Barton House Group Practice

Patient GroupMeeting

Date:13th February 2014

Present:Ida Scoullos; Patricia Kattenhorn; Janice Nicholls; Liz Pillar; Christine Chinaka; Deborah James [practice nurse]; Dr Tricia Bohn; Amaia Portelli

Apologies:Sandra Cater, Pamela Guest, Dr Matthew bench

Introductions were made for those new to the group. Christine was welcomed and thanked for joining the meeting.

At the last meeting, it was agreed to conduct a practice survey to canvass patients’ views and experience of reception.

Over the summer, Amaia circulated a draft questionnaire to the patient group and asked for members’ views. Amaia received feedback from members who asked that additional questions be asked; in particular, it was felt that there should be space for patients to express their views and make suggestions.

The survey was finalised in December 2013. It was posted up on the website in January and February 2014 and closed on 12th February 2014.

It was also distributed at reception during the same period.

A total of 169 survey questionnaires were completed.

Practice Survey results and conclusions and action points:#

Q1 How easy do you find getting into the building at the surgery

  • 94% of patients found that access to the surgery was very easy or fairly easy
  • However, the comments on this section revealed that although this was designed to be a question about physical access to the surgery, patients used this question to express their frustration with the telephone system, the lack of book ahead appointments and the general difficulties of getting a GPs appointment.
  • There is a clearly a problem with patients’ expectation of getting an appointment with the GP of their choice at the time of their choice. This is simply not possible and the group felt that patients should be more realistic about how quickly they can get an appointment

Action: It was suggested that the practice should provide clear information to patients about the appointment system in a newsletter

Q 2 Is the reception team friendly and courteous

  • 93% reported that the team was very friendly or fairly courteous
  • 4% reported that reception were either not very friendly or not al all friendly
  • 3% did not respond to this question.
  • Those who were unhappy about the team, reported various concerns that amounted to complaints. It is difficult in a survey of this kind to respond to patients with specific complaints as the survey in anonymous and therefore the practice is unable to investigate these matters and solve them for the patients in question.

Action: Feedback to reception that they are doing a good job and that the overwhelming view of those patients who completed the survey was that their service is friendly and courteous. Remind patients who of the practice’s complaints procedure.

Q3 In the reception area, can other patients overhear what you are saying to the receptionist?

  • 71% said Yes, but I don’t mind
  • 16% said Yes, and I am not happy about this
  • 2% said no, other patients cannot overhear
  • 9% said they did not know
  • There is clearly an issue here that needs to be addressed. The reception area is open and there is little scope to alter the physical design of it. There are however area where reception can take patients where a more private encounter is called for. The group felt that reception should be attuned to recognise when a patient needs privacy and take them to the quitter end of reception or indeed to another room (baby clinic or even a corridor).

Action: remind reception to be aware of patients need for privacy and other issues of confidentiality.

Q4 How helpful do you find the receptionists at the surgery?

  • 92% reported that the receptionists were either very helpful or fairly helpful
  • 2% reported that the receptionists were not very helpful
  • 1% reported that the receptionists were not at all helpful
  • 1% did not know
  • 4% did not respond.
  • Of the 3% who expressed dissatisfaction, comments were added to the survey which indicated that they had encountered specific problems and the action summary at question 2 applies.

Q5 Thinking about the last time you visited the surgery, which terms best describe the receptionist who dealt with you?

  • 69% reported that the reception team were helpful
  • 53% reported that the reception team were professional
  • 31% reported that the reception team were kind
  • 18% reported that the reception team were knowledgeable
  • 1% reported that the reception team were not helpful
  • 1% reported that the reception team were not professional
  • The overwhelming replies in this section were positive. Negative replies focused on specific complaints that the survey is not able to resolve.

Q6 How do you feel about the reception area?

  • 65% reported that the reception area was comfortable
  • 45% reported that the reception area was clean
  • 39% reported that the reception area was tidy
  • 3% reported that the reception area was not very comfortable
  • 4% reported that the reception area was not very clean
  • 2% reported that the reception area was not very tidy
  • 1% reported that the reception area was very untidy
  • Generally, the reception is kept tidy, though by the end of the day and during periods when Baby clinic is held, the area can become very messy.


  • The were many comments added to the survey which will be available to be viewed.
  • Comments tended to centre on the difficulties of getting through on the telephone and getting an appointment. The telephone system currently used at Barton House is over 20 years old and is in need of replacement. It has been agreed that the telephone system is going to be replaced shortly It is hoped that this improve the experience patients have when calling the surgery.
  • Signage: A few patients commented that the signage at the front of the building is unclear and faded. It was agreed that the practice will ask the Estate and Facilities department at NHS property to replace and update the centre’s signage.
  • Car parking: Some patients asked that parking be available for patients. This is not possible due to shortage of space and the large number of staff working at the medical centre as well as at the GP practice. This issue will be addressed again in a newsletter to explain to patients why it is that parking is not available.
  • Patients no being informed when surgeries are running late: Again, this was a comment frequently made in the survey. Reception will be reminded to make general announcements to patients sitting in both waiting areas.


  • Supper Patient Group
  • Another Super Patient group Meeting is being held at the Nightingale practice on Thursday 27th February at 7pm. All patients from the North west and North East Hackney patch of GP practices are invited.
  • A new way of ordering repeat prescriptions was discussed. Patient Access is now live. This enables patients to order their repeat prescriptions via the website” Patient Access” It also enable patients to book their appointment on-line. Patients wishing to use this facility will need to visit the surgery with photo id to get their log-in PIN.
  • Liz has come across a website for patients called Patient Knows best. She has found it to be very interesting and informative. It is aimed at patients with long term conditions .

The next meeting will be held in the Spring.