

Today students received the first of the graded assignments for the quarter. Please discuss the grades with your child, sign the communication log, and send the graded work back to school. You are welcome to copy the graded work, however, I keep a portfolio of graded work for each student at school. Below is a list of graded assignments that were sent home today.

  • Composing a Ten and/or Hundred
  • Making Inferences
  • Check-In (Rounding)

Picture Day is Monday, October 6th. Students are bringing home a picture order form today.

Baltimore Museum of Industry Field Trip

Students are bringing home a permission slip for our upcoming field trip on October 9th. The cost is $26. If you are interested in chaperoning, please indicate at the bottom of the permission slip. I will randomly draw names once all permission slips have been turned in.

The office is missing many of the blue and yellow emergency/reunification forms. Please make sure you have not forgotten to complete them and return them to school.

Some teachers have had a problem receiving emails. If for some reason you email me and I do not respond within 48 hours, please resend the email as I may have not received the email. I do my best to respond to emails within 24 hours. Thank you for your cooperation.

Class Updates

Students went to P.E. today.

In Math, students used strategies to solve subtraction problems.

Students received graded work.


Math: Worksheet

Read for 20 minutes



Baltimore Museum of Industry Field Trip

Students are bringing home a permission slip for our upcoming field trip on October 9th. The cost is $26. If you are interested in chaperoning, please indicate at the bottom of the permission slip. I will randomly draw names once all permission slips have been turned in.

The office is missing many of the blue and yellow emergency/reunification forms. Please make sure you have not forgotten to complete them and return them to school.

Some teachers have had a problem receiving emails. If for some reason you email me and I do not respond within 48 hours, please resend the email as I may have not received the email. I do my best to respond to emails within 24 hours. Thank you for your cooperation.

Class Updates

In Social Studies, students watched a video to determine who makes laws in Montgomery County and how leaders in Montgomery County know what laws are needed. We learned about the elected officials of Montgomery County that project citizens.

Students went to Media today.

In Math, students used rounding to solve subtraction problems.

In Writing, students analyzedCome on, Rain!to determine what strategies KarenHesseused to make her writing so good. We brainstormed a list of ideas that we could use in our writing.

In Reading, we made text to text connections to determine ifarpilleras, which were used as the illustrations inTonight isCarnaval,are a type of folk art. We used another text to help us determine this.


Math: Worksheet

Read for 20 minutes



Baltimore Museum of Industry Field Trip

Students are bringing home a permission slip for our upcoming field trip on October 9th. The cost is $26. If you are interested in chaperoning, please indicate at the bottom of the permission slip. I will randomly draw names once all permission slips have been turned in.

The office is missing many of the blue and yellow emergency/reunification forms. Please make sure you have not forgotten to complete them and return them to school.

On Friday, students brought home a letter from Ms. Johnson regarding recorders.

Some teachers have had a problem receiving emails. If for some reason you email me and I do not respond within 48 hours, please resend the email as I may have not received the email. I do my best to respond to emails within 24 hours. Thank you for your cooperation.

Class Updates

In Social Studies, students finished writing their opinion piece on how they can make the world a better place.

Students went to Art.

In Math, students used strategies to solve subtraction problems.

In Writing, students wrote a fast and furious draft of their story.

In Reading, we readTonight isCarnaval. Students identified details in the story. We sorted them into two categories, key details and supporting details. Students used key details to determine the central message of the book.


Math: Worksheet

Read for 20 minutes



Baltimore Museum of Industry Field Trip

Students are bringing home a permission slip for our upcoming field trip on October 9th. The cost is $26. If you are interested in chaperoning, please indicate at the bottom of the permission slip. I will randomly draw names once all permission slips have been turned in.

The office is missing many of the blue and yellow emergency/reunification forms. Please make sure you have not forgotten to complete them and return them to school.

On Friday, students brought home a letter from Ms. Johnson regarding recorders.

Some teachers have had a problem receiving emails. If for some reason you email me and I do not respond within 48 hours, please resend the email as I may have not received the email. I do my best to respond to emails within 24 hours. Thank you for your cooperation.

Class Updates

In Social Studies, students continued writing their opinion piece on how they can make the world a better place.

Students presented their current events and had a class meeting reflecting about the week.

In Math, students used strategies to solve subtraction problems.

In Writing, students learned techniques for making leads. Students wrote three leads and chose one that they will use when writing their story.

