Pass Road Elementary – Weekly Lesson Plans – 5th Grade
Teacher: R. Butler / Week of: Jan. 23-27 / Subject: Math
Essential Question:
·  Why does “what” we measure influence “how” we measure?
·  Why display data in different ways?
Date / CCR
Standard(s) / I can… / Procedures
TI = Teacher Input, M = Modeling, GP = Guided Practice, IP = Independent Practice
TTW = “The teacher will…” TSW = “The students will…” / Assessment/
Closure / Homework
Monday / 5.MD.2 / 1. I can identify benchmark fractions (1/2, 1⁄4, 1/8).
2. I can solve problems using line plots with halves, fourths, and eighths using any operation.
3. I can make a line plot for measurements of fourths, halves, and eighths. / IP: Remediation: Problem of the day (NBT.2)
TI: RCC Lesson 23 Modeled and Guided Instruction pgs 234-235 by reading the question at the top of the page.
M: SW complete questions 2-6 with a teacher.
GP: SW complete question 7 on pg 235 with a partner then review with the teacher.
IP: Centers / SW answer the following question as their exit ticket: Center work / Practice and Problem solving pgs 251-252
Tuesday / 5.MD.2 / 1. I can identify benchmark fractions (1/2, 1⁄4, 1/8).
2. I can solve problems using line plots with halves, fourths, and eighths using any operation.
3. I can make a line plot for measurements of fourths, halves, and eighths. / IP: Remediation: Problem of the day (NBT.2)
TI: RCC Lesson 23 Modeled and Guided Instruction pgs 236-237 by reading the question at the top of the page.
M: SW complete questions 8-13 with a partner.
GP: SW complete question 14 on pg 237 with a partner then review with the teacher.
IP: Centers / SW answer the following question as their exit ticket: Center work / Practice and Problem solving pgs 253-254
Wednesday / 5.MD.2 / 1. I can identify benchmark fractions (1/2, 1⁄4, 1/8).
2. I can solve problems using line plots with halves, fourths, and eighths using any operation.
3. I can make a line plot for measurements of fourths, halves, and eighths. / IP: Remediation: Problem of the day (NBT.2)
GP: RCC Lesson 23 Guided Instruction pgs 238-239 with a partner then review with teacher
IP: SW complete RCC 23 Independent Practice pgs 240-241 / Exit ticket: / Practice and Problem solving pgs 255-256
Thursday / NBT.5-7 / 1. I can identify benchmark fractions (1/2, 1⁄4, 1/8).
2. I can solve problems using line plots with halves, fourths, and eighths using any operation.
3. I can make a line plot for measurements of fourths, halves, and eighths. / IP: January Standards Mastery
IP: / Exit ticket: / Practice and Problem solving pages 257-258
Friday / 5.MD.3
5.MD.4 / 1. Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures and
understand concepts of volume measurement.
2. I can define volume.
3. I can recognize that unit cubes measure volume of three-dimensional shapes and label it as cubic units.
4. I can measure volume by counting unit cubes, cubic cm, cubic in., cubic ft., and improvised units. / IP: Remediation: Problem of the day (NBT.2) and Lesson 23 Quiz
TI: Review the vocabulary for lesson 24-27
M: RCC lesson 24 Introduction pgs 242
IP: SW complete questions 1 on pg 243 independently.
Centers / i-Ready / Ready CC / Teacher / Independent / Vocabulary
iReady / Center activity 5.36 / Rotation 1-3: are taken from the instructional groups profile / Ready Unit 4
Differentiation / ·  Auditory learners will benefit while participating in discussions during whole group learning and centers. TTW also be leading the class in discussion by posing questions to activate student discussion. This will allow students plenty of opportunity to hear and verbalize what they are learning.
·  Visual learnerswill be creating models to justify their answers. TTW be displaying problems to be completed individually and in small groups. The students will also have the Common Core student workbooks at their desk.
·  Kinesthetic learnerswill benefit by interacting with the computers while completing iReady and ST Math and TSW interact with the manipulatives when provided by T.
·  TTW provide additional support as needed. TTW circulate to assess student understanding and to address student misconceptions. TTW provide remediation based on results from iReady diagnostic testing in small groups. TSW be grouped according to iReady testing results.
·  TSW work on iReady math on their individual path. This program provided differentiation, as all students will be working on their own level, at their own pace.
