Baseball Rules and Draft Procedures201620172018
The objective of the HVBSA shall be to promote, exhibit, and instill firmly in the children of the community, the ideas of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, and respect for authority, so that they will have the opportunity to become well adjusted, stronger, and happier children, grow to be good, decent, healthy and trustworthy citizens, and develop the athletic abilities of each child only in a manner consistent with the foregoing objectives.
Coaches are going to be the first and primary contact that most children and parents will have with HVBSA. You will be the most important factor in the players learning and enjoying the game of baseball.
- Be prepared - Arrive at practices and games early. Make sure you are prepared and have your practice and pre-game warm-ups planned out in advance.
- Communicate – Give parents as much information as possible. Let them know what to expect during the season and what responsibilities they need to fulfill. By phone or email keep them up to date on expectations, schedules and duties.
- Parent involvement – Especially with younger kids, get the parents involved. The parents can help run drills and keep players moving.This means less time waiting around. It will make things easy for you and fun for the children.
- Attitude – Your attitude towards players, opponents and umpires will set the tone for the children, parents and other coaches. Set a good example and treat everyone with respect.
- Educate yourself – You are a teacher. Learn enough to teach the kids properly.
- Fun – Make it fun, this is why the majority of the kids come to play.
Manager & On Field Coaches - Certification Requirements
All on-field personnel are required to have fulfilled the requirements of the Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Coaching Certification program; that they meet the “Minimum Standards for Volunteer Coaches Safety Orientation and Training Skills Programs” (N.J.A.C. 5:52), and that they have a valid Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y. Program certificate (or equivalent certificate from another sport), and provide proof of a completed background check within the past five years to the Township of Hopewell.
3Sample Calendar
4 Game Day Procedures and Important Contacts
5 Coach/Parent Responsibilities
6General Rules All Cal Ripken Divisions
9Field Preparation
10Instructional and Rookie Rules
11A Division Rules
13AA Division Rules
14AAA Division Rules
15Majors Division Rules
16 Babe Ruth Division Rules
18Divisional Guidelines for player placement
19Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Draft Rules
23Position Chart Sample
24Blank Position Chart
25Coach Code of Conduct
26Parent Code of Conduct
27Hitting tips from Mark Gola
28Coaching tips from Ken Harrison
HVBSA SampleAnnual Calendar
Dates are approximate and will be slightly different each year, most dates will move to the closest Saturday.
September 1stSelection of District Level Travel and All Star Managers
September 7thFall Ball Begins
September 30thSpring travel team tryouts
October 15thNomination meeting for HVBSA officer candidates
October 25thFall Ball Ends/Fall Clean up
November 1stElection of new officers
November 15thBudget proposed, reviewed and approved by Administrative Committee
November 15thRegistration dates and fees are set by the Baseball/Administrative Committee
December 1stRegistration opens
January 15thHVBSA decides on hosting anySummer tournaments for District One
February 1stSelection of Travel Coaches by the Baseball Committee
February 15thCoaches are selected for each recreation division
March 1stRegistration closes (late registration is open for two weeks at additional fee)
March 1stPlayer evaluations are held as well as selection of Travel team players
March 2nd to 15thDivisional assignment for each player is determined by each Division’s coaches and the Divisional Coordinator
March 10thRookie Division team assignments are made
March 12thParent meeting for parents new to the league
March 15thTeams are drafted
March 16thPractices start
Mar 20th to Apr 6thField Days
April 7thSeason starts
April 15thPicture Day
April 20thAll Star Coaches are selected
May 1st to May 15thAll Star player tryouts
June 3rd Regular season play ends playoffs begin
June 15thPlayoffs end
Jun 15th to Aug 1stAll Star season
July 1stFall Baseball registration begins
August 15thFall Baseball registration ends (late registration open for three weeks)
HVBSA Game Day Procedures
Cal Ripken Divisions
Home Team
The playing field belongs to the Home Team. The Home Team Manager is responsible for scheduling parents for game day field maintenance before and after all Home Games.
- If the field conditions are questionable the Home Team Manager (or his representative) must arrive at the field at least 90 minutes prior to game time.
- If, in the Manager’s judgment, the field is unplayable or believesthe game should not proceed due to inclement weather, he must call the Visiting Team manager and notify the following individuals No later than 75 minutes before game time.
