Application form: HEA-funded bursary for dissertation on the Houses of Parliament
The Houses of Parliament and the Higher Education Academy (HEA) are offering a limited number of bursaries for post-graduate students writing a dissertation on any aspect of Parliament. The bursaries are funded by the HEA, and are designed to cover the cost of a one-day visit to Parliament. Parliament’s Outreach Service will assist you to arrange activities during this visit, such as a tour of Parliament, meetings with relevant Parliamentary staff and viewing of Parliamentary business. Bursaries of up to £350 will be allocated, based on the distance from Westminster of your higher education institution. If successful, you will be responsible for booking your own travel and accommodation.
Please note that these bursaries are designed to support substantial pieces of research examining an aspect of Parliamentary procedure or Parliament as an institution, rather than research on British politics or Government. If your research proposal is still subject to confirmation, applications may still be submitted on the understanding that the details, although not the core subject, of the research may change. If you have any queries regarding this, please contact Parliament’s Outreach Service on or 020 7219 1650.
To apply, please complete the form below and return it to 12 midday on Friday 3rd May 2013. Please ensure that your application has been approved by your dissertation supervisor or Head of Department in Section 3 of this form. The person who approves the application will be contacted to confirm the validity of your dissertation proposal should you be successful.
Applications will be judged on the criteria below, so please bear this in mind when completing the form.
- Clarity of dissertation proposal
- Relevance to the study of Parliament
- Potential impact of the visit to Westminster on the final dissertation
Full assessment criteria can be seen at
Section 1: Your details
Email address
Telephone number
Degree course
Dissertation supervisor
Section 2: Your dissertation
Title of dissertation
a)Summary of dissertation proposal (max. 150 words)
b)Why would a visit to Parliament enhance your dissertation? (max 100 words)
c)How would you propose to use your time at Parliament, e.g. who would you aim to engage with, what would you intend to watch or experience? When answering this question, please be realistic about the time you will have (one day) and the people you will be able to meet. Parliament’s Outreach Service will not arrange meetings with politicians. (max 100 words)Section 3: Confirmation and approval
To be completed by applicant
I confirm that the information on this form is an accurate account of my proposed dissertation.I agree to use any bursary granted to me for travel and subsistence expenses for a visit to the Houses of Parliament in London. I will use this visit on activities at Parliament which will further and support my dissertation.
I agree to send a copy of my submitted dissertation to Parliament’s Outreach Service.
I understand that the bursary allocation decision will be made by Parliament’s Outreach Service, and that this decision is final.
To be completed by dissertation supervisor or Head of Department
I confirm that the information on this form is an accurate account of the above named student’s dissertation proposal.I support the above named student’s application for a bursary for a visit to the Houses of Parliament.If the above named student’s application is successful, I am happy to be contacted to confirm the validity of this dissertation proposal.Name
Email address
Telephone number
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