Barnette Elementary School

School Leadership Team Meeting Minutes

October 20, 2010


Administration Team: Newman, Dean, Munday, Edwards

Committee Representatives:

Math: Joanne Greive), Reading: Amanda Womack, Writing: Jessica Grose, Science: Michael May, Safe and Orderly Schools: Holly Bennett, Community Connections: Carol Taylor

Grade Level Representatives:

K-Brang, 1st- Womack, 2nd-Papp, 3rd- Hicks and Donnell, 4th-Cisar (Greive), 5th-May, Special-Bernie, IA’s- Taylor, Cox EC: McIntosh

Parent Representatives: Wilson, Long, Dabney, Anniello

PTA Representative: Nerad

The meeting was opened at 2:05 by Ms. Newman.


Ms. Hicks reviewed the minutes from the September meeting.

Ms. Donnell reviewed and reminded SLT the norms of the school.

SLT members discussed and shared what each committee has accomplished since February.

PTA Update:

Ms. Nerad shared that Boosterthon Fun Run will be held tomorrow. PTA purchased mulch for the Fall Clean-up. Box tops have collect over $1,000 dollars worth of box tops. The Book Fair gross profit will be around $12,000 dollars. After the final amount has been determined we will vote to decide how profits will be used. The 3-5 Jam will be held Nov 5th.

Committee Lead Reports:

Each committee lead shared with SLT their accomplishments from the group discussion.

SLT reviewed and approved each subplan of the school improvement plan.

New Business:

Ms. Newman shared that the school has received $3,000 dollars for a Smartboard. SLT voted to have the Smartboard placed in the Science Lab.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.


Next meeting will be held 11/17 at 2:05 p.m.

Committee Lead Assignment:

Review SIP subplans and data in PLC.

Discuss where we are with professional development.

Homework: Revisit and rewrite mission (What are we hired to do?) and vision (How can we accomplish it over time?).

Calendar Review: See Master Calendar

Laura Hicks

2-3 Teacher Representative

SLT Recorder