Overcalls at the One Level. A simple suit overcall at the 1-level shows only a decent to good 5-card suit,KQT9x, for example,and 8+ HCP. There’s no promise to bid again. Partner will lead that suit whenever possible, so don’t overcall with bad or weak suits. Later, you may balance with it, but don’t overcall with one.And focus on texture in your suit:KQT9x is a lot better than KQ632, even with the same 5 HCP.

It is legal and rarely OK to overcall at the 1-level (only) with a super strong4-card suit, like ♦AKJT. Partner won’t know that you have only 4, so you take all the responsibility for any disasters that occur. It’s primarily a Lead Directing overcall, and usually in a minor suit. Where is an auction that starts [1♣ - 1♦ …] going? In Diamonds? Nah.

A 1 NoTrump overcall shows 15 to 18 HCP and good (double?) stoppers in the overcalled suit. [1♠- 1NT …]. “Systems are On” for the partner of the 1NT overcall.
NT responderconventions such as Jacoby Transfers and Stayman operate as though overcaller had opened 1NT. [1♠ - 1NT- P - 2♦# …]. A Jacoby Transfer to Hearts.

Conventional or Preemptive Overcalls. Conventional overcalls include Unusual 2 Notrump, Michaels Cue Bid, Tops & BottomsorWeak Jump Overcalls.

With a 6+ card suit and 10 HCP or less, consider a Weak Jump Overcall as a preemptive tactic, especially when not vulnerable. WJO’s can be at the 2 or 3 or even 4 level, in any seat. The weaker you are, the higher you should preempt. [1♣ - 2♠ -???] 4th seat cannot bid anything.

If none of the above apply, pass and considering balancing on the next round.

Responses to One Level Overcalls [1♣ - 1♠ - P - ???]

Forcing?Traditionally, a new suit in response to an overcall was forcing one round, so responders had to be careful not to put overcaller into an impossible situation for her rebid.

Nowdays, we preferNFConst: Non-Forcing but Constructive, meaning a good suit and no support for the overcall. [1 - 1♠ - P - 2♦. . . ] 2♦ is not forcing but shows a good 5+ card Diamond suit, HCP andno (0 or 1 card) support for partner’s suit.

A Cue Bid is the only forcing response. [1 - 1♠ - P - 2♥ . . . ] Showing 3+ Spades and 10 to 12+ dummy points.

- Whenever possible, responses should be raises and not new suits, even with Ax or Kx in partner’s suit or any 3-card support. Isn’t ♠A2 as valuable as ♠432? Yep!

- All direct raises should be weak and preemptive: with an additional trump for each level. [1♣ - 1♠ - P - 3♠] Shows 4 Spades. A 2♠ response shows 3 Spadesand ? HCP.

- Hands of Limit-Raise strength (10 to 12 dummy points) should cue bid opener’s suit.
[1 - 1 - P - 2 . . .] This is the only forcing response, a CBLR with 3+ trumps.

- 1 NT is a non-forcingbid if you have stoppers in opener’s suit but can’t raise partner’s overcall. Overcaller will probably pass 1NT, but if he bids again, other than to raise his suit, showing 6+, it’s “Systems On” time.2NT is theoretically possible or even 3NT, once a decade.


LHOPartnerRHO Your Bid Points? Cards? Forcing?

1 ♣1 ♥Passa. 2 Hearts ______

b. 3 Hearts ______

c. 4 Hearts ______

Partner’s points? Shape? d. 2 Clubs ______

e. 1 Spade ______

______f. 1 NoTrump ______

g. 2 Diamonds ______

1 ♦ 1 ♠Doubleh. 2 Spades ______

i. 3 Spades ______

RHO’s hand?j. 4 Spades ______

Points? Shape?k. 2 Clubs ______

______l. 2 Diamonds ______

m. 1 NT ______

Answers follow . . . ..


LHOPartnerRHOYour Bid Points? Cards? Forcing?

1 ♣1 ♥Passa. 2 3 Hearts and ? dummy pts

b. 3 4 Hearts and ? dummy pts

c. 4 5 Hearts and ? dummy pts

Partner’s points? Distribution? d. 2 3+ Hearts, 10 to 12 pts. (a CBLR)

e. 1 4+ Spades, ?? HCP, ? Hearts

__8 to 14__ _?___5+__?_?_ f. 1 NTLess than 3 Hearts, Clubs
well stopped, 6 to 9 HCP

g. 25+ Diamonds 10+ HCP, NFrc.

LHO PartnerRHO Your Bid Points? Cards? Forcing?