- Babe Ruth, Majors, AAA and AA Managers must call or text Chris Tobia at 609-304-3303
- Snack Bar Coordinator:Lorie Zangrilli r send a text to (609) 203-0502
- Email scheduler Chris Tobia at nd cc your coordinator to reschedule
- Majors / AAA:Andy Halko at
- AA /A:Brian Heaphy at Chris Tobia at
ii.AA /A:Brian Heaphy at Andy Halko at
- Tee Ball: Bobby Richk at
Please be aware that if the umpire is not notified 75 minutes prior to game time, the league is obligated to pay the umpire for the game!
- The Home Team is responsible for raking, watering (if necessary) and lining the field in preparation for the game. At the end of every game, the pitching mound and home plate area must be raked and tended before leaving the field. Maintenance of the mound is critical.
Rain/Lightning Procedures
At the first sign of lightening or thunder, all players should be removed from the field. Players must leave the field for a minimum of 30 minutes. If you hear thunder or see lightening again the 30 minute clock restarts. If the conditions are still not favorable after 15 minutes, the game may be called at Umpire’s decision.
Rain delays and games being called due to weather or darkness are up to the umpire’s discretion. Before the start of the game, the game will be called if the two managers and umpire consider the field unplayable.
The decision to call a game must be made 70 minutes before the scheduled start of the game. It will be the home team’s manager’s responsibility to call the opposing coach, umpire and snack bar manager and the AA CoordinatoSchedulerr. We will have very limited availability for make-up games, if any, so do your best to get all the games in.
If you have any questions contact Baseball Vice PresidentChris Tobia Terry Wardat 267-885-9828609-304-3303or email at .
Coach/Parent Duties
Coach Duties
- Draft Team.
- Distribute Uniforms.
3.Distribute Raffle Tickets.
- Lead your team in Field Day activities.
- Hold weekly practice.
- Prepare Snack Bar and Field Duty list.
- Home Team make sure field is prepared before and after game.
8.Visiting Team make sure snack bar parent is on duty prior to game.
- Make sure dugout is clean at the end of game.
- Report game results to League Coordinator.
Parent Duties
- Show up on time for practice and pickup of your child on time. It’s better if you stay and help with the practice in whatever capacity you are able.
- Make sure your child is properly dressed and has the correct equipment for both games and practice.
- Preferably spikes, or sneakers if you do not have spikes.
- Hat
- Glove
- Protective Cup
- Warm clothing, including batting gloves for cold weather
3.Sell all of your raffle tickets, it helps hold down registration fees.
- Show up for Field Day – mandatory. No buyouts.
- Arrive early on days you have field duty or snack bar duty.
- Cheer for your team.
- Do not say anything negative about Players, Coaches or Umpires.
- Make sure your children clean up anything they brought into the dugout.
HVBSA Participant Code of Conduct
Youth sports programs play an important role in promoting the physical, social and emotional development of children. It is therefore essential for parents, coaches and officials to encourage youth athletes to embrace the values of good sportsmanship. Moreover, adults involved in youth sports events should be models of good sportsmanship and should lead by example by demonstrating fairness, respect and self-control.
HVBSA Code of Conduct
To uphold this athletic standard, Hopewell Valley Baseball & Softball Association (HVBSA) requires, as a condition of registering their child/children for a HVBSA activity*, and as a condition for anyone (parents, Coaches, participants, attendees, and administrators) who attends or participates in an HVBSA activity, that they review and agree to the following Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct is available at
I pledge to be responsible for my words and actions while attending, coaching, officiating or participating in any HVBSA activity, and shall conform my behavior to the following:
1. I will not engage in any physical or verbal behavior that interferes with a Manager or Coaches’ ability to instruct or communicate with their players.
2. I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
3. I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any Coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
4. I will not engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety or well-being of any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
5. I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety or well-being of any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
6. I will not use drugs or alcohol while at a youth sports event and will not attend, coach, officiate or participate in a youth sports event while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
7. I will not permit my child, or encourage any other person, to use drugs or alcohol at a youth sports event and will not permit my child, or encourage any other person, to attend, coach, officiate or participate in a youth sports event while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
8. I will not engage in the use of profanity.
9. I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in the use of profanity.
10. I will treat any Coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee with respect regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or ability
11. I will encourage my child to treat any Coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee with respect regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or ability.
12. I will not engage in verbal or physical threats or abuse aimed at any Coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
13. I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in verbal or physical threats or abuse aimed at any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
14. I will not say or do anything that that could be considered bullying or harassing to any Coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee
15.I will not initiate a fight or scuffle with any Coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
16. I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to initiate a fight or scuffle with any Coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
17. I understand and agree that every field utilized by HVBSA is a smoke-free environment by law – there is no smoking at HVBSA activities.
