Barrington High School Fine Arts Boosters

Minutes of the Board Meeting

September 8, 2014

23 Attending: Marilyn Andriesen, Jeri Broderick, Susan Buerckholtz, Pam Conroy, Marilyn Dato, Louise Fox, Tedd Gagen, Jay Gerak, Susan Gilbert, Diana Jonske, Amy Kenrich Woods, Stacey Lidbury, Terri Longo, Chrissie Mena, Lyn Messemer, Kirsten Neptun, Kimberly Priola, Anthony Priola, Grant Sahr, Ruth Schlossberg, Carrie Stegvik, Susan Stoga and Gregg Werner.

Meeting Called to Order: 7:33 p.m.

Guest Speaker – Mike Martinez from the Barrington Breakfast Rotary discussing the World’s Largest Guitar Lesson fund raiser benefiting the FAB

·  The Barrington Breakfast Rotary has a unique fundraising idea that would partially benefit the FAB. The idea is to attempt to break the Guinness world record for the World Largest Guitar Lesson, which currently stands at 1,377 people. The Breakfast Rotary would like to break the record with 2,500 people taking a 60-75 minute guitar lesson teaching a D chord, an A7 chord and two songs. Each person should bring their own guitar (electric guitars are permitted without amps). The Rotary has a $10,000 budget and might be able to add another $5,000 if needed. There would be a cost of $25 per person to participate. The proceeds would be split between the Rotary and the FAB.

·  Mike already discussed with Grant Sahr and Steve McWilliams the option of using the high school stadium next spring or early summer with the gym reserved in case of rain. Both Steve and Grant approved the idea. The Rotary needs our help to find participants and to help run the event. The Rotary would handle publicity, the cost of having the event verified by Guinness and providing security. They need to know within the next few weeks if the FAB is on board so they can start the application process.

·  Grant feels the event is a great fit for the FAB and the Student Board. A few ideas were discussed such as approaching music stores to lend guitars for the event and partnering with a music celebrity to teach the lesson. Grant suggested we think it over and further discuss it at the October meeting. He would like to form a committee to work with the Rotary on the event. If anyone on the FAB (or anyone else) would like to serve on the committee, please let Grant know.

Student Board Presentation (Emily Andriesen, Patrick Andriesen and Callie Gerak)

·  Emily, Patrick and Callie gave a presentation showing the Student Board handing out fliers promoting the Fine Arts events at the Farmer’s Market and the Barrington Arts Festival. They are planning to have a few a’capella groups perform at Back to School Night and at 8th grade transition night.

·  Marilyn Andriesen, the new Student Board chair, wants the Student Board to focus on developing the students’ leadership skills while advocating for the Fine Arts department as a whole. She hopes to recruit a large group of new members across all disciplines. The kids cannot earn service hours since the time is spent promoting school-related activities but being on the Student Board will look great on college resumes.

·  The Student Board is working with Grant to design two free-standing display boards to be used at their events. The cost for the boards is $180. Marilyn purchased 7 new t-shirts for the current members to wear when attending events over the summer and would like to be reimbursed. Marilyn will be forwarding to Gregg a copy of the invoice for reimbursement. Marilyn Andriesen made a motion to approve $180 for the cost of the Student Board display boards and no more than $175 to cover the cost of 7 Student Board t-shirts. Chrissie Mena seconded the motion. Everyone voted in favor and the motion was approved.

President’s Report (Kimberly and Anthony Priola):

·  Kimberly welcomed everyone back. She realized that Monday, April 6th is College Night, so we’ll need to move that meeting to a date to be determined in the future.

·  Please let Kimberly know before the meeting if your committee will be asking for a vote on spending or anything special that needs to be on the agenda.

Treasurer’s Report (Gregg Werner):

·  Gregg recapped the history of the IRS retraction and reinstatement of our tax-exempt status. Our status was reinstated in May, which allows the FAB to issue tax-exempt letters to donors. Gregg will send a copy of the letter to the Membership committee so it is ready for this year’s membership drive. Since we don’t have to pay income tax, we don’t have to worry about spending down our profits at the end of each year.

·  The IRS is trying to fine the FAB $4,500 the late filing of our 2008 tax return. Gregg is protesting the fine but has reserved that amount in case we have to pay it.

·  The FAB is in solid financial shape. Our main purpose is to raise money that allows the Fine Arts department to purchase items beyond what is provided by the school district. All of our financial information is on QuickBooks. Gregg hired a CPA to prepare our tax returns so we’ll have continuity when we change treasurers. The FAB operates three funds:

o  The Lageshulte Scholarship fund with a balance of $33,800. The interest generated from the fund is used to award scholarships to summer camp programs at the Interlochen Arts Academy. We have $3,300 to award for 2014/2015. Last year’s recipient was Syndey Bakal, who was awarded a $1,000 scholarship.

o  The Arts Alive with a balance of $69,000. This fund originated as a place to house donations for a sculpture pavilion that was supposed to be erected as part of the BHS renovation in 2002. The sculpture pavilion was never purchased. The money remained in the fund and the FAB used the fund to house $18,000 in donations to the Best Seat in the House for purchasing new seats for the auditorium. That project is on hold.

o  The Operating Fund with a balance of $36,500. This is where we deposit income from the membership drive, fund raisers and concession sales, pay our expenses and fund the teacher requests.

·  Gregg will open a fourth account for the Nancie Tobison Scholarship Fund. In honor of Nancie’s retirement last year, the FAB set up a scholarship fund in her name and collected $22,000 but needed to house the fund with the Horseshoe Club due to our revoked tax-exempt status. Now that our status has been reinstated, Gregg will open an account for the fund. He would like to form a three-person committee to award the year-end scholarship to a senior who has exhibited leadership and contribution while in the BHS choir. Jay Gerak made a motion to move the Nancie Tobison scholarship funds from the Barrington Horseshoe Club account to a new account that will be opened by the FAB. Tedd Gagen seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was approved.

