Barking Beauties 509

Guidelines for Grooming

Barking Beauties 509 is your in-home grooming solutions team and we look forward to providing you and your dog(s) a comfortable and affordable way to care for your four legged furbabies! We pride ourselves on putting the needs of you and your dog first and strive to ensure the safety and comfort of your dog during their grooming. We focus on building relationships with you and your dog by putting a strong emphasis on communication and for that, we need your help! As the pet owner we have listed out some guidelines below to help prepare you as well as ourselves for the upcoming appointment. Please contact us with any questions you may have, we would be happy to answer them and help walk you through our grooming process.

Health and Medicalconditions- Please notify us of any pre-existing medical conditions prior to your dog’s appointment. (For Example; allergies, seizures, heart conditions, recent surgery, arthritis, sensitive skin etc.) Informing us will allow our team to properly accommodate to your pet’s needs and provide a safe and comfortable groom. Failure to inform us may result in veterinary expenses at the expense of the owner.

Grooming can expose hidden medical issues or aggravate a current one. This can occur during or after your dog’s grooming. We will notify you as soon as possible of any conditions we may find, but we are unable to diagnose or treat and will recommend that you seek veterinarian care.

Vaccines: All dogs are required to be current on their rabies vaccines. DHPPL is highly recommended but not required. New clients must be able to show proof of the current rabies vaccine as well as provide the name and number to the Veterinary facility that has the records. Rabies tags will not be accepted as a form of proof. We are happy to call ahead to your vet and obtain the information but must have proof before any services will be rendered (Keep in mind, vets are closed on Holidays and weekends, advanced notice may be required). Some exceptions may be allowed for senior dogs, and puppies

Aggressive/Biting dogs: If your dog has a history of biting, or can be difficult to groom, you must inform us prior to the appointment so we can come prepared and schedule accordingly. We will be happy to work with you and your dog. Failure to inform us may result in medical expenses incurred by our staff and will be the sole responsibility of the owner. We reserve the right to use safety equipment (For example; muzzles, body harness, bite gloves etc.) to ensure the safety of our team and your dog.

At Barking Beauties 509 we understand the risks that come with grooming in these types of situations. We willingly accept partial responsibility (50%) of any medical expense that our staff may require as a direct result of incidents that can occur while grooming a dog with behavioral issues,but only as long as we are properly informed before your dog’s appointment.

In Home Grooming: In home grooming can provide many beneficial elements for dogsand their owners as well, but can come with some disadvantages. Dogs will be more distracted at home and therefore we ask that when scheduling to keep in mind the busyness of your home and the surroundings of which we will be grooming. Our equipment can be quite loud and would be counterproductive should your little one be napping, for example. So we ask that you take your entire family into consideration when making your appointment. We love kids and would love to show them how we bathe the family dog, but ask that there be parental supervision and that during the grooming process they are kept away as the dog(s) will be distracted by their favorite tiny humans and it can create an unsafe grooming environment for them and our staff.

Matting: Matting is painful and Barking Beauties 509 strongly believes in Humanity before Vanity. We will not provide de-matting services as it will cause pain and harm to your dog. We will work with you to provide the best maintenance program and tools to keep your pet looking beautiful and feeling great, but if the matting is too much to be brushed out, the dog may require to be shaved down entirely and the desired groom may not be achieved. We will not shave them without your consent however, and will discuss all options with you extensively before proceeding further. There will be a $10-20 fee added because of the extra time and tools needed to perform this service.

A matted coat prevents air from reaching your pet’s skin and may cause your pet to bite or scratch itself resulting in; cuts, scabs, bruising, bald patches, and/or irritated skin that does not heal properly. Shaving uncovers these conditions, as well as any skin conditions that occur from a lack of grooming. Your dog(s) comfort and safety is our top priorityand we will take every precaution we can but when shaving a matted dog it is highly likely to cause a small amount of skin irritation and our team will inform you of anything that they find when the groom is finished.

