Bibliographic Compilation of Scientific Reports on the Health Effects of Radiation Exposure: A Guide for Activists.

Compiled by Kizzy Charles-Guzmán.

Published and distributed by the GlobalResourceActionCenter for the Environment

New York.

Journal Articles

Alexander FE, Cartwright RA, MacKinney PA, Ricketts TJ (1990) Leukemia incidence, social class and estuaries: an ecological analysis. Journal of Public Health Medicine 12(2): 109-17.

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Baverstock K (2000) Radiation-induced genomic instability: a paradigm-breaking phenomenon and its relevance to environmentally induced cancer. Mutation Response 454: 89-109.

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Carpenter et al., (1998) Cancer mortality in relation to monitoring for radionuclide exposure in three nuclear industry workforces. British Journal of Cancer 78(9): 1224-1232.

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Clarke RH (1999) Control of low-level radiation exposure: time for a change? Journal of Radiological Protection 19(2): 107-115.

Cook-Mozzaffari PJ, Darby SC, Doll R, Forman D, et al. (1989) Geographical variation in mortality from leukemia and other cancers in England and Wales in relation to proximity to nuclear installations, 1969-78. British Journal of Cancer 59: 476-485.

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Darby S, Olsen JH, Doll R, et al. (1992) Trends in Childhood Leukemia in the Nordic Countries in Relation to Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Testing. British Medical Journal 304: 1005-9.

Dickinson HO, Parker L (1999) Quantifying the effect of population mixing on childhood leukemia risk: the Seascale cluster. British Journal of Cancer 81(1): 144-151.

Doll R, Wakford R (1997) Risk of childhood cancer from fetal irradiation. British Journal of Radiology 70: 130-139.

Dubrova YE, Grant G, Chumak AA, StezhkaVA, Karakasian AN (2002) Elevated Minisatellite Mutation Rate in the Post-Chernobyl Families from Ukraine. American Journal of Human Genetics 71: 801-809.

Dubrova YE, Nesterov VN, Jeffreys AJ et al. (1996) Human minisatellite mutation rate after the Chernobyl accident. Nature 380: 683-686.

Dubrova YE, Nesterov VN, Jeffreys AJ (1997) Further evidence for elevated human minisatellite mutation rate in Belarus eight years after the Chernobyl accident. Mutation Research 381: 267-278.

Dubrova YE, Plumb M, Brown J, Fennelly J, Bois P, Goodhead D, Jeffreys AJ (1998) Stage specificity, dose-response and doubling dose for mouse minisatellite germline mutation induced by acute radiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 95: 6251-6255.

Dubrova YE, Plumb M, Brown J, Boulton E, Goodhead D, Jeffreys AJ (2000) Induction of minisatellite mutations in the mouse germline by low-dose chronic exposure to γ radiation and fission neutrons. Mutat Res 453: 17-24.

Dubrova YE, Bersimbaev RI, Djansugurova LB, Tankimanova MK, Mamyrbaeva ZZ, Mustonen R, Lindholm C, Hulten M, Salomaa S (2002) Nuclear weapons tests and human germline mutation rate. Science 295: 1037.

Draper GJ, Little, MP, Sorahan T, Kinlen LJ, Bunch KJ, Conquest AJ, et al. (1997) Cancer in the offspring of radiation workers: a record linkage study. British Medical Journal 315: 1181-1188.

Dupree EA, Watkins JP, Ingle JN, Wallace PW, West CM, Tankersley WG (1995) Uranium dust exposure and lung cancer risk in four uranium processing operations. Epidemiology 6: 370-375.

Eakins JD, Lally AE, Cambray RS, Kilworth D, Morrison RT, Pratley F (1984) Plutonium in sheep feces as an indicator of deposition on vegetation. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity: 187-105.

Fry SA (1998) Studies of U.S. radium dial workers: an epidemiological classic. Radiation Response 150: S21-29.

Gapanovich VN, Iaroshevich RF, Shuvaeva LP, Becker SI, Nekolla EA, Kellerer AM (2001) Childhood leukemia in Belarus before and after the Chernobyl accident: Continued follow-up. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 40(4): 259-267.

Gardner MJ, Hall AJ, Snee MP, et al. (1990) Methods and basic data of case-control study of leukemia and lymphoma among young people near Sellafield nuclear plant in West Cumbria. British Medical Journal 300: 29-34.

