
The Community Forum Grant Fund is a joint initiative between Warwickshire CountyCouncillors and Warwick District Councillors. There are seven community forums/localities in WarwickDistrict, each with their own pot of money. Every resident who lives in the community forum areaand attends the meeting can have a say on how the grant money is spent. (Applicants do not vote)

  • Wewelcomeapplicationsfromgroupsthathaveideaswhichwillbenefitlocalresidents.The majority of beneficiaries of any project must be from the community forum area appliedto.
  • The fund provides grants of up to a maximum of £3,000 for small-scale ideas thatmeet locality or neighbourhood (not district-wide) needs and, ideally, contribute towardsthe achievement of priorities identified by eachforum.
  • Applications for running costs will be considered on an individual basis, takingcircumstances into account, and will be subject to additional requirements, such as evidence of plansfor future sustainability. (Running costs include salaries, utilities, consumables, andrent.)
  • Applicants for capital improvements are encouraged to apply to Warwick District Council’s Rural Urban Capital Improvements Scheme (RUCIS) which gives grants of between £1000 - £30,000 to locally led and run not for profit community organisations that make use of volunteer towards capital projects. Capital is defined as ‘funds used by an organisation to purchase or upgrade physical assets such as property or equipment’. For example building repairs and construction, disabled access/ facilities, new facilities; kitchen, toilets etc. For full details
  • Grantsshouldbespentwithin12monthsof theawardbeingmade.Wemayrequirereturnof the money if it has not been spent without goodreason. Groups cannot apply to the fund more than once in a 12 month period.
  • Applications will be assessed on a ‘first come first served’ basis until all funds havebeen allocated. You may be offered a contribution to your project, and not the fullamount.

You can find out what your community forum’s priorities are by reading the notes of the meetings at by talking to the forum Chair, or by contactingthe Community Partnership Team using the detailsoverleaf.

1 / Who iseligible?
 / Constituted 'not-for-profit' community organisations based or working within theappropriate forumarea
 / Non-constituted or new ‘not-for-profit’ groups working in the appropriate forum area thatcan be supported by a mainstream service or community group willing to administer thefunds through an organisational bankaccount
 / Town and Parishcouncils
2 / Who is noteligible?
 / Statutory organisations, where they are the main bidder or a funding recipient. (They canbe a partner in a bid, but they must not benefit financially from the grantaward)
 / Individuals
 / Groupsororganisationsthathavefailedtomeettheconditionsofpreviousawardsfrom
Warwickshire County Council/Warwick District Council, including the timely submissionofreceipts/evaluations
 / Groups that have been awarded money from Warwick District Council’s other grantfunds (sports grant, arts grant, small grants or Rural/Urbangrant (RUCIS)), for the same piece ofwork
 / Groups already in receipt of a community forum grant for a piece of work that is stillactive. Previous awards must be spent and evaluated before further bids can besubmitted.
3 / What will not be funded by the grantfund?

4Application process andhelp Youarestronglyencouraged to discussyourideawiththeCommunityPartnership Team andask for advice on eligibility before you complete your application form. You can alsocontact Warwickshire Community and Voluntary Action for advice about how to fill in the form, on01926 477512 or

Applications must be made on the current year’s application form. All applications to be typed (not hand written). Please keep yourapplication brief and to the point. Applicants are welcome to submit additional information in support oftheir application. It is your responsibility to get County and District Councillor signatures for yourbid(see contactlist below).

We prefer applications to be emailed to or the responsible officer for the locality.

Each community forum has a small sub-group which will assess the applications priorto consideration by the public community forum. The sub-group will check applications toensure they meet the eligibility criteria to apply for a grant (see sections 1, 2 and 3) and supportforum priorities and/or local need. In undertaking the assessment the group may requestfurther information fromapplicants.

Applicants must be able to attend the community forum meeting at which the grant award willbe discussed. You will be expected to speak about your bid for around 2 minutes, andanswer questions on it. All applicants will normally be advised of the outcome of the forum’sdecision within 5 days of the public meeting. PLEASE NOTE – applicants may not request moremoney during the meeting than they originally bidfor.