18. I understand that HVBSA’s Policies and Procedures, and Cal Ripken and Babe Ruth rules, are publicly available on its Website, and that I can review and learn these rules to better understand the operations of both HVBSA and the leagues in which it participates
By registering your child for participation with HVBSA, or by attending an HVBSA activity, you are agreeing to adhere to the terms of the Code of Conduct, and also agreeing to have your guests comply with the Code of Conduct. If a complaint of a violation of this Code of Conduct is observed directly by a member of the HVBSA Board, or reported by anyone attending, coaching, officiating or participating in an HVBSA activity is substantiated, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including terminating you or your families’ participation in HVBSA activities.
*HVBSA activities are defined as tryouts, instructional clinics, team practices, pre-game practices, HVBSA recreational, travel, tournament or District games, and other activities approved by HVBSA.
General Rules Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Divisions
Protests, Game and Practice Conduct: All
- A protest must be made to the umpire before the next pitch is thrown. The umpire will inform the opposing manager. If the umpire cannot resolve the problem, then a protest should be filed with the Division Coordinator. An umpire’s judgment call cannot be protested.
- Players throwing a bat, helmet or any other object in anger or disgust will be issued a warning. Any player on the team that subsequently acts in this manner during the game will be ejected from the game and possibly the next game as well. It is up to you as a manager to control/discipline individual players who are repeat offenders of this rule.
- The manager is responsible for his coaches, players and fans.
- Any manager/coach who acts inappropriately while at the fields or in the presences of his team may be relieved of his duties for the remainder of the year or longer as determined by the Baseball Committee.
- Only 1 batter is allowed in the on deck area at a time. All other players MUST stay in the dugout.
- The on deck batter must have a batting helmet on – All Divisions. Helmets must have a face mask to be used Instructional through Majors.
- Bats must be stored in a bat rack or on the outside of the dugout when not in use.
- No one other than the manager, coaches, scorekeeper or players are allowed in the dugout during the game.
- A catcher (non-adult) warming up the pitcher must have a facemask or helmet with a face mask.
- In the RookieT Ball through AA divisions a coach may be stationed behind home plate to collect wild pitches/pass balls. The coach must stay against the fence and to the side of the home plate area.
- All offensive players on the field are required to wear an approved batting helmet. Cal Ripken players must have a protective mask or cage.
- All players should wear baseball cleats – plastic/rubber only for Cal Ripken.
- All players are required and must wear a cup.
- All batters are required to use batting helmets during practice and during the game.
- All players may not wear jewelry during any practice or game.
- All Managers should carry a first aid pack.
- In case of injury all play on the field should stop immediately.
- A player sustaining a head injury may not continue to play.
Team Responsibilities: ALL
- Home team must rake and line the field before the game is started and raking the field after the game.
- Both teams are to clean out the dugouts and emptying trash cans after the game.
- All games are six innings.
- Official game – In case of inclement weather or if a game has reached it’s time limit a game is official if 4 innings have been completed or the home team is ahead after 3½ innings or 5 complete innings and 4½ if home team is ahead for Babe Ruth. If not the game must be rescheduled and play will pick up where it left off.
- 10 Run Rule – If a team is ahead by 10 runs after at least 4 innings or 3½ innings if the home team is ahead (5/4½ BR) t. The game is over. Teams may continue to play if there is time remaining, but the game is officially over.
- Tee Ball Instructional and Rookie DivisionsDivisions: May not start a new inning after 1 hour 30 minutes from the start, drop dead time is 1 hour 1545 minutes.
- A and AA: May not start a new inning after 1hour 45 minutes from the start time. (drop dead of 2 hours).
- AAA and Majors: May not start a new inning after 1 hour 50 minutes from the start time (no drop dead time).
- Extra Innings: A through Majors are permitted to play extra innings provided they are played within the time limits. If the game is the last game of the day on that field, by mutual agreement of managers and umpire they may exceed the time limit and play for one more inning in an attempt to resolve the tie.
- Players: A team that does not field at least 8 players including substitutes by ten minutes past game time will forfeit, this is not at the coach’s discretion it is a forfeit. The teams are encouraged to play a scrimmage borrowing players from the other team. NOTE: There is no penalty or “declared out” for playing with 8 players.
- Playoffs: have no time limits, all games are played to conclusion.
Playing Time