Lancer Lines

Commitment, Pride, Excellence

August 1, 2013

Band Camp Is Here!

Band Camp is August 5-9 at Eastridge, 1PM-9PM each day!

During this week, we put the entire show together. Please over this weekend prepare the things you have been taught to the best of your ability. This week will not be easy if you are unprepared.

If you show up to camp at 1PM, you are late. Please make arrangements now to arrive at least 15 minutes before practice starts, we must start on time.

Beat the heat! Eat a good, balanced breakfast every morning and stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water each night and throughout the day. Bring a water bottle and sun screen to camp!

Spirit week at band camp! We do something different each day…the first day of camp will be section colors:

Flutes – Red

Clarinets – Blue

Saxophones – Orange

Mellos – Orange

Trumpets – Green

Low Brass – Purple

Drumline – Yellow

Pit – Black

Colorguard – White

Tuesday: Hat-day

Wednesday: EI Spirit Day

Thursday: 1980s retro day

Friday: Wacky Day-you choose from the following, favorite movie character, favorite band t-shirt, tie-dye t-shirt, rainbow colors, or just plain wacky, keep in mind that it must make sense to move in throughout the day, so don’t go overboard!

*$35 Band Camp Fee due now (this pays for snacks and dinner each day of camp; write a check to Eastridge Parents for Music, send cash in an envelope, or ask if you have available funds in your account to cover it)

Section Leaders

Thank you to those who have held sectionals, you are doing a great job with them. If you have yet to hold the required two sectionals, you have the perfect opportunity to do that this weekend! A sectional could mean your section getting together to hang out and make your banner, that counts! So make sure those banners are done and ready for Monday!

Band Camp Family Dinner

The August Eastridge Parents for Music monthly meeting will be held Tuesday August 6th at 6:30pm during band camp. It will take place in the cafeteria at the high school. We will have a dish to pass supper and all family members are encouraged to attend. There will be a lot of information presented and it is a great time for us to get to know all of you. We encourage everyone to make every attempt to attend. It is a great way to enjoy your child's band camp experience!

Attention Seniors!

rainbow of stars is quickly approaching. every year the program features the seniors with their baby picture and senior bio.

we need your baby picture submitted to Mrs. Christman by august 5. if you have it electronically, please make sure it’s a high resolution photo (300dpi) and send it to . only photos and bios submitted by august 5 will be included.

Please have your profile written and into Mrs. Christman by august 5. if you will be doing it electronically, email it to the same address as above. write your bio as if an announcer is reading your profile like the following example:

“Jane Doe has been a member of the Eastridge Colorguard for 6 years, 2 in which she has been captain. Outside of the marching band she is involved in the Eastridge musicals, show choir, jazz choir, National Honor Society and is in the rigorous IB program. After graduation, jane plans to pursue a medical career. jane would like to thank Mr. Hoffman and the rest of the staff for their dedication to the band. She would also like to thank her family and friends for their constant love and support and for making her marching band experience unforgettable.”

Thank you and have fun this year!

sara christman

Looking Ahead and Reminders for Camp

Attached to this week’s Lancer Line is the calendar for the month of August. There is also an informational flyer about the baked goods sale that we do at the Rainbow of Stars every year. New outside the band room on the green wall is a Music Department Bulletin Board, please check it often for updates and news (but not yet, it was just installed). Camp Reminders:

  1. Band camp is $35. Have you turned in your form with payment? Parents, have you volunteered to help in some way?
  2. Make sure your child eats a good breakfast and lunch. Make sure they are drinking plenty of water and that they bring a water bottle with them to camp.
  3. SUNSCREEN. SUNSCREEN. SUNSCREEN. They are outside a large portion of the day. Sunscreen is important. Hats are good. Cloths, like bandanas, soaked in water around the neck helps keep them cool.
  4. Sneakers or comfortable shoes. NO flip flops!

See you all on Monday at Eastridge for Band Camp; be there by 12:30pm for a full band meeting in the auditorium!