1 ♦ 1 ♠Doubleh. 23 Spades, ?? HCP

i. 34 Spades, ?? HCP

RHO’s hand?j. 45 Spades, ?? HCP

k. 25+ Clubs, 10+ HCP, forcing

4 Hearts, 8+ HCP, some Clubsl. 23+ Spades, 10-12 points (a CBLR)

m. 1 NT Balanced 8 – 10 with Diamond,
Heart and Club stoppers.

Overcalls at the Two Level. A suit overcall at the two level promises a decent to good 5 or 6-card suit and 12+ HCP, i.e., a hand that would have opened. There’s no promise to bid again. Partner will lead the suit whenever possible, so have a good suit;KQTxx, for example. Don’t overcall at the 2-level with a suit like J9652. Partner will lead it for bad results, and declarer will know where all the missing points are: poor defense. With a poor suit, pass and balance with it laterif appropriate.

- With a good 6+ card suit and 10 HCP or less, consider a Weak Jump Overcall as a preempt, especially when not vulnerable. WJO’s can be at the 2 or 3 or even 4-level. Have an additional trump for each level you jump. [1♥ - 2♠ …] Not Alerted.

- The opener and the 2-level overcaller both have about 13 HCP, so the other two hands can only have about 7 points each, if divided evenly. At the point of the overcall, it’s not clear which side has the balance of power, so distribution and suit rank and vulnerability all will play a part in the determination of the final contract. Don’t assume the opener will always or even usually become the declarer: Fight!

- If none of the above apply, pass and considering balancing on the next round.

Responses to Two Level Overcalls

Whenever possible, responses should be raises and not new suits, even with as little as ♠Kx or any 3-card support.

- All direct raises should be weak and preemptive: show partner how many trumps you have: single raises show 3; double raises show 4, etc.

- Hands of Limit Raise value (10 to 12 dummy points) with 3+ trump for partner should cue bid opener’s suit. [1 – 2 – P – 2 . . .] CBLR

- 2 NT is a possible non-conventional call if you have stoppers in opener’s suit and can’t raise partner. Even 3NT is possible, as when you have a running minor, for example, and stopper(s). Remember; winning Duplicate is about Tricks, not HCP.

Quiz – 2 Level Overcalls and Responses
What is your response to
[1 – 2 – P – ??? ]
2. ♠AKT ♥95 ♦KJXX ♣QJXX
3. ♠Kxxx ♥9XX ♦K32 ♣AJT
6. ♠JT9 ♥K5 ♦ATXXX ♣AXX
7. ♠98x ♥AJ9XX ♦Q ♣QJTX
8. ♠KX ♥XXX ♦KQT9XX ♣XX / Responses
What is your response to
[1 – 2 – P – ??? ]
1. ♠AJTX ♥QXX ♦QJTX ♣xx

Answers follow . . . .

Quiz ANSWERS – 2 Level Overcalls and Responses
What is your response to
[1 – 2 – P - ??? ]:
2. ♠AKT ♥95 ♦KJXX ♣QJXX
3. ♠Kxxx ♥9XX ♦K32 ♣AJT
6. ♠JT9 ♥K5 ♦ATXXX ♣AXX
7. ♠98x ♥AJ9XX ♦Q ♣QJTX
1. 4♣ (Splinter- GF in Hearts)
2. 3NT
3. 2
4. 3♥
5. 2
6. 3♥ ?
7. 4♥
8. 3♥ / Responses
What is your response to
[1 – 2 – P - ??? ]
1. ♠AJTX ♥QXX ♦QJTX ♣xx
1. 2 CBLR
2. 2 CBLR
3. 4
4. 3
5. 2NT
6. 3
7. 2
8. 3NT

Takeout Doubles.Make a Takeout Double when RHO bids a suit in front of you and you have a hand of opening strength but no decent 5+ card suit to bid.

[1 – Dbl …]. It tells your partner you have support for all unbid suits, guaranteeing 4 of any unbid major suits – Spades in this example. Since you have told your whole story with this one call, you typically will not bid again.

[1 – Dbl . . . ] Shows 4 Spades and an opening hand, including minors.
[1 – Dbl . . . ] Promises 4 – 4 or at least 4 – 3 in the majors and an opener.

You can bid a new suit – not responder’s bid suit - after Takeout Doubling only if you have 18+ HCP, as you have forced your partner to bid and she has bid all she thinks you can make. You can raise her suit in competition with less than 18 HCP, but you can’t change suits with less than 18 HCP.

[1♥ - Dbl - P - 2♣ P - 2♠ ….] 2♠ shows 18+ and a good 5 – 6+ card Spade suit because partner doesn’t have 4 Spades and may have only a few points and NO Spades. You forced her to bid, so you must be ready to play for 8 tricks with no Spade help in dummy.

Balancing Takeout Doubles. If you have passed your first opportunity to bid and subsequently double for takeout, you are balancing and show less than an opener. [1– P – 1NT – P P – Dbl …] means “Partner, let’s compete for the contract; I have 4 or more Spade cards and some HCP.” Notice opponents are both limited: (1NT & P).