In Reading, students used evidence from the storyOokaand the Honest Thiefto explain whetherGonta'spunishment was fair or not fair.


Read for 20 minutes



Baltimore Museum of Industry Field Trip

Students are bringing home a permission slip for our upcoming field trip on October 9th. The cost is $26. If you are interested in chaperoning, please indicate at the bottom of the permission slip. I will randomly draw names once all permission slips have been turned in.

The office is missing many of the blue and yellow emergency/reunification forms. Please make sure you have not forgotten to complete them and return them to school.

On Friday, students brought home a letter from Ms. Johnson regarding recorders.

Some teachers have had a problem receiving emails. If for some reason you email me and I do not respond within 48 hours, please resend the email as I may have not received the email. I do my best to respond to emails within 24 hours. Thank you for your cooperation.

Class Updates

In Science, students continued conducting their experiment to see how the surface of a ramp affects the distance a ball travels.Students concluded that the rougher a surface, the more friction there is with the ball and therefore the ball does not travel as far.

Students went to Music today.

In Math, students used strategies to solve addition problems with three addends. Students discussed why their strategy was most efficient for them.

In Writing, students learned that writers rehearse their stories before they write them. Students practiced rehearsing their stories with their partners. I was so impressed with all of the details students were including in their stories!

In Reading, students had a collaborative discussion about whyOokamadeGontagive back more rice than he stole. Students used evidence from the story to support their answer. Students practiced explaining why they disagreed or agreed with something their classmate thought and used evidence from the story to support their opinion.


Math: Worksheet

Read for 20 minutes

Current Event due TOMORROW for Thomas, Logan,Yaela, andAva



The office is missing many of the blue and yellow emergency/reunification forms. Please make sure you have not forgotten to complete them and return them to school.

On Friday, students brought home a letter from Ms. Johnson regarding recorders.

Some teachers have had a problem receiving emails. If for some reason you email me and I do not respond within 48 hours, please resend the email as I may have not received the email. I do my best to respond to emails within 24 hours. Thank you for your cooperation.

Class Updates

Students went to P.E. today.

Students took the MAP-M which assesses them in math.

In Math, students took a rounding assessment.

In Writing, students identified ways they will work on their spelling.

In Reading, students discussed the quote "You owe an extra ten percent for interest". Students used evidence from the story "Ooka and the Honest Thief" to understand the meaning of this quote.


Math: Practice your addition facts

Read for 20 minutes

Current Event due Friday for Thomas, Logan, Yaela, and Ava



The office is missing many of the blue and yellow emergency/reunification forms. Please make sure you have not forgotten to complete them and return them to school.

On Friday, students brought home a letter from Ms. Johnson regarding recorders.

Some teachers have had a problem receiving emails. If for some reason you email me and I do not respond within 48 hours, please resend the email as I may have not received the email. I do my best to respond to emails within 24 hours. Thank you for your cooperation.

Class Updates

In Science, students investigated how the texture of a ramp affects the distance and speed a ball travels.

Students went to Media today.

In Math, students used rounding to solve addition problems. For example: 198+198=, (198+2)+(198+2)=, 200+200=400, 400-4=396

In Social Studies, students began writing their opinion paragraph about what they could do to make the world a better place. Students have to identify a problem and explain how their solution will make the world a better place using supporting details.

In Reading, students discussed how someone can be an honest thief. We discussed other non-literal phrases/oxymorons. Students used evidence from the storyOokaand the Honest Thiefto determineGonta's, the honest thief's, point of view.


Math: Worksheet

Read for 20 minutes

Current Event due Friday for Thomas, Logan,Yaela, andAva



On Friday, students brought home a letter from Ms. Johnson regarding recorders.

Some teachers have had a problem receiving emails. If for some reason you email me and I do not respond within 48 hours, please resend the email as I may have not received the email. I do my best to respond to emails within 24 hours. Thank you for your cooperation.

Class Updates

In Science, students went outside to investigate how different surfaces impact the speed and distance a ball travels.

Students went to Art today.

In Math, students sorted addition problems based on whether tens, hundreds, or both would be composed. We solved addition problems using the methods we learned on Friday.

In Social Studies, students began a graphic organizer to write an opinion paragraph about what they could do to make the world a better place. Students have to identify a problem and explain how their solution will make the world a better place using supporting details.

