Basically what i remember was storming into a room. In full gear.Military? Police idont know. I had a rifle and i felt pretty shaken up i remember shouting at this guy (never seen him before not that i can recall anyways) how get git everyone killed . Maybe i was a lone survior, not sure. Anyways i yelled at him a brief exchange ensued and then i raised my rifle and shot him. Immediately afterwards iremeber crawling through something like a fence and being surrounded by armed men in gear, police or military dont know. Crawled back through the fence and then suddenly im in like an office building but the situation didnt change.Still surrounded. It was then i turned the rifle on myself and shot myself (idont even know why!) But im not sure i died i remember feeling a sharp pain in my head but everything skipped to almost like a third person aspect but ididnt see my body or any body for that matter but it was like i was listening to a radio broadcast in a living room of sorts on an old timey radio. Really static-y and i remember hearing my name and at thia point i felt anger and then immediately woke up. I don't generally remember dreams. But this one has me deeply concerned. Help?
JustAnswer: Good afternoon. I am hopeful that I can assist you today. Your dream is very interesting and I do understand your concern for an interpretation. I hope that you will bare with me while I provide a thorough answer. In the meantime, will you provide me a bit of information about any recent transitions in career, relationship, or other areas of life that you may have gone through or are possibly anticipating?
I transitioned into armed security mod november of last year. And while doing this for a few months and up until now irealised that i want to be a police officer. And right about that time my relationship kind of took off In a good way. Ive been studying law on my own time forbsaid job but thats about the only real change
Just Answer: I would like to share some information that has been suggested in dream information. I think it is important to know these facts when interpreting dreams, but also just interesting tidbits...."Some researchers believe that dreams help you to tackle stress. Dreaming is a necessity and helps to recharge the mind and revitalize the body. In dreams, negative emotions tend to occur twice as often as pleasant feelings. Fear and anxiety are the most commonly expressed emotions in dreams, followed by anger and sadness." In your dream you experience different emotions: "afraid", then "safe, at peace, happy, and calm." I tend to like the approach taken by Carl Jung. His research suggests that "Since dreams are a way of communicating with the unconscious, Jung believed that dream images reveal something about yourself, your relationships with others, and situations in your waking life. Dreams guide your personal growth and help in achieving your full potential. Jung also believes that the dream's manifest content is just as significant and revealing as the latent content. By simply discussing what is currently going on in your life, it can help you interpret and unlock the cryptic images of your dreams. Jung's method of dream interpretation is placed more confidently on the dreamer. He believes that you all possess the necessary tools to interpret your own dreams. There is no one correct way to interpret a dream. The meaning of your dreams is a personal judgment and is up to you on how to interpret them. Whatever interpretation feels right to you is most significant and more important than what someone else thinks or believes."Jung views the ego as your sense of self and how you portray yourself to the world. Part of Jung's theory is that all things can be viewed as paired opposites: good/evil, male/female, or love/hate. So working in opposition to the ego, is the "counterego" or what he refers to as the shadow. The shadow represents the rejected aspects of yourself that you do not wish to acknowledge. The shadow is more primitive, somewhat uncultured, and a little awkward. I believe in your dream you are processing aspects of yourself called the persona and the shadow. Here is a definition of each:
"The Persona is the image you present to the world in your waking life. It is your public mask. In the dream world, the persona is represented by the Self. The Self may or may not resemble you physically or may or may not behave as your would. For example, the persona can appear as a scarecrow or a beggar in your dream. However, you still know that this "person" in your dream is you.
The Shadow is the rejected and repressed aspects of yourself. It is the part of yourself that you do not want the world to see because it is ugly or unappealing. It symbolizes weakness, fear, or anger. In dreams, this figure is represented by a stalker, murderer, a bully, or pursuer. It can be a frightening figure or even a close friend or relative. Their appearance often makes you angry or leaves you scared. They force you to confront things that you don't want to see or hear. You must learn to accept the shadow aspect of yourself for its messages are often for your own good, even though it may not be immediately apparent."