Responses to Takeout Doubles. Your partner’s Takeout Double says he has an opening strength hand and support for anything you bid. Your task is to bid as high as you think you can make, given an average opening strength hand by partner. He probably is not going to bid again, so bid it all at once.

(See What to Bid? and How High to Bid? below.)

HisTakeout is not the start of a conversation between the two of you - - it’susually his only bid, so you, the responder, are the Captain – figure it out.

Takeout Doubles are the same in 4th seat: [1 - P - 2 - Dbl ???] An opening strength Takeout Double, looking for a Spade contract. Infrequent, but the same nevertheless. These Heart bidders may have only 18 HCP between them.

What to Bid?

If RHO passes partner’s Takeout Double, you must bid something, even with 0 points.
For example: [1♣– Dbl – P – ???]

Bid any 4+ card major suit; maybe even a 3-card major to stay low if weak; or,

Bid your longest minor suit – not “strongest” but longest, or,

Holding stoppers in opponent’s suit, bid 1 NoTrump.

How High to Bid?

With0 to 7 points, bid at the lowest level you can. [1 – Dbl – P – 1 . . .].

With 8 to 10 points, jump a level; [1 – Dbl – P – 2 . . .]

with 11 or 12 points, double jump ; [1 – Dbl – P – 3 . . .]

with 13+ points, jump to game. [1 – Dbl – P – 3NT . . .] or 4♠.

After [1 – Dbl – P – ???], what should you bid with these 4 hands?
JxQJxx Txxx KJx 2 (discount the Spade Jack)

AJT9 Qx Axxx Qxx 3 NoTrump

xx Jxxx xxxxx Kx 2, the lowest possible bid showing a major suit fit

x Qxx Jxxxx Axxx Not 3 or 3: 2 is better, even with only
3 cards in the suit. Stay at the 2-level if possible.

A Second Double? After [1 - Dbl -2♠ - P P - Dbl - P - ???].
What to bid afteryou passedon the first round, but partner doubled again?

Is that 2nddouble for penalty? Certainly not: he has the other suits, not tricks in Spades. So what does it mean? He is quite strong and shapely, so wants you to bid something so as not to let the opponent’s play in 2♠, or to push them up alevel.

[1 – Dbl – 2♠– P P - Dbl–P - ???] If responder (3rd seat) passes, you must bid something – your longest suit, regardless of your HCP. If responder bids 3♠, you are off the hook, but partner has pushed themup a level with his 2nd double.

A Third Double?? That’s got to be for penalty, even if it isn’t. Pass.

Responsive Double. The bidding has been [1 - Dbl - 2 - ??]. You want to bid something with your 9 HCP but can’t bid NoTrump over Clubs and don’t have a 5+ card suit.

If you have 4 Spades and 4 Hearts and 8+ HCP, can you bid?Remember, you are no longer forced to bid because of the intervening 2 call. You are making a “free bid”, showing a decent 8+ HCP hand with shape.

Make a Responsive Double. It means “Partner, I have something to say, but my values are in the unbid suits and I don’t have a 5-card suit”. [1 – Dbl– 2 – Dbl . . .] This 4th seat Responsive Double says “Partner, I’m not broke but can’t bid: you pick a suit and I’ll have decent support for you: I promise.”

Other Responsive Double Sequences:

(a)It’s the same if opponents don’t bid and raise a suit: [1 – Dbl – 2 – ?]
If you want to bid and your majors are each 4cards long, make a Responsive Double to tell partner to bid her best major. Again, rememberyou aren’t forced to bid.

(b) Bid the same if it goes: [1 - Dbl - 1NT - ???]. Often third hand bids 1NT with a few scattered points in an attempt to shut 4th hand out and be the first side to bid NoTrump (a good defensive bidding strategy).

(c) If your partner overcalled – not doubled - at the one level, you can still make a Responsive Double, but be cautious, especially Vulnerable. Her overcall at the one level might be just 8 points and a good suit. [1 - 1 - 2 - Dbl P -- ???]

You may be better off to raise Spades with ♠Kx or ♠Qx than force her too high.

(d) If she overcalled at the 2-level, she has an opening hand, so it’s less risky. If she doubled at any level, her suits may be short, but she has opening hand HCP values.

Recommendations: Responsive Doubles are usually played thru 2♠ or 3♠. But if you’ve not played them before, learn them first by only making a Responsive Double if partner has Takeout Doubled – not if he has overcalled in a suit.
When he Takeout Doubles and you Responsive Double,it’s easy for him to know what you are saying: “Partner, pick a suit; I have support for anything you bid.”

© Bob McConnell, 2018 Pg. 1