In Reading, students read the Japanese folktale "Ookaand the Honest Thief". We made inferences to understand the story better. Students discussed places in the story whenOoka, the main character, was fair and unfair.


Math: Worksheet

Read for 20 minutes

Current Event due Friday for Thomas, Logan,Yaela, andAva



Students brought home a letter today from Ms. Johnson regarding recorders.

Some teachers have had a problem receiving emails. If for some reason you email me and I do not respond within 48 hours, please resend the email as I may have not received the email. I do my best to respond to emails within 24 hours. Thank you for your cooperation.

Class Updates

Students presented their current events.

In Science, students had to use materials (a T pin, index card,unifixcube, string and rubber ball) to change an object's motion.

Students had Guidance today.

In Math, students learned methods for adding three-digit numbers. One method involved rounding and the other two methods involved place value.

In Writing, we discussed how when using a storyteller’s voice we need to describe what is happening by using our senses.

In Reading, students used evidence fromBoxes forKatjeto infer character traits for characters from the book.

We had our September Birthday Celebration!


Read for 20 minutes

Current Event due Friday for Thomas, Logan,Yaela, andAva



Some teachers have had a problem receiving emails. If for some reason you email me and I do not respond within 48 hours, please resend the email as I may have not received the email. I do my best to respond to emails within 24 hours. Thank you for your cooperation.

Class Updates

In Social Studies, students finished presenting their plays demonstrating how citizens can contribute to the common good. We watched a video of a boy who participated in the political process to make the crossing signal last longer so his friend had enough time to cross the street.

Students had Music today.

In Math, students rounded numbers to the nearest ten and hundred using a number line.

In Writing, we discussed how when we are writing a story we want to write about a small moment that happened.I used the analogy of a watermelon and a seed. Students determine the topic they want to write about (the watermelon) and then have to determine a small moment that happened to them (the seed).

In Reading, we discussed the point of view of the narrator inBoxes forKatje. We read a biography ofCandaceFleming, the author, on our Chrome books. We used evidence from the biography to infer whyCandacemay have writtenBoxes forKatje.


Math: Worksheet

Read for 20 minutes

Current Event due TOMORROW for Caroline, Alec,Kyle, andEmma



Some teachers have had a problem receiving emails. If for some reason you email me and I do not respond within 48 hours, please resend the email as I may have not received the email. I do my best to respond to emails within 24 hours. Thank you for your cooperation.

Class Updates

Students went to P.E. today.

Students took their MAP-R assessment. This is a reading assessment.

In Math, students rounded numbers to the nearest ten and hundred.

In Writing, we evaluated our writing to determine what aspects of our writing we want to work on.

In Reading, we re-readBoxes forKatje. Students ordered the sequence of events. We used our Chrome books to explain how the characters' actions contributed to the sequence of events.


Math: Worksheet

Read for 20 minutes

Current Event due Friday for Caroline, Alec,Kyle, andEmma



Your child brought home two important documents last week: Parent/Child Reunification Authorization for Release of Student Form (Yellow) and Emergency Dismissal Form (Blue). They are due back by September 10th.

Class Updates

In Science, students were given aunifixcube and index card. They had to describe the position of theunifixcube in relation to the index card. We made a list of vocabulary words that described the block's position. Students then had to place their index card andunifixcube somewhere on their desk. They covered their desk with a folder so their partner could not see where the objects were located. Students had to ask questions back and forth using positional words to find out where theunifixcube and index card were located on their partner's desk. Once students felt they knew where their partner's objects were located, they revealed the location.

Students went to Art today.

In Math, students rounded numbers to the nearest ten using a number line.

In Writing,students identified the difference between a storyteller's voice and a reporter's voice. Students determined that a storyteller's voice is better for narrative writing because it helps the reader create a mental movie in their mind allowing them to feel like they are a part of the story. Students went back to revise their stories to make sure they are using a storyteller's voice.

In Reading, we read the bookBoxes forKatje. Students answered questions while they were reading to understand the story better. We discussed how the characters in the book showed common good.


Math: Worksheet

Read for 20 minutes

Current Event due Friday for Caroline, Alec,Kyle, andEmma



Your child brought home two important documents yesterday: Parent/Child Reunification Authorization for Release of Student Form (Yellow) and Emergency Dismissal Form (Blue). They are due back by September 10th.