June 2017
Baruch College, New York, NY / 17




June 6-9, 2017

Baruch College/CUNY


Sponsored by CCI, Corporate Communication International at Baruch College/CUNY

In association with Corporate Communications: An International Journal

June 2017
Baruch College, New York, NY / 17

Michael B. Goodman, Ph.D., Conference Chair & Director

CCI - Corporate Communication International at Baruch College/CUNY, USA

Regional Editor - North America

Corporate Communications: An International Journal, UK

Lancia Yan, M.A., Conference Coordinator & Assistant Director

CCI - Corporate Communication International at Baruch College/CUNY, USA

W. Timothy Coombs, Ph.D, Editor

Corporate Communications: An International Journal, UK

In partnership with …

CCI – The Baruch Chapter, Master in Corporate Communication, Department of Communication Studies, Baruch College/CUNY, USA

CCI – The Hong Kong Chapter, Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Centre for Corporate Communication, Department of Business Communication, Aarhus University, Denmark

Corporate Communication, Department of Communication, Aalto University School of Business, Finland

Department of Strategic Communication, Lund University, Sweden

Department of Strategic Communication, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Georgia, USA

Institute for Design and Communication, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

IULM University of Milan, Italy

Richard T. Robertson School of Media & Culture, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Writing, Editing & Publishing Program, School of Communication and Arts, The University of Queensland, Australia

Published June 2017 by CCI - Corporate Communication International at Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY

June 2017
Baruch College, New York, NY / 17

Welcome to Corporate Communication International


CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication, with its global focus on the theory, practice, roles, processes, and issues of concern to corporate communication scholars and practitioners; annually gathers industry and university speakers from across the globe in a collegial environment to exchange ideas and information on relevant issues facing the corporate communication profession.

CCI’s Conference on Corporate Communication is intended to:

·  Illuminate the interest in corporate communication as a strategic function in organizational success.

·  Continue as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among industry and university representatives.

·  Indicate trends and provide analysis for communication professionals, university faculty, and others interested in corporate communication.

·  Disseminate the conference discussions through the publication of a conference Proceedings. Papers will also be considered for publication in Corporate Communications: An International Journal.

The Conference on Corporate Communication is sponsored by Corporate Communication International at Baruch College/CUNY, U.S.A., in association with Corporate Communications: An International Journal, published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, U.K. This year’s conference venue is Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY), within easy reach of Wall Street, Midtown, and the global headquarters of major companies and non-profit organizations.

Abstracts are peer reviewed for conference acceptance. Papers are published in the conference Proceedings. Best and Highly Commended Paper awards, sponsored by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, publisher of Corporate Communications: An International Journal, are presented at the conference to the authors of the best papers overall. Papers are also considered for publication in Corporate Communications: An International Journal, and in the Journal of Business Strategy. This year a Special Panel is being held underwritten by the Journal of Communication Management. Uhmms is the sponsor of the ACORN™ speaker commendations to be presented at the close of the Conference on Corporate Communication 2017.

Enjoy your visit to Baruch College/CUNY and New York!

Baruch College of the City University of New York (CUNY) remains dedicated to being a catalyst for the social, cultural, and financial mobility of a diverse student body, reflective of its historical mission. It offers rigorous baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral programs to qualified students who seek careers in business, public affairs, and the arts and sciences. The College’s more than 17,000 students, who speak 110 languages and trace their heritage to more than 170 countries, have been repeatedly named one of the most ethnically diverse student bodies in the United States. This, coupled with the attributes of New York City, make Baruch an attractive venue for an international conference on corporate communication and home for CCI – Corporate Communication International, the conference sponsor.

We encourage you to participate in the entirety of the conference. When the conference is not in session, explore the many restaurants and attractions New York City has to offer.


