Chair – Kev Stillyards (01652 661561 – )

Treasurer – Wes Reed (01652 781283 – )

Secretary – Neil Jacques (01652 632438 – )

MINUTES of the

Committee meeting held at 7.00pm

on Tuesday 5 September 2017

at The Corn Exchange, Market Place, Barton

Present: Kev Stillyards, John Drayton, Penny Thornton, John White, Roy Boyes, Keith Vickers, Neil Jacques.

1.  Apologies: Wes Reed, Bob Papworth

2.  Minutes of the Previous Meeting – to approve as a correct record with two amendments. 3.2 BS should read BP. 8.5 CS Lounge should read CV Day Lounge.

3.  Matters arising from the Minutes not on the agenda.

3.1  Newsletter - Autumn 2017 Agreed KS/PT/CS should meet to discuss content, timing and distribution. Content to include Show Report and reminder of gate rules. NJ to book Hall for AGM in time for the Newsletter.

3.2  Gate lock – BP had installed a hook to hold the gate back. Not always being used. Also last vehicle out not always closing the gates. Reminder in Newsletter.

3.3  Notice Board for Gate – CS to report to next meeting.

4.  Correspondence

4.1  Barton Arts Festival 2018 – request to take part in the Open Gardens Sat 30 June/Sun 1st July 2018. Agreed. Will consider refreshments & promotional material for the show to distribute over the weekend. NJ to reply.

4.2  Town Council – request for a representative to be on the panel for Gardeners’ Question Time event after the Hanging Basket/Best Kept Garden competition on 14 Sept. KS volunteered. NJ to advise BTC.

4.3  Dobies seed company – not enough member had made use of the discount scheme for it to be worth their while, so the offer of being part of the scheme was being withdrawn.

4.4  Sutton’s Seeds – advice that two members had purchased through the scheme and that £10.84 was due to the Society as a result. Agreed to promote ion the Newsletter.

5.  Chair’s Report – nothing to report

6.  Treasurer’s Report - Circulated with the Agenda. Funds total £5715, of which £3541 is in the Savings Account, £2095 in the Current Account and £78 in cash. Of this £1200 is inn the shed reserve, £200 in the Trustee Reserve, £940 in plot deposits a total of £2340, leaving £3375 available.

7.  Site Managers’ Report

7.1  Unused plots _ JW advised of plots not being cultivated or underused.

·  Plot 22 – Plotholder moved out of Barton. Agreed to let asap. BP.

·  Plots 9, 32,44,48b – NJ to write asking if they intend to cultivate their plots, as there is a waiting list of people ready to take over if they do not start after the receipt of the letter. Reduction to half plot to be offered as appropriate. Plotholders concerned to contact BP.

7.2  Rabbits – two new traps had been purchased. Concern had been expressed by a plotholder that if not checked regularly, a rabbit could be trapped for several days before being killed. The Committee was assured that they are checked twice a day. Thanks to John Cox for undertaking the regular checking.

8.  Horticultural Show 2017 – Feedback from show and After Show meeting

8.1  The show had made a profit of £255.74. The income included £400 sponsorship, £291 in donations and £214 takings on the day.

8.2  NJ reported that 4 more plot holders took part than last year, there were 9 more individual people entering (mostly from Barton), but the number of individual exhibits on display had reduced by 28.

8.3  A meeting had been held after the show by those closely involved. The notes were circulated with the Agenda. From those notes it was agreed:

·  The show was put on for the benefit of plotholders and as the Society’s contribution to the Town in which we live.

·  Agreed to set the date in advance – 3rd weekend in August being the preferred date. NJ to check with John Fagge that the Low Villages show will be on 2nd weekend.

·  More publicity required around the area. Eg contact neighbouring societies. JW has found poster sites around the area.

·  KS agreed to talk to WIs about the Show and see if they would like to get involved.

·  Need to review the schedule categories. Agreed that we need a separate meeting to discuss this.

·  Need to consider Novice or Local sections as well as Open ones.

8.4  Need an engraver for the cups. KV suggested one behind Newton Printers.

9.  The Shed – Proposals for refurbishment

9.1  Agreed a shed was needed for storage of equipment and water collection.

9.2  Repairs needed include a repair to the roof, new door and window(s) guttering, and ramp into the shed. Large internal notice board was also suggested and a battery powered light. KS/BP to price up.

9.3  The alternative would be to purchase a new one with a grant from NLC which KV would support through the Council. The possibility of a metal shipping container, adapted with windows, secure doors and internal partitions to be considered. KS to investigate grant and type of new shed.

10.  Any Other Business – Stephen Drayton appreciated the letter of thanks for his work at the show.

11.  Date of Next Meeting – Tues 3 October. NJ apologies. PT was volunteered to take minutes.