Accidents: Although accidents are rare, they do happen, and there is a risk when dealing dogs that an injury can be sustained. Barking Beauties 509 will contact you immediately and inform you of the situation. Should our staff feel it is an emergency situation, they will seek veterinary care and contact you as soon as possible. Our #1 priority is the safety and well-being of your dog and we do everything in our power to provide safe grooming solutions. Each member of our team is trained with your dog’s safety as the top priority, and if fully informed by you of any potential risks or dangers, we can greatly reduce the possibility of an accident occurring.

Parasites: Should your pet have fleas, ticks, or lice, they will automatically be treated. You will be notified as soon as possible. The added charge is $10-20 depending on the size of your dog to allow for the extra time needed and the specialty shampoo. Please inform us beforehand if you suspect your dog may need a treatment so we can prepare properly. This treatment will kill any pests your dog may have on them but does not treat their living space.

Barking Beauties 509

Service Contract and Pet Release form

Health and Medical Conditions: Any Veterinary care or expense resulting from the observation’s made by Barking Beauties 509 and their team, or from a pre-existing condition that may be aggravated by the grooming process, will be the sole responsibility of the owner.

Vaccines: All Medical and veterinary care expenses resulting in a pet not being up to date on their vaccines will be the sole responsibility of the owner.

Aggressive and Biting dogs:In the event that an injury is sustained to a member of our team and there are any medical expenses that may require medical attention from a clinic or physician (Including physical therapy as directed by the physician) the owner will be held liable for 50% of all costs associated with that injury.

*Should an injury be sustained to any member of our team, and the owner failed to properly inform Barking Beauties 509 and its staff of the potential danger, the owner than accepts full responsibility for all medical expenses as noted above.

Home or Property Damage: Barking Beauties 509, its owners, employees, and affiliates will not be held responsible for any damages occurring to the plumbing, electrical, flooring or any other part of the client’s home or property. Nor shall Barking Beauties 509 be held responsible for compensation on any utility or electrical expense incurred as a result of grooming services being provided.

Accidents: Veterinary costs will be the responsibility of the owner. The owner also understands and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Barking Beauties 509, its owners, employees, and affiliates from and against any and all liabilities, expenses, damages, and costs, including attorney fees, resulting in any service provided or injury, including death, whether in our care or after our services had been completed.

Cancelation Policy: Please allow for as much notice at possible prior to your scheduled grooming appointment. Should the need arise that you must cancel, call our business line and leave a message. Chronic cancellations may result in a cancellation fee up to the price of the grooming and/or permanent deferment from future appointments with Barking Beauties 509.

If we arrive for a scheduled appointment and you are not there, you may be subject to a trip fee. Habitual no shows may be subject to the full price of the groom, the added trip fee and permanent deferral from making any future appointments.

Barking Beauties 509 Cancellation: It is rare but due to unforeseen events (For example; weather conditions; vehicle malfunction; or unruly pets during a prior appointment etc.) we may have to shift appointments around, reschedule, or may be running late. In the rare event we must cancel, reschedule, or will be late getting to you,we will call you at the number you provided and inform you as soon as possible.

Returned Check Fees and Policy: Checks that are returned due to insufficient funds will be subject to a $35 fee in addition to all grooming fees owed. The repayment will be made in cash only. Returned checks will be grounds for refusal of accepting a check as payment for any future services rendered.

Photographs: This release allows Barking Beauties 509 to take photos of my dog/s for the company’s website and client file. All photos taken are the property of Barking Beauties.

Barking Beauties 509 reserves the right to refuse service based on their sole discretion.

By signing this service agreement you indicate that:

You have read, in its entirety, and understand the guidelines as set forth by Barking Beauties 509 in their Guidelines for Grooming Procedures handout.