Tuesday, June 6


William & Anita Newman Vertical Campus

One Baruch Way (55 Lexington Ave./entry 25th or 24th Streets)

8th Floor, room 8-250 (Dean’s Conference Room)

(646) 312-3749


2:15 PM – 4:45 PM

Creating Credibility in Your Academic and Corporate Writing and Speaking

In the time-starved Internet world, where everyone’s a writer and everyone’s a reader, the demand for literacy is more intense than it has ever been. The ability to articulate ideas in smart, tight writing is crucial for scholars working in academic and corporate contexts. This workshop will cover the conventions of scholarly documents such as papers for academic journals, along with workplace genres such as reports and e-mails. The workshop will provide you with pointers about how words work so that you can write the concise, lucid, nuanced, and compelling prose that is so valued by readers. It will sharpen your writing and enhance your editing competence and self-confidence. Presenting is also a crucial skill, so the latter part of the workshop will cover presenting skills for conferences and for pitching ideas in the workplace.

Workshop Facilitator

Associate Professor Roslyn Petelin designed the award-winning postgraduate program in Writing, Editing, and Publishing at The University of Queensland (UQ) and has been the recipient of teaching excellence awards from UQ and the Australian Learning and Teaching Council. She edited the Australian Journal of Communication from 1988–2013; has co-authored two books, The Professional Writing Guide: Writing Well and Knowing Why (Allen & Unwin) and Professional Communication: Principles and Applications (Pearson); and consults internationally on corporate and academic writing. In 2014, she designed and presented a MOOC (massive open online course) on Grammar (WRITE101x) for the edX consortium of Harvard and MIT that has now

been delivered five times and has attracted 450,000 students. Her new book How Writing Works: A Field Guide to Effective Writing (Allen & Unwin) was published in 2016.

Pre-registration requested for pre-conference workshop

Please register by emailing



5:00 PM – 5:30 PM / Conference Center Atrium


5:30 PM – 7:00 PM / Room 750 & Faculty Lounge


Michael B. Goodman, Conference General Chair

Michael B. Goodman is Professor and Director of the MA in Corporate Communication at Baruch College, The City University of New York. He is the founder and director of CCI Corporate Communication International. He is Visiting Professor of Corporate Communication at Aarhus University (Denmark), Bangkok University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Universita IULM (Italy).

He has published widely, including most recently: Corporate Communication: Critical Business Asset for Strategic Global Change, Corporate Communication: Strategic Adaptation for Global Practice, Corporate Communication: Tactical Guidelines for Strategic Practice, Corporate Communication for Executives; Intercultural Communication for Managers, and Work with Anyone Anywhere: A Guide to Global Business.

Michael is on the Editorial Advisory Board and Associate Editor for North America of Corporate Communication: An International Journal (UK). He is a member of the Arthur W. Page Society; a Fellow of the RSA (The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce), London; a Fellow of The Society for Technical Communication; and a member of the Board of Directors of the Association for Business Communication.

He has been a consultant to more than 40 corporations and institutions on corporate communication, managerial communication, problem-solving, new business proposals, change, and corporate culture.


8:45 AM – 9:15 AM / Faculty Lounge


9:15 AM – 10:00 AM / Room 750


Featuring special conference session:

What Emerging Trends in Communications Mean for Practitioners

Perri Richman, VP, Communications for Ingersoll Rand Business Units

As stakeholders today make more demands than ever on global corporations, communications has become an increasingly critical function. Employees want purpose and openness; customers insist on responsiveness; citizens demand social responsibility; shareholders push for transparency. Meanwhile, digital and social technologies have exponentially increased the number of influencers and audiences, and senior executives now recognize that corporate culture, employee engagement, and brand reputation materially support strategy.

Perri Richman will use secondary research and storytelling to describe what these changes mean for communications executives. Fundamentals remain the same—employees first, empowering the manager, preparing spokespeople, solid messaging, persuasive storytelling, and channel management are more important than ever because of the amount of noise. But beyond these fundamentals communications practitioners must be able to do three things: 1) prepare for risk while producing reward, 2) become “bilingual” in business and communications, with the ability to translate perceptions into business impact and back again, and 3) crack the data code to demonstrate the results and value of communications.

