Annual Implementation Plan 2015

Gordon Primary School


Based on Strategic Plan developed for 2014-17

Endorsement by School Principal / Signed………………………………………. (Principal’s signature)
Name…………Russel Cowan……………………………….
Date………………1 /12/ 2014……………………………
Endorsement by School Council / Signed………………………………………. (School Council President’s signature)
Name………Shane Hall………………………………….
Date………………1 / 12 / 2004……………………………


Strategic Intent

Goals / Targets / One Year Targets
Student Learning / To Improve student learning outcomes and learning growth through the school in Literacy and Numeracy. / School to develop individual student targets in Literacy and Numeracy against AUSVELS.
School to develop individual student targets related to learning growth as assessed by teacher judgements and NAPLAN. / Effective PLT structure to accommodate shared practice and planning implemented.
student targets related to learning growth attained – assessed by the revised assessment schedule (including NAPLAN)
Spelling Mastery embedded throughout the school
Student Engagement / To increase student engagement and learning confidence through greater personalisation of learning.
To continue improving staff relationships, responsibility and accountability. / To improve the following measures in the SATS.
Learning confidence to 4.3 in 2017.
Student motivation to 4.6 in 2017. / Learning confidence to 4.3 at years end.
Student motivation to 5.0 at years end (revised target that exceeds 4 year plan based on current level of achievement).
Student Wellbeing. / To further build resilience in and relationships between students. / To improve the following measures in the SATS
Student morale from 5.61 to 6.00 in 2017.
Connectedness to peers 5.0 for both year 5 and 6. / Student morale at 6.0by years end.
Connectedness to peers at 5.0 by years end.
Student Pathways and Transitions / To prepare students socially, emotionally and academically for the next stage of their learning. / To continue to achieve 90% or above satisfaction in the following measures in the POS.
Transitions 2013-2017
Approachability 2013-2017. / Achievement of 90% or above in the POS areas of:
Transitions and Approachability
Productivity / To improve the ways in which resources [human, financial, time space and materials) are allocated to ensure optimum learning outcomes for students. / To continue to achieve a 90% or above satisfaction in SOS
Staff Wellbeing
Supportive Leadership. / Achievement of 90% or above satisfaction in SOS in the following areas
Staff Wellbeing
Supportive Leadership.


Key Improvement Strategies
and Significant Projects / What
the activities and programs required to progress the key improvement strategies / Who
the individuals or teams responsible for implementation / Achievement milestones
the changes in practice or behaviours
Build teacher capacity in English and Mathemeatics instruction with a particular focus on Spelling.
Develop an effective learning environment where formative assessment and effective use of data to improve teaching and learning is embedded in everyday practice.
Strengthen whole school curriculum planning [P- 6 continuum in English & Maths, Term Planners, Weekly program planning with explicit differentiation] based on AUSVELS.
Plan for increasingly more purposeful inquiry, deep rich and personalised learning with increased focus on learning about the world and global issues beyond Gordon P.S.
Further develop an innovative ICT environment to enhance learning motivation and engagement.
Plan for more customised learning with higher levels of student responsiubilty for learning,student decision making and enhanced provsion of feedback to students.
Enhance leadership, teamwork,accountability and communication across the school. / Develop a Strategic professional learningplan to build teacher capacity in the areas of whole school planingincluding a common writing approach, Numeracy teaching strategies, Assessment for learning, PeerObservations and feedback practice.
Continue improving systems to record, track and regularily discuss studentsresults and progess (assessment schedule / SPA)
Strengthen assessment for learning with a focus on consistent pedagogy and expectations and consisitent record keeping using the student performace analyser.
Plan for enhanced leadership for staff, students, and parents with genuine opportuniites for distributed leadrship across the school.
Incude improvements in relationships , leadership, and accountability in teachers performance plans.
Further develop teachers capacity to plan more powerful, rich and open-ended inquiry learning experiences which cater for the personalised needs of all students.
Teachers make specific plans to provide enhanced feedback to students about their learning. This to include development of explicit learning intentions and success criteria before each lesson. / Principal / PLT’s to focus on point of need. Shared planning and shared teaching to further develop abilities to teach to point of need. Peer observations to be regular with feedback discussed on a monthly basis at PLT’s (focus on VCOP and numeracy). All staff to use the assessment cycle effectively – Assess – Plan -Develop – Deliver.
Principal / Embedspelling mastery across whole school including explicit teaching time within the timetable.
VCOP – Teachers to develop student abilities in using Vocabulary, connectives, openings and punctuation in their writing
Numeracy – Teachers to use assessment to plan Rich based tasks that develop understanding of content and the ability to use and apply these skills in everyday life (following school curriculum).
All teachers able to identify students point of learning and develop strategies to inform learning intentions and success criteria. Demonstrated in planning.
teachersable to identify students point of learning and developing strategies to inform learning intentions and success criteria.
Build staff capacity to teach using Rich Based tasks that cater for the personalised needs of their cstudents (using school curriculum) – evidenced through planning doccumentation.
Resource new computers for senior class
Staff to collect and present evidence of their performance standards being met for teacher performance reviews.
Junior School Council minutes show the seeking of student feedback, discuss ion of student needs and possible developments.
Curriculum leaders in Numeracy Spelling Literacy and PE to focus on the use of Success Criteria and Learning Intentions across their KLA’s. Evidenced in Planning
School Captains to lead the junior school council assisted by senior teacher. Students to discuss needs and feed this back to school management.
All staff to lead an area of the school, work as a PLT in teams and communicate back to the whole staff on a weekly basis. Focussed on school targets.
All teachers.
Improve relationships and resilience by introducing and consistently implementing a whole school approach to student wellbeing. / In consultation with whole school community, implement a whole school approach to building resilience, wellbeing and relationships. / Principal and all staff. / Agreed approach to be discussed at staff and community level. Implemented as discussed and needed.
Provide personalised pathways through school for each student based on individual developmental needs. / Develop effective communication with parents through individual class information packs (start of year or entry into class) / Principal
Teacher. / Prep Information Pack and School Information Booklet updated and professionally presented.
New families to be kept in regular contact with the school through our social media, newsletters and other forms of communication
Teachers to maintain a presence at the gate to communicate with parents in an informal manner.
Newsletters each term from each grade and teacher.
Allocate human and financial resources to optimise student learning outcomes and support teacher development and morale. / Strategic allocation of all staff to specific learning areas to maximise student learning outcomes across all classes and for all students. / Principal / School Long Term Planning document completed and distributed to staff.
Priority needs including: Technology, HPV, “Boys, Girls and Bikes”, Multi LIT, and VCOP to be resourced and implemented.
Professional development Annual Plan completed and resourced
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