Funds will only be released when the Community Partnership Team has received afully completed grant acceptance form from the successful bidder (we will send this toyou).

All successful bids will be required to complete reporting requirements on their work,including proof of delivery and receipts for all moneyspent.

Communityforum/ localityarea / Forum Chair and leadofficer contactdetails / Warwickshire County Councillors (WCC) and Warwick District Councillors(WDC)able to sign grantapplications
Kenilworth / Cllr Kate Dickson

Alistair Rigby / Cllr AlanCockburn lr DaveShilton

John Cooke

Cllr MichaelCoker
Cllr GeorgeIllingworth
/ Cllr FelicityBunker lr AndrewMobbs lr
NorthLeamington / Cllr Sarah
Bernadette / Cllr SarahBoad
lr BillGifford

Cllr NicolaDavies

Cllr AlanBoad

Cllr StefParkins

Cllr GordonCain
/ Cllr HayleyGrainger lr DanielHowe
Cllr AndrewThompson
lr JaneKnight

Cllr AmandaStevens
SouthLeamington / Cllr John
Liz / Cllr JonathonChilvers
Cllr lr IanDavison
Cllr BarbaraWeed / Cllr JohnBarrott
Cllr KristieNaimo
Cllr ColinQuinney
Warwick / Rotating Chair
Bernadette Allen
/ Cllr Parminder Singh Birdi

Cllr Pam Williams

Cllr JohnHolland
Cllr Moira-Ann Grainger

Cllr lr Stephen / Cllr NoelButler lr JacquelineD’Arcy
Cllr RichardEdgington lr Mary Noone

Cllr NealeMurphy
Cllr John-PaulBromley
lr TerryMorris
WarwickRural East / Cllr Wallace Redford

Alistair Rigby
/ Cllr WallaceRedford
Cllr MichaelDoody / Cllr Pam Redford
WarwickRural West / Cllr SusanGallagher nny / Cllr LesCaborn
Cllr John Cooke

