

14512 fuel dispensing facility or January of the

(3) following year

Sports Car Racing 1021 Monterey-Salinas Monterey 14318 VST EVRn gasoline dispensing Y November or December

Association of the Highway facility (4)

Monterey Peninsula

Sturdy Oil Company 1511 Abbott Street Salinas 12865 Balance gasoline bulk loading and Y February or March

dispensing facility (3)

Sturdy Oil Company 41 Porter Drive Watsonville 13938 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y February or March

facility (1)

Toro Petroleum Corp. 1285 McCray Street Hollister 10354C Balance - gasoline bulk loading and July or August

Hirt dispensing facility (3)

Toro Petroleum Corp. 448 Metz Road King City 11666 Balance - gasoline bulk loading and July or August

Hirt dispensing facility (4)

Toro Petroleum Corp. 232 John Street Salinas 14149 Healy EVR gasoline dispensing Y July or August

facility (4)

United Parcel 6 Upper Ragsdale Monterey 14143 VST EVRn gasoline dispensing Y October or November

Service Drive facility (2)

Valley Pacific 220 Commission Street Salinas 13439 14226 Phil-Tite gasoline loading and Y April or May

Petroleum Services, EVRI dispensing facility (1)


Valley Pacific 11000 Commercial Parkway Castroville 13543 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y April or May

Petroleum Services, facility (8)


Villa Hand Car Wash, 1430 South Main Street Salinas 14204 Healy EVRn gasoline dispensing Y October or November

LLC facility (8)

Wilbur-Ellis Company 999 Bitterwater Road King City 14513 Healy EVRn gasoline and aviation Y December each year

fuel dispensing facility or January of the

(2) following year

Zen Mountain Center 39171 Tassajara Road Carmel Valley 13621 OPW EVRI gasoline storage tank Y September or October

Abbott Street R & D Company 945 Abbott Street Salinas 14167 Healy EVR gasoline dispensing Y April or May

Shell facility (12)

Abbott Street Sturdy Oil Company 1511 Abbott Street Salinas 13824 14632 Healy EVR gasoline dispensing Y February or March

Valero facility (8)

Acme Car Wash William A. Pierce, 537 Abbott Street Salinas 14150 VST EVRn gasoline dispensing Y May or June

Co. Inc. facility (6)

Acme Chevron Wm. Pierce Company 2047 North Main Street Salinas 14153 Healy EVRi gasoline dispensing Y May or June

North LLC facility (8)

AJ's Chevron AJ's Fuel & Food 5955 Soquel Drive Soquel 13870 Healy EVRv gasoline dispensing Y January or February

Mart, Inc. facility (8)

Alliance Mart Toro Petroleum Corp. 2109 North Fremont Monterey 14146 Healy EVR gasoline dispensing Y July or August

Street facility (8)

AmeriGas 76 Azita Almasi 131 North Main Street Salinas 14255 VST EVR gasoline dispensing Y November or December

facility (24)

Aptos Chevron Jemal Yahya 7719 Soquel Drive Aptos 13810 Healy EVRv gasoline dispensing Y June or July

facility (8)

ARCO Facility BP West Coast 145 Kern Street Salinas 13799 Healy EVRv gasoline dispensing Y April or May

#2188 - Joemary Products LLC facility (12)

Inc. #1

ARCO Facility BP West Coast 385 East Alisal Street Salinas 13836 Healy EVRv gasoline dispensing Y April or May

#5464 - Joemary Products LLC facility (8)

Inc. #2

ARCO Facility BP West Coast 795 Rio Del Mar Blvd. Aptos 13815 Healy EVRv gasoline dispensing Y April or May

#6105 - Erlinda Products LLC facility (8)

de los Santos

Aromas 76 Karim Mehrabi & 2961 San Juan Road Aromas 12474 14273 Balance gasoline dispensing Y May or June

Gholam Baig facility (8)

Big Sur Shell Big Sur Loma Vista Highway 1 Big Sur 14254 VST EVRn gasoline dispensing Y December each year

Service Station LLC facility (4) or January of the

following year

Blanco Shell Peninsula Petroleum, 1300 South Main Street Salinas 14154 VST EVRv gasoline dispensing Y June or July

Car Wash LLC facility (12)

Boulder Creek David Jones 13211 Highway 9 Boulder Creek 14088 Healy EVRi gasoline dispensing Y June or July