July 2011 –November 2011

Recent Arrivals – Books:

Berkman, Paul Arthur et al., Science Diplomacy, Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, WashingtonD.C., 2011. (KWX60 .S2)

Hailey, A., B. S. Wilson & J. A. Horrocks (eds.), Conservation of CaribbeanIsland Herpetofaunas. Volume 1: Conservation Biology and the Wider Caribbean, Koninklijke Brill NV, 2011. (QL656.A1.C6).

Stevenson, Andrew, Whale Song – journeys into the secret lives of the North Atlantic Humpbacks’, Constable & Robinson, Ltd., 2011. (BDA. QL737.C4.S7).

Journal Donations:

‘Ecological Economics’ from November 2009 – February 2011. Kindly donated by Dr. Wolfgang E. Sterrer.

Bermuda Government Reports:

Ajemian, M. J., Spotted Eagle Ray BZS/BAMZ Report 2010, 13 pp., 2010.

(BAMZ #2375)

Madeiros, Jeremy, Cahow Recovery Program: Breeding Season Report for 2010, Government of Bermuda, 2010. (REF BDA GOVT. REPORTS & BAMZ #2369)

Sarkis, Samia, Report on the Potential Impacts of Cruise Ships on Bermuda’s Environment, Government of Bermuda for The Bermuda National Trust, 1999. (REF BDA GOVT. REPORTS)

Reports – International Organizations

IUCN/TRAFFIC – Summary of IUCN/TRAFFIC analyses of the proposals to amend the CITES appendices at the 15th meeting of the Conference of the parties, Doha, Qatar, 13-25 March, 2010. (QL82.S9)

Research Papers

Angel, M. V., Towards a full inventory of planktonic Ostracoda (Crustacea) for the subtropical Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, 57: 2173-2188, 2010.

(BAMZ #2400)

Badgley, Brian D., Fredric Lipschultz & Kenneth P. Sebens, Nitrate uptake by the reef coral Diploria strigosa: effects of concentration, water flow, and irradiance, Marine Biology, 149: 327-338, 2006. (BAMZ #2367)

Bucklin, A. et al., A “Rosetta Stone” for metazoan zooplankton: DNA barcode analysis of species diversity of the Sargasso Sea (Northwest Atlantic Ocean), Deep-Sea Research II, 57: 2234-2247, 2010. (BAMZ #2395)

Collette, Bruce B., Reproduction and Development in Epipelagic Fishes, In Cole, Kathleen S. (ed.), Reproduction and Sexuality in Marine Fishes: Patterns and Processes, 2010, pp. 21-63. (BAMZ #2363)

den Hartog, C. & J. Kuo, Taxonomy and Biogeography of Seagrasses, In: A. W. D. Larkum et al., Seagrasses: Biology, Ecology and Conservation, pp. 1-23, 2006. (BAMZ #2370)

Forster, J. et al., Marine biodiversity in the Caribbean UK overseas territories: Perceived threats and constraints to environmental management, Marine Policy, 35: 647-657, 2011. (BAMZ #2391)

Gleeson, M. W. & A. E. Strong, Applying MCSST to coral reef bleaching, 16(10): 151-154, 1995. (BAMZ #2379)

Hearty, Paul J. & Storrs, L. Olson,Preservation of trace fossils and molds of terrestrial biota by intense storms in mid-last interglacial (MIS 5c) dunes on Bermuda, with model for development of hydrological conduits. PALAIOS, 2011, v. 26, p. 394-405. (BAMZ #2356).

Hellin, Dan, An Assessment of Recreational Pelagic Fishing in Bermuda, A dissertation submitted to the Department of Marine Sciences and Coastal Management, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 96 pp., August 1999. (BAMZ #2371)

Eakin, C. Mark, Jessica A. Morgan, Ross J. Jones, et al., Caribbean corals in crisis: record thermal stress, bleaching, and mortality in 2005. Plosone, 2010, v. 5, iss. 11, 9 pp. (BAMZ #2358).

Flood, Vanese Sonia, Coral Community Structure and Patterns of Sedimentation in CastleHarbour, Bermuda, Thesis submitted to the University of Georgia in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree, Master of Science, Athens, Georgia, 56 pp., 2004. (BAMZ #2378)

Gleeson, M. W. & A. E. Strong, Applying MCSST to coral reef bleaching, Advances in Space Research, 16(10): 151-154. (BAMZ #2379)

Goreau, Thomas J. & Raymond L. Hayes, Coral bleaching and ocean “hot spots”, Ambio, 23: 176-180, 1994. (BAMZ #2380)

Goulet T. L. & Mary Alice Coffroth, The genetic identity of dinoflagellate symbionts in Caribbean octocorals, 23: 465-472, 2004. (BAMZ #2381)

Hallett, Jessie, The Sargasso Sea: A history of exploration and exploitation, MSc Dissertation, University of York, 2011. (BAMZ #2382)

Iliffe, Thomas M., Rikk Kvitek, Steve Blasco, Katie Blasco & Robert Covill, Search for Bermuda’s deep water caves, Hydrobiologia, 12 pp., 2011. (BAMZ #2366)

Jones, Ross J., Chemical contamination of a coral reef by the grounding of a cruise ship in Bermuda, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54: 905-911. (BAMZ #2376)

Jones, Ross J., Environmental effects of the cruise tourism boom: sediment resuspension from cruise ships and the possible effects of increased turbidity and sediment deposition on corals (Bermuda). Bull. of Mar. Sci., 2011, v. 87, 21 pp., (BAMZ #2359).