Cllr PeterWhiting
/ Cllr AlanRhead
Cllr Andrew Day

Cllr Trevor Wright

Cllr PeterPhillips
Whitnash / Cllr Judy Falp

Alistair / Cllr / Cllr TonyHeath lr RobertMargrave



Please identify the community forum you are applyingto:
Only select one forum! We don’t accept blanket bids to lots of forums. Your bid must bearea-specific.
Kenilworth / North Leamington / South Leamington / RuralEast / RuralWest / Warwick / Whitnash
Name of applyinggroup / The name of yourorganisation
Name of contact person, andpostal address / These details must be for the person we cancontact to discuss thebid.
Emailaddress / Check you have spelled your emailaddress correctly!
Phonenumber / This should be a number where you areavailable and free to discuss details of thebid.
Describe what you want the moneyfor. When do you anticipate you willhave spent itall? / Use this space to tell us exactly what the moneywill be spent on. You do not need to include a lotofdetail about what your group does. Also includehow long you think it will take you to spend themoney.
How much money areyou
asking for, and what will you use itfor?
  • If you have to pay VAT youmust include VAT in yourtotal
If you have to pay VAT you need to make surethis figure includes VAT. Please don’t say ‘£XXXplusVAT’.
If the money will be used to cover severalthings, please list what those things are and show thecost against the item, and add them up to show thetotal requested.
If you are applying for sessional staff costs,please break down the cost to show the hourly rate,thenumber of hours per week, and the numberofweeks’delivery.
Describe how much ofyour organisation’s own money orresources you are putting in. (If none, pleasesay why.) / We would like to see what your organisationis providing to support your application. It doesnothave to be money. You can include volunteertime, existing equipment that you already have,oranything else that you will use to support yourgrant. If you are not putting any other resources in atall, please explain whynot.
If you have applied for other grantsfor this work, tellus:
  • howmuch
  • where from
  • if the grant has beenawarded
/ We need to know if you have applied forfundingfrom other grant funds. These include othercouncil funds, or requests to other organisations, suchas local or national grants/trusts or Lotteryfunding.
You can apply to us for money if you haveasked another grant fund for the same thing, but wewon’t give you the money if your other requestis
If you have applied for match funding, please telluswhen you willknow if you have beensuccessful.
If you have had any grants fromany community forum in the last 12months, please tell us what for, and howmuch. / Purpose of previous award fromcommunity forum grant fund, and name offorum / Amount
Include brief details here of anyfundingyou have been awarded byany Community Forum in WarwickDistrict within 12 months of your currentrequest.
Describe the target group thatwill benefit.
  • How many people willbenefit?
  • Who do you aim tobenefit?
  • How will you let people knowabout youractivity?
/ This is where you tell us who is going to benefitfromthe funding. We are interested in whethera particular age group, interest group, or other typeofgroup will benefit from the funding (such aschildren, older people, ethnic groups, parents, etc.). If the grant will provide support for people witha particular need, please tell us about thatneed.
Also include a target figure of how many peopleyouthink will benefit from this funding. We will askyou about this again after the money has been spent,so do berealistic!
If the grant will be used to bring in new people,tell us how you plan to advertise to attract thosepeople in.
Which geographical area will youfocus on? (e.g. a neighbourhood orparish.) / This can be an area smaller than your forumlocality (i.e. Warwick or South Leamington). It can be astreet or recreationarea.
If you are going to operate froma building, please tell us where itis. / If you have a regular venue, tell us its nameand/oraddress.
Which community forum priority orlocal need will this grantaddress? / We prefer applications to be addressinga community forum priority, but we do accept themfor other sorts of projects too. Please askthe Community Partnership Team if you don’t know yourlocality priorities. If your request does not addressa priority, please leave this boxempty.
How do you know there is a needfor the work covered by yourbid?
  • Describe the evidence youhave got and where you got itfrom (e.g. survey, petition,statistical data, press cuttings,etc.)
/ It is very important that this box is completed.We want to see that you can prove there is a localneed to justify giving your group a grant. Stating thatan event takes place every year is not evidence ofa need for that event! We need applicants tohave gathered proof that something is important tolocal people, and why. This can be done bygatheringcomments from local people, usingstatistical information, speaking to local groups andagencies, and many other ways. The best applicationshave more than one piece of evidence to showneed.
Name any groups or agenciesworking with you on this. (Solo andpartnership bids are bothwelcomed.) / If you will be spending the grant money todosomething that will support your work withanother organisation, tell us the name of it. You don’t haveto be working in partnership with anyone,though!
Describe how you will prove thatthe work has been done, anddemonstrate the impact it hashad.
After the money is spent we will needto / It is very important that this box is completed.All council grant awards are evaluated forsuccessful spending, and if you get a grant from us you willberequired to fill in a short form after areasonable period of time, or once the money has beenspent
  • receipts
  • evidence of delivery of thework
  • numbers of peoplebenefiting
  • evaluation of thework
/ (usually no more than 12 months). Failure toprovidethis evidence will exclude your group frommakingfurther grant applications tous.
If your project is working with individuals orgroupsof people, we want to know what thebeneficiaries thought about taking part init.
If the grant is for equipment, you can send usphotosof the equipment once it is in your possession,oreven in use. We also need a copy of allreceipts.
We would also like to know from you whetherthework went well or not, and how you plan toimprove things in thefuture.
You will need to record how many peoplebenefitted,and tell us thetotal.
Does your group have its ownbank account? (This cannot be anindividual’s account.) / Yes
Delete asnecessary / No
Delete asnecessary
If ‘No’ to the above, give the nameof the group or organisation thathas agreed to administer the money foryou / We will need to contact this organisation if weneed to pay the money to them. Make sure to providea contact name, address, and phone number. Wewill get their bank details fromthem.
Date formsubmitted / The date you email or post the formin.
Signature of supportingWarwickshire County Councillor and WarwickDistrict Councillor (see guidance notesfor councillor contact details). YouMUST get your bidsigned/supported. / Warwickshire CountyCllr
Applications areonly eligible if they havegotthe support of aDistrict and CountyCouncillorrepresenting the areato which you areapplying(Town andParish Councillors cannotsign). IT IS UP TOTHE APPLICANT TOGET SUPPORTINGCOUNCILLOR
SIGNATURES. A listof Councillor contactsis supplied withtheguidancenotes. / Warwick DistrictCllr