Bannockburn HOA Board Minutes

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Location: Maier Residence

In attendance: Tammy Edwards,Amy Meier, Arlene Nickerson, and Steve Nickerson

Guests: Jerry Hargrave and Marc Bebout

1. Call to order at 7:07 P. M.

2. Secretary’s Report:

  1. No meeting in August as there was no quorum. No minutes to approve.
  2. Amy introduced potential board members Jerry Hargrave and Marc Bebout,
  3. Amy motioned to nominate Jerry Hargrave for the board position of Social. Tammy seconded. Motion carried. Jerry Hargrave accepted the Social position.
  4. Amy motioned to nominate Marc Bebout for the board position of Secretary. Tammy seconded. Motion carried.Marc Bebout accepted the Secretary position.

3. Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Amy reviewed the financials that she received from Karine.
  2. Amy motioned to accept budget. Arlene seconded. Motion carried.

4. Environmental:

  1. No new environmental items

5. Social Report:

a. Halloween Trick or Treat Hayride will be on Saturday, October 29.

Tammy will have a sign up sheet for volunteer drivers, trucks and trailers at the Annual Meeting. She will be accepting the RSVP from homeowners who will provide

trick or treat candy. Amy will create the routes and times of the hayride stops.

6. Covenant Committee Report

a. The survey was mailed out to all BHA homeowners.

b. Karine has been collecting surveys received in the mail.

c. Tammy offered to host the opening of the surveys at her home. Michelle will be contacted regarding set up the date; suggest Monday, September 26.

d. Our new secretary, Marc will tally the surveys and will email the results to the board members and covenant committee members.

7. New Business:

a. The Annual Homeowner Meeting will be held on October 8 at 7:00 P.M. Tammy will contact the Franktown Firestation to reserve the large meeting room. Board members should plan to meet at 6:30 P.M. to set up the room.

b. Jerry Hargrave will construct a sandwich board to replace the missing one. Jerry will have the three signs ready and posted at the Bannockburn entrances by October 1.

8. Old business: None

9. Newsletter:

a. The Fall Newsletter will be sent by September 23, 2011.

10. Website:

a. Webmaster will post the current financials, minutes, and the newsletter.

11. Next meeting:

October 8, 7:00 P.M. at the Franktown Firestation

Amy motioned to adjourn meeting at 8:33 P. M.

Minutes taken by Arlene Nickerson