You are in full agreement to these terms and have a full understanding of all guidelines set forth by Barking Beauties 509; that you understand and agree to release and hold harmless Barking Beauties 509, it’s owners, employees and affiliates from and against any and all liabilities, expenses, damages, and costs (including attorney fees) resulting from any service provided or injury (including death) to your pet while in our care or afterward.

That you are the rightful owner of the dog (s) that services are to be rendered for and that you understand prices are subject to change without notice.

You authorize the use of this signed agreement for any future grooming services asa valid contract. You also permit Barking Beauties 509 to accept telephone reservations, or emails for service without additional signed contracts or written authorization and that his agreement shall be binding to any and all members of your family or household where the pet resides.

You further Authorize Barking Beauties 509 to seek medical attention for your pet in case of an emergency, and agree that any resulting veterinary costs will be your sole responsibility. You authorize your dog(s) to be treated at the following veterinarian if the need arise and are unable to transport them yourself.

Veterinarian:______Phone #______

Medical Records are filed under (name) ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Printed name: ______

Employee Signature: ______

Barking Beauties 509

Client Information sheet

Mrs. ___ Mr. ___ Ms. ___ Dr. ___

First name:______Last name:______

Service Address:______

City: ______State: ______ZIP: ______

Home phone: (____) ______Cell: (____) ______

Email: ______

How did you hear about us? ______(Whom can we thank? ______)

Method of payment today Payment is required at the time of service. For your convenience, we accept Mastercard, Visa, American Express, cash, or check (with a valid driver’s license). Please check one:

❑ Cash ❑ Check ❑ Debit/Credit.

Pet information (please fill out information for each pet)

Name: ______Distinguishing marks: ______

Age/Birthday: ______Breed ______Weight ______

Male ❑ Female ❑ Spayed/neutered? Yes ❑ No ❑ Does your dog have allergies? Yes ❑ No ❑

Does your dog have any health problems? Yes ❑ No❑ If Yes, please explain: ______

Is your dog up to date on their rabies vaccine? (Please note this is a requirement) Yes ❑ No ❑

Name and Phone Number for this dog’s Veterinarian :______

Has this dog ever experienced a reaction after being groomed? Yes ❑ No ❑If yes, what was the reaction? ______

List any major surgeries this dog has had: ______

Has this dog ever bit anyone, including their groomer? Yes ❑ No ❑List any behavior problems we need to be aware of:______

Pet information (please fill out information for each pet)

Name: ______Distinguishing marks: ______

Age/Birthday: ______Breed ______Weight ______

Male ❑ Female ❑ Spayed/neutered? Yes ❑ No ❑ Does your dog have allergies? Yes ❑ No ❑

Does your dog have any health problems? Yes ❑ No ❑ If Yes, please explain: ______

Is your dog up to date on their rabies vaccine? (Please note this is a requirement) Yes ❑ No ❑

Name and Phone Number for this dog’s Veterinarian :______

Has this dog ever experienced a reaction after being groomed? Yes ❑ No ❑If yes, what was the reaction? ______

List any major surgeries this dog has had: ______

Has this dog ever bit anyone, including their groomer? Yes ❑ No ❑List any behavior problems we need to be aware of:______

Pet information (please fill out information for each pet)

Name: ______Distinguishing marks: ______

Age/Birthday: ______Breed ______Weight ______Male ❑ Female ❑ Spayed/neutered? Yes ❑ No ❑ Does your dog have allergies? Yes ❑ No ❑

Does your dog have any health problems? Yes ❑ No ❑ If Yes, please explain: ______

Is your dog up to date on their rabies vaccine? (Please note this is a requirement) Yes ❑ No ❑

Name and Phone Number for this dog’s Veterinarian :______

Has this dog ever experienced a reaction after being groomed? Yes ❑ No ❑If yes, what was the reaction? ______

List any major surgeries this dog has had: ______

Has this dog ever bit anyone, including their groomer? Yes ❑ No ❑List any behavior problems we need to be aware of:______