Perri Richman, Vice President, Communications for Ingersoll Rand Business Units, helps the company’s eleven strategic business units incorporate internal and external communications into the way they operate their businesses. Her communications strategies are designed to integrate leadership, employee engagement, change management, and crisis communication—as well as new media and public and community relations—into a powerful instrument of improved business performance. Over her 20+ year career, Perri has held key internal and external communications and brand roles at American Standard, Trane, and Ingersoll Rand. She has also taught social media and new media at Kean University; and, as a communications consultant with Burson-Marsteller, she served Fortune 500 companies.

NOTE: Only Presenters appear in the conference program.

Wednesday, June 7 - CONCURRENT SESSIONS -- #1A

10:00 AM – 11:30 AM / Room 750


Employee Engagement and Disengagement: The Role of Employee Voice Approaches, Organizational Justice Climate, and HRM

Alessandra Mazzei

Treading Troubled Water: Lessons from Public Relations Practice in the Great Depression

Yan Jin, Shelley Spector, Miquel Morales and Rosanna Plasencia

Cont. on next page

Three Types of Communication on Internal Social Media: Findings from Two Explorative Studies of Coworkers as Communicators

Vibeke Thøis Madsen

10:00 AM – 11:30 AM / Room 763


Exploring the Culture of Listening and Customer Engagement Online during Complaint Handling Across 19 European Airline Companies

Taina Erkkilä and Matias Lievonen

Communicating Change: A Long-Term Employee Engagement Journey

Michele Glorie and Aimee Lea

Managing Corporate Prestige among Corporate Communications Heterarchies. An Integrative Literature Review

Mari Juntunen

11:30 AM – 12:00 PM / Room 750


Corporate Kidnapping: The Longest Hostage Crisis in Danish History

Jakob Wandel, Head of Communication, Danish Maritime Officers

Specific factors affect the strategic crisis response strategies of trade associations, which in some situations aggravate the crisis. Among these factors are whether threats against reputation are directed at the reputation of a specific industry (not the reputation of a trade association) and whether threats arise in the news media or not – e.g. in the form of persuasive attacks from other actors in the crisis.

During the longest hostage crisis in Danish history, in which six seamen from a Danish cargo vessel were held hostage by Somali pirates for 838 days (from January 2011 to April 2013), Jakob was the media advisor for the captive captain’s relatives and later, after his release, also for the captain himself. In addition, he was continuously involved in assisting the families and contributing to the efforts to reach a solution to the hostage situation itself.

Jakob Wandel, E-MCC, is Head of Communication at Danish Maritime Officers, a trade union for officers in the Danish merchant fleet. He has 18 years of experience with corporate communication and management in political organizations and the private sector – the last 10 years on strategic level. He holds degrees in media production, business administration and journalism and has recently completed an Executive Master in Corporate Communication (E-MCC) from Aarhus School of Business and Social Science, Aarhus University, Denmark.

As Head of Communication at Danish Maritime Officers, Jakob was responsible for the organization’s crisis management and communication during the longest hostage crisis in recent Danish history, in which two Danish maritime officers were held hostage in Somalia for 838 days from January 2011 to April 2013. In addition to this, he acted as media advisor for the captain’s relatives during the hostage crisis, and after his release, for the captain himself.

12:00 PM – 1:15 PM / Room 750


Wednesday, June 7 - CONCURRENT SESSIONS -- #2

1:15 PM – 2:45 PM / Room 750


Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word: An Analysis of the Discourse of Corporate Non-Apology in Social Media

Carolyn Meyer

Media Coverage of Corporate Financial Communication: A Discourse Perspective

Irene Pollach

Aesthetic Choreographies from the Middle Ages to the Skyscraper: A Comparative Analysis of Bank Architecture in Europe and the United States

Angela Bargenda

1:15 PM – 2:45 PM / Room 763


Realizing Business Benefits within a Re-Defined Client-Agency Business Model: A South African Client System Perspective

Sonja Verwey and Clarissa Muir

Prerequisites and Behavioral Responses for Effective Public Relations Strategies

Márta Konczosné Szombathelyi and Krishna S. Dhir

Leaders Navigating Organizational and Personal Boundaries on Social Media

Constance Kampf

2:45 PM – 3:00 PM / Faculty Lounge


Wednesday, June 7 - CONCURRENT SESSIONS -- #3