Executive meeting

Held at Starplex, Evanston Sth on 4th November 2015

Meeting commenced: 19:45

1. Present: Danny Somerville, Mark Goode, Steve Blee, Kym Hannam, Frank Chessell, Bev Chessell, David Harris, John Ellis, Simon Granfield.

2. Apologies: Linda Harris, Rachel Ford, Craig Henderson.

3. Business arising from the Committee meeting of 7th October 2015

Item 32, New weigh shed – Ian has now submitted the building application which could take up to 8 weeks to approve. David pointed out that the state track inspector, Graham Jensen, will also need to approve the location of the shed before it is erected.

Item 34, PA system – John has now purchased a new amplifier and pre-amp and it has been successfully tested at the last working bee.

Item 35, Jenke feature class – Simon has not yet pursued KA over making the feature class for the Jenke race meeting an over 40s class. He feels it is unlikely to succeed. There was little enthusiasm to take this further. The item will be dropped.

4. Treasurer’s report

See attached.

The following items are still outstanding – Southern to be billed for hire of the lights at their race meetings on 18th and 25th October, Mini Moto Racing still to be billed for track hire on 11th October. We are still to pay the Asthma Foundation $300 in proceeds from the AMG raffle.

The latest water bill is for 81kl for the quarter. This seems high.

Motion: That the treasurer’s report for the month of October be accepted.

Moved: Kym Hannam Seconded: David Harris


5. Correspondence in

Email from AKA of SA – Proposed changes to AKA of SA constitution

Email from Raf Sciezka – Medical and first aid services from EventMedicalPlus

Email from AKA of SA – KA100 homologation bulletin no.2

Email from GKCSA – Reply re safe use of BGKC flag lights

Email and phone call from AKA of SA – Request for completed AKA of SA nomination form

Email from AKA of SA – List of nomination

Email from Ian Williams – Question regarding membership

Letter from Barossa Council – Spring 2015 edition of d’Vine

Letter from Barossa Council – Our better Barossa presentation

6. Correspondence out

Email to AKA of SA – Alternative wording for section c22 of AKA of SA constitution

Email to AKA of SA – BGKC office bearers for 2016

Email to GKCSA – Safe use of BGKC flag lights

Email to Ian Williams – Reply regarding membership

7. AKA report

Presented by Simon Granfield. See attached.

A discussion on Ian Williams’ proposal to reduce the cost of practice licences led to discussions about come and try days and how they must now run. John asked that we pursue with KA the reinstatement of the old rule that allowed a person to offer someone 10 laps in their own kart. There would be many problems with this not least getting an intransigent KA to agree to it. Steve suggested that we would be better off looking at ways to run come and try events. David pointed out that Whyalla GKC run these after their race meetings. He suggested that we could look to run them after our working bees, but they require a steward and clerk of course at a minimum. David and Rachel could cover these 2 roles. We’ll consider it.

8. General business

8.1  AKA of SA nominations

Simon went through the list of nominations, most are incumbents. Ian Williams will not be standing for president again and Peter Fritz is the only other nominee.

We will support the incumbents plus Warren Mitchell for the Stewards’ panel., Jim Gorman, Dale Provan and Rachel Ford for the technical committee.

8.2  Calendar committee

The calendar has been proposed with 5 state championship rounds which includes 2 country rounds. But no Festival state cup The season would then have 19 races. The alternative is 4 Festival state cup rounds and a reduced state championship series. John believes that there is strong support for the state championships in the other clubs and that KA will support 5 rounds.

There was extensive discussion on whether or not we should run the FSC, the effects of the state championships on it and vice versa, and the fact that we are again in a position of not knowing what next year’s rule book holds before we decide on a program. Eventually the following motion was moved.

Motion: We support the running of a 5 round state championship in 2016 at the exclusion of the Festival State Cup.

Moved: John Ellis (calendar committee rep) Seconded: Ian Watson


8.3  Gate lock

John has purchased a new track lock for 2016 plus 60 additional keys at a cost of $274. About the same cost as we paid for the lock change and 30 keys last year.

8.4  Member email list

We have not had email notifications sent out for the last couple of working bees. John believes that the member email list needs to be more widely distributed so that if Rachel is unavailable he or someone else on the committee can send out an email. Danny stated that going forward he, Mark and Rachel will all be able to look after the website, Facebook and email list.

8.5  Jenke trophy

Rachel asked through David, if we should be considering changing the label on the Jenke trophy as it currently states the class as Clubman over 40. It was decided to leave it as is for now. If we decide to change it in the future will probably simply drop the class details all together.

8.6  FSC dinner

Bev needs to know who is planning on attending the FSC dinner so that she can organise the club paid for tickets and number of tables. Committee members to advise Bev.

8.7  New weigh shed

Ian advised that he hopes to know within 4 weeks the status of the shed application, based on information given to him when it was lodged. Frank suggested that we pay to have the shed erected given how long it is currently taking to get jobs completed. There was general agreement.

8.8  Simon Layne

Danny asked if we would consider offering Simon Layne free membership as he is interested in running the Jenke race meeting. (Note to reader, Simon Layne had previously been a member for around 10 years). Bev pointed out that he didn’t use his membership in the year that he retired, ie retired early in the year. There was some discussion in support of this request. Simon pointed out that we could offer him honorary membership per our constitution, which would cover him for a period of 1 month.

Motion: We offer Simon Layne honorary membership to the Barossa Go Kart Club should he decide to race the Jenke Vineyards Vintage Classic 2015 race meeting.

Moved: Danny Somerville Seconded: Ian Watson


8.9  End of year membership

Ian Williams emailed Simon asking if we would extend the start date of our 2016 membership back into November this year as he knows a driver that would like to join our club before the Jenke as his Southern membership will expire shortly. Simon replied that this is not the norm and that he would raise it at this meeting. David is also aware of a couple of people that may be interested in joining before the Jenke too. After some discussion it was decided that we would accept such requests with a $20 loading, ie membership commencing before November 28th to end 2016 will cost $230 instead of $210 after the Jenke.

Simon will email Ian and advise.

Meeting closed: 22:15