Baylor University Missions
STUDENT ORG Mission Trip Proposal Packet
Faculty/Staff Trip Leader(s): _*this is the F/S leader for your trip NOT the student leader
EMAILthe following to NO LATER THAN SEPT. 18th!
(Assistant Director for Missions)
- Mission Trip Proposal Packet
- General Trip Information
- Itinerary
- Detailed Risk Assessment
- Supplemental Risk Assessment Documentation(3 things!)
- International SOS (2 reports: Medical AND Security!) :
- International SOS (Member number is 11ASGC000003) ISOS
- Go to ISOS website and login using the member number.
- Under “Medical Tools”, select your country under “Country Guides” (pop-up blocker will have to be temporarily disabled).
- Click “Print/E-mail Report” on left navigation pane.
- “Select all,” then click “Create Report”. It will take you to an option to email report.
- Click “Print” icon located on the mid left of the screen.
- Go back to initial page. Under “Security Tools”, select your country. Go to left navigation pane and print the security material provided for your country.
- United States Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs
(Map AND Country Specific Information) - Centers for Disease Control (for travelers)
Baylor University Missions
STUDENT ORG Missions Trip Proposal
F/S Trip LeaderMaking Proposal: / _*this is the F/S leader for your trip NOT the student leader
Involved Student Organization: / Baylor Missions AND ALPHA BETA GAMMA
Name of Mission Trip: / BUMissions: COUNTRY ORGANIZATION ex. India Alpha Beta Gamma Team
Proposed Semester and Year: / May Minimester 2016
Proposed Travel Dates: / Depart: 05/18/2016 / Return:06/1/2016
Missions Trip Proposal
(Please use this form as an outline for your proposal and feel free to include any supporting documentation that would be helpful as this trip is reviewed.)
1.I have read and agree with the Mission Trip Leader Manual and the Missions Covenant (pg.8)(Can be found here:
Faculty/Staff Trip Leader’s (digitally) initial here: ____sign here!______
2.F/S Trip Leader’s Contact Information(Name, Email, Phone number, and Department):
Lady Bear, , 765-5555; Department of Baylor Pride
3.Student Leader(s)’s Contact Information(Name, Email, Phone number, Position):
Bruiser DelOso, 254-555-1234; VP for Recruitment for Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity
4.Student Organization Sponsoring Trip:
Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity
5.Proposed Departure Travel Date:
May 18, 2016 (Day you leave TX)
6.Proposed Returning Travel Date:
May 31, 2016 (date you return to TX, not necessarily the day you’ll leave host country)
7.All Destination Cities and Countries:
Hyderabad, India
8.Distance (in miles) between Baylor and destination (find on a website like this ):
8301.45 miles
9.International SOS Medical Risk Rating for Destination(s) (Go toISOS website, , log in using Baylor's code 11ASGC000003. A new window will open. Select the main destination country on the Medical Tools area (Country Guides) on the right side of the screen. The medical rating will be located at the top of a new pop up window. If the new windows do not appear please check to see if your web browser is blocking the new windows from appearing or "popping-up".):
10.International SOS Security Risk Rating for Destination(s) (Go to ISOS website, , log in using Baylor's code 11ASGC000003. A new window will open. Select the destination country in the Security Tools section on the right side of the screen. The safety rating will be located at the top of a new pop up window.) :
11.Is there a Department of State Warning for your Destination(s)? (Check here:
NOTE: Be aware that if any of your destinations are considered “HIGH” risk or have a travel warning, there will be a more extensive review process and your trip will need approval by the University President.
12.Who is your Student Organization Advisor? Are they also the F/S Trip Leader for this team?
D.R. Pepper, Ph.D.
13.Who is the Department Chair/Supervisor for the F/S Trip Leader?
Rufus Burleson
14.Proposed Number of Students:
15.Proposed Number of Faculty:
16.Proposed Number of Staff:
17.Proposed Number of Guests(this includes alumni & other non-Baylor participants):
18.Proposed Number of Dependents (participants under the age of 18):
19.Select mode of transportation from Waco to Destination(ie. chartered bus, etc.):
commercial air
20.Select mode of transportation in destination countries/cities (i.e. commercial air, chartered bus, etc.)
charter bus
21.Activities that will be taking place during this program(Ex: Students will be working with orphans, painting houses, running clinics, touring museums, etc.):
teaching aids at elementary school, soccer camps, and tourism activities
22.Are you working with another team/discipline/organization at Baylor?
