Finance Manager
Part timeflexible hours (2/3 days), permanent post
Salary25-30kpro rata
Responsible to Charity Director
Interviews: March 2014
The Brain And Spinal Injury Centre (BASIC) is affiliated to the Greater Manchester Clinical Neurosciences Unit at Salford NHS Hospital Trust. BASIC exists to meet the needs of patients and their families when medical treatment has ended and they are largely left to fend for themselves with the consequences of brain injury and long-term neurological conditions. The programme of activities during includes provision of information & education about acquired brain injury and its recovery, psychological, emotional and peer support, cognitive rehabilitation, vocational rehabilitation, self development, lifestyle information and advice, a power-assisted exercise facility, accredited and non-accredited training courses, volunteering, a working training cafe and social activities. The charity employs thirteen staff in order to provide a variety of services at the Centre for approximately 650 people a year.
Summary of the role
You will be a member of our Management Team and be responsible for the financial administration, development and implementation of procedures and systems to support the effective control of financial resources. In addition you will support the Director and staff team on financial matters and provide regular reports on income and expenditure for quarterly management accounts for the board of trustees. Your role may also include supervising volunteers helping with finances.
You will have broad range of experience in finance and accounting systems, including financial controls, cash-flow, balance sheets, payroll systems and yearly accounts. In addition you will be experienced in using computerised accounting software SAGE.
The successful candidate will be able to work unsupervised, work to deadlines and prioritise their own workload.
The job role includes:
1.Input into the financial aspects of fundingapplications and sources of funding.
2.Providing financial reports for Funders and attending Trustee meetings to present and discuss finances.
3.Setting and monitoring budgets for each project within BASIC and provide quarterly statistics
4.Managing invoicing and financial administration for:
Personal health budgets and Personal Budgets (from April 2014)
Private clients referred by solicitors, invoicing for funding contracts from charitable trusts, statutory contractsand personal budgets.
Right to Control client administration
- To support Vocational Consultant (Philip Johnson) with the completion of all related administrative duties for clients that have been referred to BASIC from JCP under Right to Control Client Funding.
Other invoices for charges for services
- Invoices for chargese.g. benefits forms/appeals/tribunals
- Invoices for private EMDR/CBT
- Invoices for Room Hire
Administration and monitoring of Direct Debit system for gym members
- To monitor direct debit collections received via external company DFC.
- To contact DFC with any changes/queries with regards to gym members subscription payments/membership.
- To provide Body BASIC staff with a list of all ACTIVE direct debit payments/ FROZEN or UNPAID fees
- Ensure weekly income (cash/cheque) is collected from all Centre activities i.e. BodyBASIC/Café/Nutrition/Shop/Acupuncture/Aromatherapy/Grant Funds/Donations etc.
- To calculate and record income received weekly and ensure income is deposited in Barclays Bank.
- Balance Paying in slips with bank book and statements
Payment of monthly bills online
- Logging onto Barclays online, monitoring accounts, making transfers when required, paying monthly bills online e.g. HMRC/Pensions/project costs
- Transfers from deposit to current a/c when necessary to cover large bills.
- Introduce other payment options and alternatives
5.SAGE data input
- Logging onto Barclays online, monitoring accounts, making transfers when Logging of all income and expenditure on SAGE accounting programme
- Preparation of data for the Director for Trustee meetings
- Reports on income and expenditure for different services at BASIC for Director
6.Managing Petty cash
- Approving small scale expenditure, keeping a spread sheet of income and expenditure for accountants
7.Knowledge of charity accounting and SORP
8.Attendance and input at Trustee meetings
9.To provide meaningful information for the Director, Trustees and staff as and when required.
10.Research and establish pensions for staff who don’t currently have them.
Qualifications Required
Qualified – ICAEW or ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)
QBE – Quantified by experience