·  There are approved teacher requested expenditures from last year that have not been invoiced. Grant said the items are in the $3,000-$5,000 range. He will include these expenditures when he presents this year’s list of teacher requests at the October meeting.

·  Gregg received the $500 invoice from Ellen Werksman for choreographing the final choir concert while Nancie was recovering from knee surgery. The money was initially approved for a $500 Laura Massey choral workshop that never happened. Gregg Werner made a motion to use the $500 initially approved to fund the Laura Massey workshop to pay Ellen Werksman for choreographing the year-end choral concert. Kimberly Priola seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was approved.

·  Terri Longo asked Gregg if the FAB had an official reimbursement form. He replied that we did not. He promised to create one and send it to Grant, who will add it to the website.

·  We need to find a Treasurer-Elect for next year as soon as possible. Please start thinking about Fine Arts parents who may have a financial background or who are willing to learn the ropes from Gregg. Kimberly would like to find a candidate before November.

Secretary’s Report (Carrie Stegvik):

Carrie asked everyone to sign the attendance sheet. She will email minutes from the previous meeting and current financial reports the weekend prior to meetings. She asked committee members and reps to please send her copies of their reports before the meeting.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Diana Jonske made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2014 meeting. Marilyn Dato seconded the motion. All voted in favor of approving the minutes and the motion passed.

Committee Reports:

Citrus (Diana Jonske and Laura Kamptner)

·  The Citrus Committee is getting ready for the Citrus, Pizza, Coffee and Toffee sale. They changed the 3-ply order form to something simpler and less expensive. A few of the vendors increased their prices, so we upped our prices by $1.00 per item. Students will receive the packets on September 22nd and have a month to sell items. Pick up will be in early December.

Membership (Jeri Broderick, Susan Buerckholtz, and Susan Stoga)

·  The committee is not sending out a mailing this year but will send an email blast before Back to School night. The Paypal button is active on the website and they will have two Squares to use for credit card payments at Back to School night. There will be Membership tables at all Fine Arts events. Instead of purchasing new items to hand out as membership incentives, they are using all of the leftover items from past years such as mugs, blankets, coasters and window clings.

Website (Grant Sahr)

·  In order to keep all Fine Arts parents informed, Grant added FAB meeting agendas and minutes to the website. While there is a separate calendar for FAB events, our meetings are listed on the Fine Arts calendar as well as the school calendar. Anyone can feel free to attend.

Scholarship (Chrissie Mena)

·  Grant would like Gregg Werner to send him the Nancie Tobison Scholarship application so he can post it on the website. Chrissie will email all of the teachers with the fall lesson stipend application.

Concessions (Marilyn Dato, Char Moos)

·  Char and Marilyn explained the procedures for concessions sales and accounting. The first concession sales will be the fall Main Stage play The Cat’s Meow the weekend of October 9th.

PTO Representative (Lyn Messemer):

·  Lyn gave on overview of how she promotes the Fine Arts within the PTO. The Boosters gets a paragraph in each Imprint to highlight Fine Arts events. Lyn would especially like discipline reps to give her information in addition to what’s on the calendar (awards won, workshops, special activities or new purchases made for their students).

Alumni Representative (Tedd Gagen):

·  Tedd would like guidance on the goals for her position. Gregg suggested gathering lists of alumni email addresses and focus being a liaison between the Fine Arts department, alumni and the community at large. Kimberly recommended reaching out to Judy Bruce and using the alumni Facebook page to promote Fine Arts events.

Publicity (Terri Longo):

·  Terri sent out 225 letter soliciting sponsorships for the year’s Playbills. Those who purchase sponsorships will have it run in every program. If anyone owns a business or knows someone who does, please let Terri know. Now that we have non-charitable status with the IRS, sponsorships need to be worded in a specific way. Terri is also working on publicizing citrus sales and FAB membership.

Best Seat in the House (Cindy Hesselbein)

·  Cindy was absent. We will see what happens with this committee since plans to renovate the auditorium are on hold.

Advisor (Judy Bruce)

·  Judy will continue as Advisor next year.

Rep Reports:

Choir (Louise Fox and Kathleen Uhran):

·  The two new choir teachers are getting settled with the kids. They are Chip Batko, who is the choral director and Joyce Haqq, who teaches choir at Prairie and a section of concert choir at BHS. Chip is very organized and started the Choir Parent Organization with monthly meetings the first Thursday of the month.

·  Orders for the annual choir mum sale are due this coming Wednesday and Thursday. The pickup date is September 17th. The choir will also sell pies for the holidays.

·  The choir is also planning for the annual Madrigal banquet to take place on November 23rd at Stonegate. Both Station and Prairie are invited to send their 8th grade madrigals as well. There is a choir picnic planned for September 20th that is planned by the kids. The first choir concert is October 14th.

Drama/Theater (Jay Gerak):

·  The first theater boosters meeting is tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. The Stratford trip takes place this coming Thursday – Saturday. There will also be a Drama Club tailgate party before Back-to-School night from 3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

·  The fall main stage play is The Cat’s Meow and will be performed October 9th – 11th.

·  There is now at Fine Arts store set up through Infinite Campus. Parents can pay for all drama activities and fees online.

Band (Susan Gilbert and Ruth Schlossberg)

·  The first Band Spirit Club meeting is tomorrow night. The club is headed up by Kyle Kick. Band Camp was held the week before school to get ready for the marching band season. BHS will be hosting the IMEA District 7 Jazz Festival on November 22nd.

Dance (Kirsten Neptun):

·  There was an Orchesis parent meeting last week. The first concert is October 30th – November 2nd.