Gilbert ES, Petersen GR, Buchanan JA (1989) Mortality of Workers at the Hanford Site: 1945-1981. Health Physics 56: 11-25.

Gofman John W “X-Rays and Breast Cancer,” (letter), Journal of the American Medical Association Vol.274, No.22: 1762. December 13, 1995.

Gofman John W “Breast Cancer and Very-Low-Dose X-Rays,” (letter), Lancet Vol.346: 1701. December 23/30, 1995.

Goldman M (1996) Cancer risk of low-level exposure. Science 271: 1821-1822.

Gould JM and Sternglass EJ (1989) Low Level Radiation and Mortality. Chemtech 19: 18-21.

Gould JM and Sternglass EJ (1993) Breast cancer: evidence for a relation to fission products in the diet. International Journal of Health Services 23: 783-804.

Gould JM and Sternglass EJ (1994) Nuclear Fallout, Low Birth Weight and Immune Deficiency. International Journal of Health Services 24: 311.

Hatch MC, Wallenstein S, Beyea J, Nieves JW, Susser M (1991) Cancer rates after the Three Mile Island nuclear accident and proximity of residence to the plant. American Journal of Public Health 81: 719-724.

Hjalmars U, Kulldorf M, Gustaffson G (1994) Risk of acute childhood leukemia in Sweden after the Chernobyl reactor accident. British Medical Journal 309: 154-157.

Hjalmars U, Kulldorff M, Gustafsson G, Nagarwalla N (1996) Childhood leukemia in Sweden: Using GIS and a spatial scan statistic for cluster detection. Statistics in Medicine15: 707-715.

Hohenemser C, Deicher M, Hofsass H, et al. (1986) Agricultural impact of Chernobyl: a warning. Nature 321: 817.

Holm LE, Lundell G, Wicklund KE, et al. (1988) Thyroid cancer after diagnostic doses of Iodine-131: a retrospective study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 80: 1132-1136.

Hornung RW, Meinhardt TJ (1987) Quantitative risk assessment of lung cancer in U.S. uranium miners. Health Physics 52: 417-430.

Hotzl H, Rosner G and Winkler R (1989) Long-term behavior of Chernobyl fallout in air and precipitation. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 10(2): 157-172.

Ivanov EP, Tolochko G, Lazarev VS, et al. (1993) Childhood leukemia after Chernobyl. Nature 365: 702.

Ivanov EP, Tolochko GV, Shuvaeva LP, Becker S, Nekolla E and Kellerer AM (1996). Childhood leukemia in Belarus before and after the Chernobyl accident. Radiation Environmental Biophysics 35: 75-80.

Ivanov EP, Tolochko GV, Shuvaeva LP, Ivanov VE, Iaroshevich RF, Becker S, Nekolla E, Kellerer AM (1998) Infant leukemia in Belarus after the Chernobyl accident. Radiation Environmental Biophysics 37(1): 53-55.

Jablon S, Hrubec Z, Boice JD (1991) Cancer in populations living near nuclear facilities: A survey of mortality nationwide and in two states. Journal of the American Medical Association 265: 1403-1408.

Jeffreys A, Dubrova YE, Nesterov VN, et al. (1996) Human minisatellite mutation rate after Chernobyl. Nature 380: 683-686.

Johnston PN, Lokan KH, Williams GA (1992) Inhalation doses for Aboriginal people reoccupying former nuclear-weapons testing ranges in South Australia. Health Physics 63: 631-640.

Joshi SR (1988) The fallout of Chernobyl radioactivity in Central Ontario, Canada. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 6: 203-211.

Kazakov VS, Demidchik EP, Astakhova LN (1992) Thyroid Cancer after Chernobyl. Nature 359: 21.

Kellerer AM, Nekolla EA (2000) The LNT-controversy and the concept of “controllable dose.” Health Physics 79: 412-418.

Kershaw PJ, Denoon DC, Woodhead DS (1999) Observations on the redistribution of Plutonium and americium in the Irish Sea Sediments 1978-1996: concentrations and inventories. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 44(2-3): 191-221.

Kinlen LJ, Craft AW and Parker L (1997) The excess of childhood leukaemia near Sellafield: A commentary on the fourth COMARE report. Journal of Radiological Protection 17(2): 63-71.

