Baltic Pilotage Authorities Commission (BPAC) agreement for deep-sea pilotage in the Baltic Sea area
Revised and adopted on YYYY-MM-DD
RECALLING the adoption of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Resolution A.480(12) on the 19th of November 1981 of the “Recommendation on the use of adequately qualified deep-sea pilots in the Baltic”,
RECALLING ALSO the adoption of the IMO Res. MSC.138(76) on the 5th of December 2002 of the “Recommendation on navigation through the entrances to the Baltic Sea” where certain ships are recommended to use pilotage services locally established by the coastal States,
HAVING NOTED the designation by the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee by resolution MEPC.136(53), of the Baltic Sea area as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) including the establishment of Associated Protective Measures (APMs),
BEING MINDFUL that the Baltic Sea, with the exception of Russian waters and the Russian economic zone, was designated a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The PSSA status includes special protective measures to control international maritime activities. The Baltic Sea has also been defined as a "special area" according to several annexes to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78), which means stricter requirements for maritime transport in this area,
BEING CONSCIOUS of the sensitivity of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea area and the importance it represents to the people living around it for economic, social, recreational and cultural reasons,
BEING AWARE of the increase in shipping activities, especially the increase in oil transportation, in the Baltic Sea area in recent years has made the use of qualified deep-sea pilots more important in view of special requirements set for maritime transportation by low temperature and ice conditions in winter,
RECOGNIZING the risk of grounding or collision and other hazards associated with navigation in the congested area of the Baltic Sea area,
RECOGNIZING ALSO the difficulties the Baltic Sea area presents to navigation due to narrow straits, shallow depths, archipelago areas and also ice cover during the winter period,
RECOGNIZING FURTHER that the services of competent and qualified deep-sea pilots can make an important contribution to the safety of navigation and the prevention of pollution in the Baltic Sea area,
WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO international agreements and legislation of the European Community,
BEING CONVINCED of the need for additional measures in order to ensure the safety of navigation in the Baltic Sea area,
HAVING AGREED UPON the following requirements and minimum qualification and training standards for Baltic deep-sea pilots as well as rules and agreements for certain areas.
1. General
The Baltic Sea area is a globally unique, sensitive, cold, brackish-water eco-system which is vulnerable to the impact of international shipping and other human activities.
The increase in shipping activities, especially the increase in oil transportation, in the Baltic Sea area in recent years has made the use of licensed Baltic deep-sea pilots more important in view of special requirements set for maritime transportation in narrow and/or shallow waters and by low temperature and ice conditions in winter.
The services of qualified deep-sea pilots in the Baltic Sea area make an important contribution to the safety of navigation and the prevention of pollution.
1.1 Definitions
The following definitions are used in this document:
BPAC / Baltic Pilotage Authorities CommissionBaltic coastal states / Refers to Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden.
Baltic deep-sea pilot / A nautical advisor to a ship’s master outside national pilotage areas under all seasonal conditions and licensed by the competent pilotage authority of a Baltic coastal state.
The Baltic Sea area / Refers to the Baltic Sea including the Kattegat, the Sound and the Belts.
Competent pilotage authority / The authority legally responsible for the provision of deep-sea pilotage within each country.
Pilotage service provider / A pilotage company made responsible by the competent pilotage authority, in whole or in part, for operating pilotage and/or
deep-sea pilotage.
1.2 References to international resolutions and recommendations
IMO Res A.480(12) / Recommendation on the use of adequately qualified deep-sea pilots in the BalticIMO Res MSC.138(76) / Recommendation on navigation through the entrances to the Baltic Sea
IMO Res MEPC.136(53) / Designation of the Baltic Sea area as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) including the establishment of Associated Protective Measures (APMs)
IMO Res A.893(21) / Guidelines for voyage planning
IMO Res A.601(15) / Provision and display of manoeuvring information on board ships
HELCOM Recommendation 25/7 / Safety of winter navigation in the Baltic Sea area
2. Baltic deep-sea pilotage
Efficient deep-sea pilotage depends, among other things, upon the effectiveness of the communication and information exchanges between the deep-sea pilot, the master and the bridge personnel and upon the mutual understanding each has for the functions and duties of the other. Establishment of effective co-ordination between the deep-sea pilot, the master and the bridge personnel, taking due account of the ship’s systems and equipment available to the deep-sea pilot, will aid a safe and expeditious passage.
