Battles of the Civil War Project

You will be choosing an important battle from the Civil War and creating a poster that describes your battle’s significance. You must work alone for this project. You will randomly select your battle. You may trade with a fellow classmate, but no two people should be working on the same battle.

Due Date:  A Day – 12/1/14  B Day – 12/2/2014

  • Late assignments will be accepts with a 10 point penalty per day
  • It doesn’t matter what day you have me, if it is due 12/1 and you turn it in 12/3, I take 20 points off
  • Weekends count for 2 days, so be careful!
  • If you are absent the day that your poster is due, you need to email me a picture of your poster and a copy of any info that you have on your poster. This will prevent people from skipping the due date to get extra time to work. If you are absent 12/1 and you send me what I have asked for, you must bring it to me as soon as you return to school. If I find out that you returned on the 2nd, but didn’t give me your project until the 3rd, it’s 10 points off.

Creating the Poster:

Mechanics of the Poster (10points):

Name of the event

Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.

Visually appealing using color, appropriate pictures, appropriate size writing for people to be able to see it from 3 ft. away, grouped information, pictures, maps


Everything must be colored (nothing left in pencil or rough draft form)

Map of Battle (10 Points)

May be hand drawn or printed from computer (if printed, cite source in your works cited page)

Important Person(s) (10 points):

Name of the person(s)

Picture of person (may be hand drawn, if printed, cite source in your works cited page)

Description of this person(s)’ importance during your battle (5-7 sentences)

Battle Write-Up (30 points):

Write a brief account of the battle including but not limited to:

  • Describe who was involved
  • Why and where it took place (location and landscape of the battle)
  • What was the result?
  • Casualties?
  • Winners?
  • Losers?
  • Did anyone important make a name for themselves in this battle or die?

Monument (10 points):

Design a monument for your battlefield

This must be an original work of art (no printing from the computer)

Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) explaining the monument’s design

  • Why does it look the way it does?
  • What does your monument symbolize?

Works Cited (5 points):

A Works Cited page needs to be attached to the back of your poster

  • Book: Last Name, First name of Author. Book Title. City Published: Publisher, Year Published.
  • Website: Last Name, First Name of Author (if there is one). “Title of Page.” Name of Entire Website. Year last updated. Organization who posted it. Date you looked at it. Entire website address.

I am looking for your own fresh insight into your chosen battle. I am not looking for regurgitated, encyclopedia-heavy information.

No,,, or should be used.

Sites in question must be approved by me in advance. When in doubt, ASK!

Presentation of your Poster. You are the expert!!! (25 pts)

Create a “Top 10” list of the things your classmates need to know about your battle

Be able to answer any questions your classmates or teacher might have regarding your specific event

You will need to make sure that your presentation is properly rehearsed to receive full credit for the presentation.

Rubric for presentations:

CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Comprehension / Student is able to accurately answer almost all questions posed by classmates about the topic. / Student is able to accurately answer most questions posed by classmates about the topic. / Student is able to accurately answer a few questions posed by classmates about the topic. / Student is unable to accurately answer questions posed by classmates about the topic. / Student does not demonstrate comprehension.
Listens to Other Presentations / Listens intently. Does not make distracting noises or movements. / Listens intently but has one distracting noise or movement. / Sometimes does not appear to be listening but is not distracting. / Sometimes does not appear to be listening and has distracting noises or movements. / Student does not demonstrate active listening at all.
Preparedness / Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed. Presentation is 4-5 minutes long. / Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals. Presentation is 3 minutes long. / The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking. Presentation is 2 minutes long. / Student does not seem at all prepared to present. Presentation is 1 minute long. / Student does not demonstrate preparedness since he/she did not present.
Uses Complete Sentences and Speaks Clearly / Always (99-100% of time) speaks clearly in complete sentences. / Mostly (80-98%) speaks clearly in complete sentences. / Sometimes (70-80%) speaks clearly in complete sentences. / Rarely speaks clearly in complete sentences. / Student cannot speak in complete sentences and mumbles.
Volume / Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members throughout the presentation. / Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 90% of the time. / Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 80% of the time. / Volume often too soft to be heard by all audience members.

Total Points Possible = 100

Please note that projects = 1 test grade