Batley Parish J I N C of E School Reception Newsletter Friday14th October 2016
Dates for your diaryFamily service is every Tuesday morning at 9.10am and we welcome all families to come and join us.
PE sessions are on a Monday afternoonwith Miss James and on a Friday morning with Mrs Ashton.Your child must wear a PE kit on these days. Please bring your child’s PE kit on a Monday and then take it home each Friday.
Library books are changed every Friday.
Harvest festival will be held in Church on next Friday 21st October at 2pm. We welcome all of our parents and families. Our children will be performing the song, ‘Dingle, Dangle, Scarecrow.’ /
Star of the week!
This week we have chosen Awais Walton for being our super star of the week! Awaishas been chosen for his amazing art work.
Our Class Learning
This week the children have been continuing learning about the importance of being a good friend. On Wednesday, Mrs Jennings shared the story, ‘Friendships,’ and the children had a lovely afternoon making friendship bracelets, drawing pictures of their friends and building models. We have continued to share our classroom rules and talk about the importance of kind hands and kind feet.
On Thursday the children began learning what happens at Harvest time and where their food comes from. We used some of the rhubarb growing in the school grounds and used Google to find out how and where it grows. We also learnt about how we use wheat to make breads and cereals, which vegetables grow in the ground and which fruit is picked. We will continue this next week as we celebrate the Christian festival of Harvest with the children. We plan to listen to share the story of the Little Red Hen and encourage children to join in with the oral retelling of it. We will be making and tasting different breads and we will be creating observational drawings of different fruits and vegetables. It makes for a an exciting last week of the first half of our Autumn term.
Messages to Parents
Learning together mornings!
We would like to say thank you to those parents who have been able to join us on our learning together mornings. We are going to have a focus next week. On Monday we will be focusing on handwriting. On Wednesday children will join their phonics groups and you can join in with their session. We have attached a list of which group your child is in. On Thursday we will have a maths focus. For safeguarding we will close the door into the cloakroom and we ask that you leave when the session has finished and a member of staff opens the door.
Changing reading books
Your child’s reading book can be changed every Monday. We ask that you change your child’s book with them. Wewill open the door at 3.00pm so that there is time for you to do this between then and home time. We will put the pink floppy phonics books and the lilac wordless books on the tables for your convenience. Please can you record in their reading book the title of the book and the date it was changed.
If your child has received an orange spelling book, please can you practise these at home and return them every Thursday. A spelling test will be carried out each Friday.
Lost Property
We have had a number of jumpers and other items of clothing going missing. This tends to be after PE sessions. We try to encourage the children to put their clothing in their bags. Please can I ask that you check inside your child’s uniform to make sure that they have the correct item of clothing and that it doesn’t belong to another child. Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Phonics groups
Your child has a daily session of phonics. Please see the list below for which group your child is in;
Miss James
Husnah, Mohammed, Awais, Kohl, Daniel, Nikola, Adam, Yusuf, Habeebah
Mrs Mulla
Zahi, Rayhan, Eva, Elsa, Mason, Aimee, Zaynah, Issac, Sanaa, Naill, Addison, Zainab
Mrs Saloo
Ebony, Charlie, Drew, Lulu, Alicia, Casey, Finley, Sarrinah, Etheshaam
Parents comments/ suggestions
If you have any comments or suggestions that you would like to make/ ask about your child’s learning, please feel free to do so here….