Battle Hill PTA Minute 3/1/16

Attendance: Anita Laverity, President
James Jensen, 1st VP
Ilda Olivera, 2nd VP
Mary Bentivegna, Corresp. Sec.
Denise Castro, Rec. Sec.
Nancy, BOE Liasoon
Started at 7:03 pm
Flag salute
Roll call of officers

Treasure’s Report

1.  Balance forward: $ 23,177.20

2.  Deposits $4,765.19

3.  Disbursements: $2,988.09

4.  Balance as of today $24,957.30

President’s Report

1.  Gertrude Hawk orders will be delivered 3/10. Pick up in back of auditorium after school. And in the evening…Time TBD

2.  4th grade dance 3/11 with red carpet theme

3.  Ryan’s cases for smiles 3/16 at 3:30. BH staff will bring sewing machines. Please donate either $5 in an envelope marked “Fabric with students name and teacher” and we will purchase the fabric OR 36”x44” (1 yard of 44 in.) fabric. MUST BE 100% cotton, washed in unscented detergent and without dryer sheets.

4.  BHPTA sponsored Omega Man assembly on 3/17

5.  BH Family Bingo night 3/18….MUST rsvp to attend

6.  80’s dance 4/8…1pm dismissal that day, we need volunteers to help set up after school

7.  Need volunteers for nominating committee for next year PTA to meet with Mr. Hoyt

8.  Send in box tops please. Submissions have gone down since December

9.  Paid PTA members join our FB page BHPTA 07083

10.  Opportunities to Volunteer….

a.  4/21-4/22 B1G1 Book Fair

b.  5/13 School Fair rain date 5/20

c.  6/10 4th grade picnic rain date 6/14

d.  6/22 4th grade celebration

11.  Nominations for life members coming up

12.  Need volunteers to go to town meeting the 2nd Tuesday of the month

13.  Thank you to everyone who helped make Mother/Son a great night. Margaret spent all day at career and then came and spent all night at the dance making sure things ran smooth with Jim, so thank you

14.  Had gym night for grade 3 & 4, no issues

15.  Teachers will be having pasta night 4/29 to benefit the memorial fund

16.  We will be bringing back the “Sweet Table” for the teachers after break, a letter will go home and it will be coordinated by grade per week

17.  Jenn Brooks: A motion to increase budget by $1,500 for 4th graders to receive a baseball tee shirt this year and annually going forward. Second the motion by Vera Marques. All in favor

Teacher’s Liason Report:

1.  Thank you for oranges and tee shirts

2.  Heart wars raised $287

3.  Pie day, 3/14, donate $1 and throw a whip cream pie at a teacher

4.  3/22, “Mark” day, Donate $1, and purchase a strip of duct tape to take Mr. Hoyt to the wall


1.  Pre-K teachers thank you for scholastic subscription

2.  Thank you from 5 below for the fundraiser

3.  Thank you from St. Michael’s food pantry for the donations

Questions from the floor:

1.  Can classrooms request books? – each classroom will receive 100 scholastic dollars to purchase books with

2.  Can a PTA board member run for a 3rd term?-----If nobody else runs

Meeting adjourned 8:05 pm