Kelty R. & F. Lipschultz, Phosphorus uptake and allocation by Symbiodinium bermudense isolated from Aiptasia pallida, Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1: 155-158, 2000. (BBSR #1606)

Kuehl, Kristin, Ross Jones, David Gibbs & Laurie Richardson, The roles of temperature and light in black band disease (BBD) progression on corals of the genus Diploria in Bermuda. Jour. of Invert. Pathology, 2011, v. 106, p 366-370. (BAMZ #2360)

Lagueux, Cynthia J., Status and Distribution of the Green Turtle, Chelonia mdas, in the Wider Caribbean Region, In:Marine Turtle Conservation in the Wider Caribbean Region – A Dialogue for Effective Regional Management, 32-35, 2001. (BAMZ #2373)

Linton, D. M. et al., The Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity Program (CARICOMP) Database: potential for data mining and comparisons of Caribbean-wide datasets, Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, 2: 8 pp., 2000. (BAMZ #2377)

Loram, J. E., G. Trapido-Rosenthal & A. E. Douglas, Functional significance of genetically different symbiotic algae Symbiodinium in a coral reef symbiosis, Molecular Ecology, 16: 4849-4857, 2007. (BAMZ #2374)

Moncada, F. et al., Movement Patterns of Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Cuba and Adjacent Caribbean Waters Inferred from Flipper Tag Recaptures, Journal of Herpetoogy, 40(1): 22-34, 2006. (BAMZ #2372)

Morgan, Michael B., Sara E. Edge, Terry W. Snell, Profiling differential gene expression of corals along a transect of waters adjacent to the Bermuda municipal dump, 51: 524-533, 2005. (BAMZ #2383)

Meylan, Peter A., Anne B. Meylan & Jennifer A. Gray, The Ecology and Migrations of Sea Turtles 8. Tests of the Developmental Habitat Hypothesis, Bulletin of the AmericanMuseum of Natural History, 357: 70 pp., 2011.

(BAMZ #2361 & BBP #180)

Owen, R. et al., A common sense approach for confronting coral reef decline associated with human activities, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 51: 481-485, 2005. (BAMZ #2386)

Pages, F. & L. P. Madin, Siphonophores eat fish larger than their stomachs, Deep-Sea Research II, 57: 2248-2250, 2010. (BAMZ #2397)

Pierrot-Bults, A. C. & V. R. Nair, Horizontal and vertical distribution of Chaetognatha in the upper 1000 m of the western Sargasso Sea and the Central and South-east Atlantic, 57: 2189-2198, 2010. (BAMZ #2398)

Piniak, G. A. & F. Lipschultz, Role of host feeding and inorganic nitrogen in the partitioning of prey nitrogen between host and zooxanthellae in the anemone Aiptasia pallida, Proceedings of the International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, 1: 527-531, 2000. (BAMZ #2387)

Savage, A.M., H. Trapido-Rosenthal, A. E. Douglas, On the functional significance of molecular variation in Symbiodinium, the symbiotic algae of Cnidaria: photosynthetic response to irradiance, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 244: 27-37, 2002. (BAMZ #2384)

Savage, A. M., M. S. Goodson, S. Visram, H. Trapido-Rosenthal, J. Wiedenmann, A. E. Douglas, Molecular diversity of symbiotic algae at the latitudinal margins of their distribution: dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium in corals and sea anemones, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 244: 17-26, 2002. (BAMZ #2388)

Short, F., T. Carruthers, W. Dennison & M. Waycott, Global seagrass distribution and diversity: A bioregional model, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 350: 3-20, 2007. (BAMZ #2389)

Stegeman, John J., Bruce R. Woodin, Hanuman Singh, Marjorie F. Oleksiak & Malin Celander, Cytochromes P450 (CYP) in tropical fishes: catalytic activities, expression of multiple CYP proteins and high levels of microsomal P450 in liver of fishes from Bermuda, 116C: 61-75, 1997. (BAMZ #2368)

Sutton, T. T. et al., Diversity and community structure of pelagic fishes to 5000 m depth in the Sargasso Sea, 57: 2220-2233, 2010. (BAMZ #2399)

Venn, Alexander et al., The impact of coral bleaching on the pigment profile of the symbiotic alga, Symbiodinium, Plant, Cell & Environment, 29: 2133-2142, 2006. (BAMZ #2390)

Walker, G., Joel B. Dacks & T. Martin Embley, Ultrastructural Description of Breviata anathema, N. Gen., N. Sp., the Organism Previously Studied as “Mastigamoeba inverterns”, J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 53(2): 65-78, 2006.

(BAMZ #2392)

Webster, G. & S. R. Smith, Reduced juvenile coral populations on reefs affected by sewage discharge in Bermuda, Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Vol. 2, 2000. (BAMZ #2394)

Wiebe, P. H. et al., Deep-sea sampling on CMarZ cruises in the Atlantic Ocean – an Introduction, Deep-Sea Research II, 57: 2157-2166. (BAMZ #2396)

Yost, Denise M., Ross J. Jones, & Carys L. Mitchelmore, Alterations in dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) levels in coral Montastraea franksi in response to copper exposure. Aquatic Toxicology, 2010, v. 98, p. 367-373. (BAMZ #2357).


The Riddle of the Crest, Look Bermuda, 2010. (#272)

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Date issued:10th November 2011

Alison Green, Librarian, Bermuda Aquarium, Natural History Museum & Zoo, P.O. Box FL 145, Flatts FL BX, Tel: 293-2727 Fax: 293-3176