

85 - 90

80 – 85

75 - 80


55 -65

0 - 55

Band Evaluation Guide –

Participation & Attendance


Student has excellent attendance, is punctual, and makes an extra effort to make-up work following an absence. Student comes prepared to learn and recognizes the impact of their contributions to the group. Student displays a positive attitude towards peers. Student displays musical excellence has confidence and is willing to take risks. Memorizes music on time and demonstrates regular adequate practice time outside of class. Student is willing to assists the conductor/other band members in setting up hauling of equipment or in learning music. Students overcome all inhibitions when playing in public and their playing ability/skill is developing in a positive manner. Student is independent and does not rely on others to carry his/her part.

Student has good attendance, is punctual, and may or may not make an extra effort to make-up work following an absence. Student comes prepared to learn; however, is not concerned about the impact of their contributions to the group. Student displays an acceptable attitude towards peers. Student displays an obvious love of music but is not confidence enough to take risks. Student memorizes music on time and may practice outside of class from time to time. Student is willing to assist the conductor/other band members in setting up hauling of equipment or in learning music. Student is shy when playing in public yet has the desire to improve their playing ability/skill. Student is relatively independent and does not rely on others to carry his/her part.

Student has an average attendance, is generally punctual but does not make an extra effort to make-up work following an absence. Student comes to band but needs to be reminded that he/she is in band to learn. Students’ attitude is not consistently positive or acceptable towards peers. Student may have a love of music but this love is not obvious. Student does not take risks with their playing. Student does not make an effort to practice outside of band and often struggles with notes and memory. Student is reluctant to help conductor or other band members in all capacities. Student relies on other musicians. Students’ playing ability increases at a moderate rate.

Student has fair attendance, is generally late and does not make an extra effort to make-up work following an absence. Student has a negative influence on the group because he/she does not come to choir to learn but to socialize. Student may have an interest in music but is not committed to the group. Student does not practice outside of choir and often struggles with notes and rhythm. Student misplaces music and often times he/she relies on other musicians to learn his/her part. Student does not show signs of increased playing ability/skills.

Student has poor attendance, is regularly late and does not make an extra effort to make-up work following an absence. Student is a negative influence on the group because of attitude, and because he/she comes to band only to socialize. Student does not practice outside of band and has lost 1 or more pieces of music. Student does not show signs of increased playing ability.

Students’ attendance is sporadic and absences are never excused. Through attitude, behavior, lack of playing ability, and attendance, student is a negative influence on the group. Student does not know where he/her music is nor does he/she show a desire to be in band.

Student may or may not have attended band. Student has no desire to learn or be apart of group.