L.O To write my own version of a myth.

Mitesh Tapali


Dead Mans Chest

Once when the world was born there was a young man called Bart Tend. He was a very strong and noble. Unknown to Bart he had a tall brother called Albus Dumbledore who was an extraordinary wizard. When he was walking through a scorching dry desert his unknown brother appeared in front of him they both was talking as if they were brothers. Then Albus finally questioned Bart “who were your parents?” Bart Burst into tears his other “parents died yesterday afternoon” So did Dumbledore’s they both knew they were brothers. Suddenly, the clouds turned into there mother and father they both exclaimed ” Now you two have finally met you need to go to a temple find a key that is in the temple and find a chest but the chest isn’t in the temple.” Before they could reply the parents were gone,they both travelled to the ancient temple.

When they reached the temple they looked for the key everywhere. They couldn’t find the key anywhere then they both went out of the temple. At the door was a key that was the only key in the whole of the temple! The only thing they had to get was the chest which was called the dead mans chest there was believed that there was an alive heart in the chest which they both had to kill! They discovered the chest in Germany!

Then when they were outside it grew dark then both of them went to sleep on the sandy desert. When it had reached the morning an old man came to them and gasped they needed to go to a small island that moves! There is a chest there but an extraordinary creature that is guarding the chest. In a hurry they both went to the moving island in a hurry it took them a whole day to find the Blue Island. When they reached the island they saw a head that was 2 times bigger than a giraffes head. When they reached an enormous tree they heard a shrew roar. Finally they reached the reached the immense beast it was called the Emousta which was half dragon half dinosaur!!!

Albus quickly got his wand out he did his power fullest spell and shouted “Dpehiou rstil” The enormous creature dodged his spell and hit him powerfully with his tail. Dumbledore lay unconscious. He was dead! Then again came his parents this time with Albus, his parents ranted that he was the god of water. He quickly got all the water in the world and blasted it at the Emousta. The Emousta fell on the ground dead! They island went upside down and he swam and swam until he found a chest that had a “boom boom” sound he quickly opened the chest and killed the heart. Before he knew it he was dead and was in heaven. He had reached heaven and was with his family. He didn’t know if the heart was his or not. He had a happy afterlife in heaven.