So, as you mentioned, you are processing transitions. I am working from memory and I apologize. Your dream is much like a movie sequence in many ways. It sounds as though you are almost removing yourself from things in a way to gain more insight in clarity, as this may also occur in your waking life in order to process the directions that you feel are best for you....So, symbolically, what I am seeing is that there is a military presence, or at least that authoritative feeling, almost as if you are trying to take charge of your own life and make the decisions that are suggestive of you being able to provide, protect, and preserve what you want most. You seem to be coming upon obstacles, but rather than allowing these to be areas of conflict, it sounds like you are trying to take the opportunity to overcome these. in your "shadow" you seem to be more aggressive, but that does not mean you are an aggressive person, but it does suggest that you are driven, unafraid of a challenge, and willing to persevere. You "storm" into a room, facing the obstacles head on. You attack the issues and have a focus on your goal or accomplishment. You may have a sense of hidden anger or frustration at times because you may even feel that you are tackling so many tasks at once, and also attempting to nurture a relationship. You carry a rifle, symbolic of power, pride, attacking obstacles with strength, but also a sense of defensiveness. Maybe you have had to deal with people's opinions or doubts, or maybe it has felt that you haven't had the support you have wanted at all times. You also may have felt that with your previous experience, you have had to protect yourself and the rifle is significant of this. It may be time to think about approaching problems from another approach and make sure that you feel that all is in order for your transition. You crawl through a fence, which is actually symbolic of your will power, drive, and also fore-thought. It sounds like you are going in the right direction to overcome obstacles. The act of suicide in a dream is not necessarily a negative thing-- it can be an example of self-sacrifice. It can be symbolic of the time and energy you are putting into all of your endeavors. It may also be a sign of personal transformation or a new you. In the next part of your dream, you experienced hearing static on a radio broadcast. This suggests that maybe you are attempting to raise your awareness and intuition about your next steps. I am curious if your radio broadcast was also like an emergency broadcast suggesting, a feeling of "getting aspects of life in order and taking action." Overall, whatever questions you may have about what you are moving toward, it seems that your dream is actually very indicative that you can face any fears and also that the transitions you are making are positive :)
Listen to your gut about your choices and have faith in yourself to accomplish these things.
I feel a bit more at ease about it.
And yes it was like an old fashioned emergency broadcast. Before the television. It was all just so much of the unknown and it disturbed me deeply.
What would you think about the shooting of the individual? How he got all of us killed. Is there some kind of symbolic meaning for these two events do you think?
Just Answer: I am glad you are at ease. I think that shooting the person in the dream is more about "shooting for a goal" and destroying anything that would hold you back in reaching what you want, or that your plans are "on target." Often in dreams, if we are working from specific perspectives, the unknown person that seemed threatening, was actually symbolic of an aspect of you. It could be the emotion of fear that leads to doubt or the unknown. It could also be that you may be rejecting something of yourself that you do not understand. I am curious about something, was there the presence of an "armed guard?" This could actually be more relatable to your waking life than you realize, especially considering your career of choice and previous career. An armed guard is a practical, cautious, and careful person.... you could have been the "guard" attempting to be this practical and logical person in the dream, but you had to rid yourself of negative thinking.... or even impulse-- we can't have impulsive police officers running around :)
I couldnt honestly recall. But upon thinking about it. I remember storning into the door. Sweeping right then left thrnthete he was in the center of the room. People all around maybe 4 or 5. It was like a confrence room several desks and tables. I ran up to him grabbed his arm and spun him around and loomed at him and told him how he got us all killed. Face blurred or unrecognizable and he kinda like took an aggressive postirethats when i brought the rifle up and fired twice. Then it transitioned into the fence bit .
When i was surrounded they were armed personnel. And idont know if they were corrupt because they didnt shoot it was just an intimidation factor it seemd like and thats when i went back through the fence the second time. And was met with the same scene and here is where i turned the rifle on myself.
What originally bothered me was that i would never actively go searching for a problem. Imyhe the type to defuse a situation and only attack in defense and or preservation of myself or of those im responsible for.
Just Answer: I think your last sentiment is very telling of the type of man you are and provides more insight into the dream's meaning. You are the "type to defuse a situation and only attack in defense and or preservation of myself or of those im responsible for." I think this may be why you had the confrontation with someone who may not have used the same caution, fore-thought, or logic that you feel is necessary for success. This could be indicative of your fears of not operating with as much preparation as you would prefer. I think that you are someone who rightfully protects what is virtuous and noble. You have a strong sense of values and when someone demonstrates poor judgment it frustrates you, or if you have ever felt less than prepared and made a big decision, you may even have felt guilt. You walked into a room and made a "sweep right to left, also suggestive of your usual thorough decision making. You like to be prepared and take precaution as needed. Blurriness in a dream can mean different things. It can suggest that there is something that you are not ready to face, which makes a bit of sense, but it can also mean that you may continue to have a sense of confusion or feel a bit insecure about a decision-- I wonder if you fear sometimes that you may not be able to manage the emotional responsibilities as an officer, or partner. I think that is a natural and humble feeling actually and very healthy, but this may be hard for you to admit. You may usually, in your waking life, prefer to feel in control, and there may be a sense that someone is keeping something from you or maybe it is difficult to not always know what your day to day will look like as you are entering a very unpredictable field.
I don't think that you were looking for a problem, but actually attempting to find a solution.... you just have to trust your instincts in doing so. Release yourself from any negative energy that causes doubt.