23.Please describe your planned in-country partnerships and projects:
Impact Community India
24.Local (In-Country) Contacts (Organization/Position, Phone numbers, Addresses, E-mail Addresses):
Regina Sudheer Alexander (Impact Community India, Co-Founder). 001-01-0011-00;
25.Housing Plans(name of housing, Phone numbers, Addresses, E-mail Addresses/website):
LotusHouse Resort, Madhira,
26.Meal Plans:
We will eat breakfast at the hotel and all other meals prepared sack lunches or commercial restaurants approved/vetted by our in-country contacts
27.Proposed Itinerary(Places, Contacts, Duration of Stay):
18 May – Depart USA
19 May – Traveling
20 May – Arrive in India
21 May – Ministry at madhira primary
22 May – Ministry at madhira primary
23 May – Ministry at madhira primary
24 May – Tourism (Vijayawada)
25 May – Church in Vijayawada, Culture Dance
26 May – Work with PDN in madhira
27 May – Work with PDN in madhira
28 May – Work with PDN in madhira
29 May – Tourism (Hyderabad)
30 May – Depart India
31 May – Arrive in Waco
28.Describe structure of program leadership (to include primary faculty/staff leader and alternate leadership (student leaders or in-country contacts), and experience of leadership):
Mrs. Bear will serve as the primary leader for the trip; DelOso will provide secondary leadership. If Bear is unable to perform leadership duties, local contacts will assist DelOso in leadership of the Team
29.Describe what you are hoping for your students to gain from this experience (Purpose of Mission Trip):
- Create tangible opportunities for students to serve through their academic disciplines
- Allow students to reflect on how God might use their knowledge & skills to make a difference in the world
- Provide venues to experience & learn from another culture
- Connect students to what God is doing in & around the world
- “Educate men and women for worldwide leadership and service by integrating academic excellence and Christian commitment within a caring community”
30.How will you be promoting and recruiting for this trip?
announcements at chapter meetings; one-on-one recruitment
31.Describe program funding (including how the program is funded and who will be compensated)
Students are responsible for fundraising & payments of their individual cost. Baylor Missions will cover the cost of team leader(s). We will primarily use support letters to family and alumni; fundraiser dinner; car wash; fro-yo non-profit night.
(Complete this portion if this is your first time leading a Baylor mission trip.)
- Describe your philosophy of missions:
Click here to enter text.
- Please provide three references, including names, titles, e-mails, and phone numbers (Preferably people who are familiar with your work at Baylor):
Click here to enter text.
Risk Assessment
- Review the information provided on the following resource websites, print it out, and attach it to this proposal.
A.International SOS (Member number is 11ASGC000003) ISOS
1.Go to ISOS website and login using the member number.
2.Under “Medical Tools”, select your country under “Country Guides” (pop-up blocker will have to be temporarily disabled).
3.Click “Print/E-mail Report” on left navigation pane.
4.“Select all,” then click “Create Report”. It will take you to an option to email report.
5.Click “Print” icon located on the mid left of the screen.
6.Go back to initial page. Under “Security Tools”, select your country. Go to left navigation pane and print the security material provided for your country.
B.United States Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs
United States Department:
C.Centers for Disease Control
Center for Disease Control:
- Complete the “Risk Assessment” form (below) based on your research.
don’t forget to sign below!!!!!
*how’d we figure out the part below?! the answers are on the ISOS print out!!
Risk Assessment Form (Based on ISOS Information)Name of Program: BUMissions India Alpha Beta Gamma Mission Trip
Destination Country(ies): India
Date of Departure: 05/18/2016 Date of Return: 05/31/2016
Completed By: ______Joy Bear 08/12/16
(Signature) / (Please Print) / (Date)
Note: Risk Categories listed below must be assessed but each travel event and destination is unique and may require assessment of additional risks contingent upon activities and specific locations.
Risk Category / Risk / Risk Prevention or Risk Control Strategy
Standard of Health Care / Medium / Work with partners in-country to identify appropriate medical professionals if necessary. Also, students will be required to have vaccinations for yellow fever and immunizations recommended by the CDC prior to departure.
Medication Availability / Low / Students will travel with individuals’ prescription medications; if additional medication is needed, we will contact ISOS for information about
Contagious Disease / High / Require all students to receive vaccinations and take appropriate malaria medications. Also, all students will be provided netting for bedding and mosquito repellant.
Medium / Require students to only consume bottled water and eat food provided from approved vendors
Public Buses / None / We will not use public buses
Taxi Services / None / We will not use taxi services
Hire vehicle with driver / Low / Our partners in country have long-standing relationships with several safe vendors
Public Trains/Subways / None / We will not use public transit.
Emergency Transportation / Low / While there are no ambulance services, we will primarily be in major urban centers where medical facilities are readily available.
Driving Safety / None / We will hire experienced drivers recommended by in-country partners
Medium / We will use a hotel that provides that highest level of security and whom our partners have experience with.
Crime/Personal Safety
Petty Crime (ex. theft) / Medium / Students will not travel alone and we will restrict our activities to areas where this risk is minimal; students will be encouraged to not carry valuables with them and to keep $ and valuables close to their person.
Violent Crime (ex. robbery,assault) / Low / We will follow Baylor’s emergency action plan in case of this emergency
Kidnap/Ransom / Low / We will follow Baylor’s emergency action plan in case of this emergency
Terrorism / Low / We will follow Baylor’s emergency action plan in case of this emergency
Civil Unrest / Low / We will avoid any political events and not speak about any political issues.
Political Upheaval / Low / We will follow Baylor’s emergency action plan in case of this emergency
Natural Disaster / Low / We will follow Baylor’s emergency action plan in case of this emergency
Information Technology / Low / All students will be required to have a cell-phone with them at all times.
BUMissions 2016