Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship 2015-16

University of British Columbia
Internal Application Form and Instructions

Please email completed form in PDF formatwithattachments (described below) in Word format to MONDAY, JUNE 8, 2015 AT, 10:00 AM PST,NO EXCEPTIONS.APPLICATIONS THAT DO NOT FOLLOW THE FORMATTING GUIDELINES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Candidate Information

Legal Last Name:
Legal First Name:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Gender: / Female
Current University/Location: / UBCOther – please specify institution and location:

Supervisor Information

Potential Supervisor (Last name, First name):
Supervisor Email Address:
Supervisor Telephone Number:
Supervisor Faculty/College*: / Choose an item.
Supervisor Department/School*:
Supervisor Location**:
*Please provide the academic unit at UBC where your Supervisor is appointed. These should be the formal groups to which the supervisor submits grants for approval.
**Example: UBC Vancouver Campus, UBCO, Vancouver General Hospital, CFRI, etc.
Please indicate the tri-council agency expected to review the application:
What is your current citizenship? (All citizenships are eligible.)
Permanent Resident
Other – please specify country of citizenship:
What is your highest degree completed?
Health Professional Degree
Name of Institution Conferring the Degree:
Country of Institution Conferring the Degree:
*** If institution conferring degree is UBC, please indicate to the internal adjudication committee the exceptionally rare circumstances why your proposed research must remain within the UBC research environment:
Date (ex. June 6 , 2013) of fulfillment, or expected fulfillment, of alldegree requirements*:
*This is the date that you completed all steps required for obtaining your degree (e.g., thesis defence corrections and thesis deposition; not the convocation date). Should you receive a UBC nomination, this date will need to be authorized by the institution which conferred the degree on Banting’s Fulfillment of degree requirements form.
Did you complete this degree within Banting’s eligibility window: between the dates of September 23, 2012 – August 15, 2016; and before the start date of the proposed Banting fellowship? / YesNo
If no, did you complete your degree within the 5-year window due to ATTACHMENT: Special Circumstances (Task 9)? Please specify special circumstances below: / YesNo
Do you currently hold a CIHR/NSERC/SSHRC postdoctoral award (fellowship)? / YesNo
If yes, will the funding end before September 30, 2016*?
*Applicants who currently hold or have held agency-specific awards at the postdoctoral level are eligible to apply to the 2015–16 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program only if the term of that funding officially ends on or before September 30, 2016 and prior to the start of the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship. Early termination of the agency-specific postdoctoral award for the purpose of application to the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program is not permitted. / YesNo
Will you hold a tenure-track or tenured faculty position at the time of application? Please update PDFO if this changes. / YesNo


Please attach the following three (3) documents to this application form in the requested format and submit later thanMonday, June 8, 2015 at 10:00AM PST.APPLICATIONS THAT DO NOT FOLLOW THE FORMATTING GUIDELINES OUTLINED FOR EACH ATTACHMENT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

  1. Vanier-Banting Academic CV (via Canadian Common CV): No page limit.Submit in .pdf format.
  2. CCV website – To access the Banting CV template after logging in, select “Funding” from the “CV” dropdown menu, then select “Vanier-Banting” as the Funding Source and “Vanier-Banting Academic” as the CV Type.
  3. To save a draft PDFversion of your Vanier-Banting Academic CV, which is all that’s required for UBC’s internal selection process, click the “Preview” button. (Note: If you press “Submit”, this will generate a “final” PDF version of your CV which can be accessed by clicking the “History” tab at the top of the page. This version is acceptable, but not necessary, for internal submission.)
  4. There may be several places to enter the same information. Choose the most logical section and enter the information only once.
  5. Be creative in annotating your CV entries to ensure all relevant details have been included (e.g., add details in brackets when character limits allow).
  6. Applicants are strongly recommended to describe their contribution toward/role on journal publications,meaning of the author order, impact of journal and/or anything else considered significant for your discipline.Because there is no specific placein any of the Publications sectionsto allow this, we suggest you add your contribution details in the text boxes labeled “Journal”, “Authors” and/or “Editors” if the character limit allows.
  7. For example:SPARC, I.R., P.D. Fellows and V.P. Research. 2011. Successfully applying to the Banting Fellowship: A UBC study. Research Administration Journal. 24: 123-129. (Primary author of all text and graphs. Conducted experiments and provided data for Figures 3 and 4. Won best paper at CAURA 2012. Top three journal in field of Research Administration.)
  8. In the “Education” section, ensure your academic degree details are clearly laid out. Annotate as required to explain atypical details (e.g., gaps).
  1. Candidate Summary:Maximum 1 page; minimum 2 cm (3/4 inch) margin around the page (top, bottom, and sides); minimum 12 point font; everything Arial; no condensed type or spacing.Submit in Word format.ADDITIONAL PAGES WILL NOT BE ADJUDICATED.
  2. In one page, convince the internal review committee why you are a competitive candidate for a Banting Fellowship.
  3. Your text mustinclude elements from the following modules that are part of the formal Banting submission described in the application guide:

a)Significance of Research Contributions: Describe your top three research contributions and their significance in terms of influence on the direction of thought/activity in the target community, and importance to and use by other researchers/knowledge users.

b)Significance of Leadership Contributions: Describe activities you have undertaken that demonstrate your research leadership and sphere of influence at the institutional level and beyond. Discuss the impact and importance of these activities in terms of your career as a researcher.

c)Career Aspirations and Choice of Institution: Share the story behind your academic journey thus far. Summarize your career aspirations and provide a rationale for the decision to pursue a postdoctoral research experience at UBC with your proposed supervisor. Briefly describe your proposed research problem, how you expect to contribute to your new research group and how you will benefitfrom the interactions.

  1. Supervisor Summary: Maximum 1 page; minimum 2 cm (3/4 inch) margin around the page (top, bottom, and sides); minimum 12 point font; everything Arial; no condensed type or spacing.Submit in Word format.ADDITIONAL PAGES WILL NOT BE ADJUDICATED.
  2. In one page, your supervisor must convince the internal review committee that you are a synergistic fit with the program/department/faculty/institution. Note: Formal letterhead and signature is not required at this stage.
  3. Your potential supervisor must refer to the topics below which are components of the formal Banting submissiondescribed in the application guide:

a)Supervisor’s Statement: Describe your academic and research background, and relevant contributions/accomplishments to date. Also include details about the proposed research and training plan.

b)Institutional Synergy: Explain the “fit” of the candidate with your program; illustrate synergies between UBC research strategies/priorities and the candidate’s proposed contribution. If you have worked with this candidate before, explain the context.

c)Research Environment: Give details concerning the candidate’s proposed research environment including access to unique equipment, academic networks, facilities,team members, etc.

d)Professional Development: Describe resources and/or mentoring activities that are available to support the candidate’s career development.

Contact Information

For more details on the Banting Fellowship, visit the Banting website.

If you have any questions pertaining to the internal review process, email the PDFO .

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Revised Wednesday,April 8, 2015