February 21, 2014
Attendees: Jennifer Cannell, Chua Chau, Pravin Patel, Kathy March, Neely
McElroy, Angelica Glass, Patricia Atkinson, Shyloh Sterns, Wendy Kinnear-Rausch, Toni Nestore and Faith Battles
- Structure and Logistics of the Meeting
*vision and structure of the meeting will remain the same as was worked through and formalized by previous BAMM members
*meetings will happen every other month on the 3rd Friday from 9:30am to 12:30 as follows: 4/18, 6/20 and 10/20
*due to summer vacations the 8/15 meeting will be a conference call starting at 9:30am, to be set up by Jennifer Connell
*due to holiday vacations the 12/19 meeting is cancelled
*meetings will continue to be held at 2201 Broadway, 2nd Floor in Oakland
*conference calls are not an option for in person meetings
*the person that takes the minutes at the current meeting will prepare the agenda for the next month and facilitate that month’s meeting
- AB12
*placement of Non Minor Dependents (NMDs) in emergency situations continues to be a challenge for counties
*MarinCounty paid Seneca to recruit foster parents to take NMDs for after hour placements with the understanding CWWs will find placements for the NMDs the next day. The contract is costly but is meeting the immediate need.
*Santa ClaraCounty has 200 NMDs, anticipates exiting 50 to 60 NMDs each year and bringing in another 100 each year. Currently working with Sobrato House, a housing provider for homeless youth in their efforts to open a THP+FC placement and continue to serve homeless youth and NMDs. Sobrato House will serve as a 60 to 90 day transitional housing option to take NMDs on an emergency basis and prepare them for placement in any of the approved NMD placement options. Sobrato House will have a drug and alcohol component to the program and will function as a group home with NMDs having the opportunity to move upstairs into an apartment. Use of the RFP process for every THP+FC provider is the current approach as each provider needs a contract in Santa ClaraCounty. Santa Clara has 10 Professional Parent Beds that can be used for NMDs. They also contract with their local Holiday Inn to provide emergency short term housing for NMDs that they are struggling to place. Some expense has been incurred using the hotel option when NMDs have damaged property in the hotel. As a result they have on occasion provided staffing to supervise the NMD while they are residing in the hotel temporarily. Texas and Georgia have agreed to provide ICPC services for NMDs in Santa ClaraCounty
*ContraCostaCounty does not receive NMDs in their shelter and argues for dismissal of NMDs that are presenting with mental health needs that can better be served in the adult mental health arena
*AlamedaCounty has 420 NMDs with the majority of the NMDs choosing SILPs as their placement option. NMDs that have no placement options are allowed to come to the receiving center and efforts are made to placement them immediately. NMDs must sign a formal agreement before entering the receiving center and can be excluded from coming to the receiving center if they violate any of the rules and guidelines that are thoroughly explained to them before they enter the receiving center. The county is in need of an emergency placement option for NMDs that are without a placement.
*The issue of transferring NMDs to neighboring counties was discussed and it was mentioned that BAMM could offer a recommendation to the regional CWDA meeting that the counties not allow transfers of NMDs if they have moved to nearby counties
*the idea of sending dependents out of state on extended visits with relatives that are in the process of being approved for placement through ICPC was discussed. It was agreed up on that those visits should be short term and within the established ICPC guidelines to avoid our CWWs doing social work in another state during monthly home visits, which are mandatory.
- Katie A.
*implementation in all counties is moving slowly and understanding the process has been a task. Working with county behavioral health partners is revealing areas the two systems do not work well around, which has to be addressed.
- CWW Hiring
*Counties expressed frustration with hiring consistently and retaining new hires as many choose to leave after induction in favor of counties that have better salaries and benefits.
1. San FranciscoCounty $73k to $93k per year
2. AlamedaCounty $69k to $80k per year
3. ContraCostaCounty $58k to $75k per year
4. Santa ClaraCounty $61k to $82k per year
5. San MateoCounty $55k to $81 k per year
*Contra Costa last hired in August of 2013 and is looking to do a continuous hiring to get back to their staffing numbers before their Reduction in Work Force. Although hundreds of applications are submitted once the hiring has started they are losing staff to other counties that have more competitive salaries and benefits. Current exam for CWWs has been changed and is multiple choice.
*MarinCounty is attempting to hire 12 social workers, 3 clinical social workers and 5 benefit analysts. Confirmed 4 of the 12 social worker hires.
*Santa CruzCounty needs 5 CWWs but applicants continue to decline the hiring offers.
*Santa ClaraCounty consistently has 20 CWW vacancies and is doing continuous hiring for the 2 and 3 level CWWs. The struggle is getting enough 3 level CWWs due to qualifications glitch. The 2 level CWWs have an 80% caseload and are not automatically promoted to the 3 level after passing probation, with very few choosing to promote to the 3 level. Interns are being hired to relieve some of the workload but can only work a certain number of hours due to the limitations on that type of hiring.
AlamedaCounty is looking to hire 15 to 20 CWWs in the summer after having hired a large number of CWWs that just completed probation.
- BayAreaAcademy Update
*Manager CORE begins April 2014
*Will begin CWW CORE for Santa ClaraCounty on March 4, 2014 and CWWs that need to make up sessions are welcomed to attend
*Will complete 11 CORE Trainings this year
NEXT MEETING: April 18, 2014 at 9:30am
*Neely takes minutes
*Wendy facilitates
June 20th
*Pravin takes minutes
*Neely facilitates
October 17th
*Chua takes minutes
*Toni facilitates