Greg Carter, Pastor
April 29, 2018
This Week at WBC
*SUNDAY–YouthSunday;SundaySchool10am, Morning Worship11am.Youth will be teaching S.S. and leading in other positions.We will not have lunchtodayand we will omit our night services.
*Monday: Unplugged @ 6:30pm at Mossy Pond. All ladies invited. Any questions please see Alta Lowman.
*Tuesday: May 1 Deacon’s Meeting
*WEDNESDAY: Bible study for all ages at 7pm. Nursery workers are:
LaDonna Crump & Denise Guy.
*Our high school graduating seniors this year are:
Derrin Cox ~ Sara Thornton ~ Trey Williams ~ Mason Tuten ~ Austin Lee
Our graduation service will be Sunday, May 20th @ 5 pm Ladies bring finger foods.
*Download our ‘Walkerville Baptist Church’ App on your cell phone and you will have all information pertaining to the church, events, activities, devotions, prayer request and you can pay your tithes on the app. If you need any help see Stephanie.
*We need two men to volunteerto teach Connie & Shay’sSundayschool classes on Mother’s Day (May 13) and we needat least two men in the nurseryduring theSundayschool hour.Please let Alta know if you will help in these positions.
*We are now live streaming Bro. Greg’s sermonsSundaymorning (11:15) and evening service (6:15) on Facebook so if you are home sick you can still be a part of the service.
Upcoming Events.
May 9 Church conference
May 20- Graduation Service at 5pm. Seniors need to be at the church dressed in your cap and gown by 4:30pm.
June 10-14 Vacation Bible School. More information to come.
Helpers for Today
*Nurseries during Worship Service (be there 10 min. early)
*AM: Nursery- Matt & Beth Barber & Joyce Varnadore
*Pre-School Children’s Church- No Children’s church today
* Children’s Church-No Children’s church today
*PM no pm services today
*Overflow Room (Multi-Purpose room) – Sr. Adult Class
*Treasurer Assistants: LaDonna Crump & Andy Knowlton
*Kitchen Duty: Young Adults
Building Fund.
All your support to this ministry will be greatly appreciated! You can give on our WBC App, webpage or fill out an envelope that is in the foyer and drop it in the offer plate. Balance: $56,022.00
Helpers forSundayMay 6.
*Nurseries during Worship Service (be there 10 min. early)
*AM: Nursery- Andy & Cameron Wood, Elijah Crump
*Pre-School Children’s Church- Karlie Heatherly & Merlene Crosby
* Children’s Church – Bixbee Carter, LaDonna Crump
*PM- Chris & Decia Carter
*Overflow Room (Multi-purpose room) – Young Adult Class
*Treasurer Assistants: LaDonna Crump & Andy Knowlton
*Kitchen Duty: Young Adults
Prayer List.
*Amy & Allen*Zac Dixon
*Gene Sowell*Judy Courson
*James Melton*Jerome Mincey
*Stephen King*Mattie Cason
*Todd Allen*Huggins family
*Kisha Howell*Unspoken
*Coleman Tanner*Morgan Ross
*Lillian Cavanaugh*Larry Cavanaugh
*Dell Olsen*Shelian Olsen
*Larry Gifford*Dewey Smith
*Ruth Cochran*Sherry Collins
*Tommy & Brenda Thompson (house fire)
*Will Bowen*Unspoken
*Becky Howell Griffin*WBC building project
*Thomas Gill*Stephanie Bennett
*Lee Contrell*Evelyn Siers
*Heather Raulerson*Jimmy Shaw
*Susie Sapp*Jimmy Taylor
*Tommy Lee*Kaley Herrin
*Cathy Connor*Eric Johns
*Bernice Boatright*Sylvester Altman
*Margie Ony*Nadine Crosby
*Brad Fulford*Megan Barber
*Josh Starpe*Danielle Harris
Stay connected with WBC.
Pastor: Greg Carter
Secretary: Stephanie Murray
Address: 3000 Walkerville Road Blackshear, GA
Church Office: 912-614-0463
Webpage: walkervillebaptistchurch.com
YouTube: WalkervilleBaptist
(Hear Bro. Greg’s sermons here)
Facebook: Walkerville Baptist Church
Instagram: walkervillebaptist
Twitter: @WalkervilleB
Who do I see concerning….
Nursery –Decia Carter 614-5186
Youth –Buddy Griner 288-6712
Women’s Ministry –Alta Lowman 286-8226
Men’s Ministry –John Cox 281-6606
Office –Stephanie Murray 288-6460
Any others -Kevin Moore, Deacon Chairman, 281-4507