Kneale GW, Mancuso TF, Stewart A (1981) Hanford Radiation Study III: a cohort study of the cancer risks from radiation to workers at Hanford (1944-77 deaths) by the method of regression models in life tables. British Journal of Industrial Medicine 38:156-166.

Kulldorff M, Athas W, Feuer E, Miller B, Key C (1998) Evaluating cluster alarms: A space-time scan statistic and brain cancer in Los Alamos. American Journal of Public Health 88: 1377-1380.

Likhtarev IA, Kovgan LN, Vavilov SE, Pervoznikov ON, Litvinets LN, Anspaugh LR, Jacob P, Pröhl G (2000) Internal exposure from the ingestion of foods contaminated by 137Cs after the Chernobyl accident—report 2. Ingestion doses of the rural population of Ukraine up to 12 years after the accident (1986-1997). Health Phys 79: 341-357.

Likhtarev IA, Kovgan LN, Jacob P, Anspaugh LR (2002) Chernobyl accident: retrospective and prospective estimates of external dose of the population of Ukraine. Health Phys 82: 290-303.

Luning G, Scheer J, Schmidt M, Ziggel H (1989) Early infant mortality in West Germany before and after Chernobyl. Lancet ii: 1081-1083.

Mangano, J (1994) Cancer Mortality Near Oak Ridge, Tennessee. International Journal of Health Services 24(3): 521-533.

Mangano J (1996) Chernobyl and hypothyroidism. Lancet 347: 1482-1483.

Mangano J (1996) A Post-Chernobyl Rise in Thyroid Cancer in Connecticut, USA. European Journal of Cancer Prevention 5: 75-81.

Mangano J (1997) Childhood leukemia in US may have risen due to fallout from Chernobyl. British Medical Journal 314: 1200.

Mangano J (1999) A Rise in the Incidence of Childhood Cancer in the U.S. International Journal of Health Services 29: 393-408.

Mangano J, Gould JM, Sternglass EJ, Sherman JD, Brown J, McDonnell W (2000) Strontium-90 in Deciduous Teeth as a Factor in Early Childhood Cancer. International Journal of Health Services 30(3): 515-539.

Mangano J, Sternglass EJ, Gould JM, Sherman JD, Brown J, McDonnell W (2000) Strontium-90 in Newborns and Childhood Disease. Archives of Environmental Health 55(4): 240-244.

Mangano J (2000) Improvements in Local Infant Health After Nuclear Power Reactor Closing. Journal of Environmental Epidemiology and Toxicology 2: 32-36.

Mangano J, Gould JM, Sternglass EJ, McDonnell W, Sherman JD, Brown J (2000) The Strontium-90 Baby Teeth Study and Childhood Cancer. European Journal of Oncology 5: 119-125.

Mangano J, Sherman J, Brown J (2000) Cancer in Baseball Players: A New Outbreak? Pesticides, People, and Nature 2(1).

Mangano, J Elevated Childhood Cancer Incidence Proximate to U.S. Nuclear Power Plants. Archives of Environmental Health.In press Spring 2003.

Michaelis J, Keller B, Haaf G, Kaatsch P (1992) Incidence of childhood malignancies in the vicinity of West German nuclear power plants. Cancer Causes and Control 3: 255-263.

Michaelis J, Kaletsch U, Burkart W, Grosche B (1997) Infant leukemia after the Chernobyl Accident. Nature 387: 246.

Mikhalevich LS, Lloyd DC, Edwards AA, Perepetskaya GA, Kartel NA (2000) Dose estimates made by dicentric analysis for some Belarussian children irradiated by the Chernobyl accident. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 87(2): 109-114. Available online: URL:

Miller RC, Randers-Pehrson G, Geard CR, Hall EJ, Brenner DJ (1999) The oncogenic transforming potential of the passage of single alpha particles through mammalian cell nuclei. Proceedings of the NationalAcademy of Science (USA) 96(1): 19-22.

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Muirhead CR (NRPB) (1998) Childhood cancer and nuclear installations: a review. Nuclear Energy 37(6): 371-379.

Müller H (1964) Radiation and Heredity. American Journal of Public Health 54: 42-50.

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Nekolla EA, Kellerer AM, Kuse-Isingschulte M, Eder E, Spiess H (1999) Malignancies in patients treated with high doses of radium-224. Radiation Research 152: S3-S7.

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