a. A Baltic deep-sea pilot intending to professionally pilot vessels in the Baltic Sea area outside national pilotage areas shall hold a Baltic deep-sea pilot license (Red Card) issued by the competent pilotage authority of a Baltic coastal state. Upon request, the Baltic deep-sea pilot shall show the license to the master and/or to the appropriate authorities.
b. Deep-sea pilotage in the Baltic Sea area shall be performed by licensed Baltic deep-sea pilots from the respective ports of departure of the Baltic coastal states only, including the Baltic approaches and the Kiel-Holtenau Locks. A Baltic deep-sea pilot shall disembark from a ship at the first port of call.
(Port-of-departure rule)
c. A Baltic deep-sea pilot may only remain onboard if a ship during the pilotage is engaged in bunkering, taking stores, repair etc. on the outer road, not calling port or using the local pilotage service.
d. Before the pilotage begins the Baltic deep-sea pilot should be adequately rested and mentally alert in order to provide undivided attention when performing pilotage duties.
e. Despite the duties and obligations of a deep-sea pilot, the Baltic deep-sea pilot’s presence on board does not relieve the master or officer in charge of the navigational watch from their duties and obligations. It is important that, upon boarding the ship and before the deep-sea pilotage commences the Baltic deep-sea pilot, the master and the bridge personnel are aware of their respective roles in the safe passage of the ship.
f. The master remains responsible for the command and for the safety of the ship, even when the master has allowed the Baltic deep-sea pilot to give orders directly to the crew.
g. The master, bridge officers and the Baltic deep-sea pilot(s) share a responsibility for good communication and understanding of each other’s role for the safe conduct of the vessel.
h. The master and the pilot should exchange information regarding navigational procedures, local conditions and rules and the ship’s characteristics. This information exchange should be a continuous process that generally continues for the duration of the deep-sea pilotage. This exchange of information should include at least:
- Presentation of manoeuvring information[1] (pilot card, wheelhouse posters and manoeuvring booklet);
- discussion of any unusual ship-handling characteristics, machinery difficulties, navigational equipment problems or crew limitations that could affect the operation, handling or safe manoeuvring of the ship;
- general agreement on plans and procedures, including contingency plans, for the anticipated passage;
- discussion of any special conditions such as weather or ice[2], depth of water, tidal currents and marine traffic that may be expected during the passage;
- agreement on when or where the Baltic deep-sea pilot may take adequate rest periods;
- confirmation of the language to be used on the bridge and with external parties;
- information on the port of destination (if applicable) and any district pilot arrangements; and
- information on embarkation or debarkation arrangements.
i. The master and bridge officers have a duty to support the Baltic deep-sea pilot and to ensure that the actions are monitored at all times.
j. A Baltic deep-sea pilot should be engaged on the bridge in accordance with the Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping (STCW). Normally a Baltic deep-sea pilot should not be engaged on the bridge for more than 12 hours in 24 hours. Baltic deep-sea pilots should take adequate rest periods between spells of pilotage and should reach agreement with the master of the ship in advance regarding adequate rest periods to be taken during the passage. The pilotage service provider should ensure that this is followed.
k. A Baltic deep-sea pilot should immediately report both to the nearest appropriate authority and to the competent pilotage authority any observation or irregularity with regard to the safety of the ship, the safety of the navigation and the prevention of pollution.
l. A Baltic deep-sea pilot should have the right to refuse pilotage when the ship to be piloted poses a danger to the safety of navigation or to the environment. Any such refusal, together with the reason, should be reported immediately to the nearest appropriate authority for further action.
m. Authorities involved are requested to render the Baltic deep-sea pilot aid in pursuance of pilot duties.
n. All Baltic deep-sea pilots may after agreement with the pilotage service providers use the existing pilotage facilities.
3. Baltic deep-sea pilot qualifications
The competent pilotage authority should consider the following qualifications and decide the appropriate actions to act as a Baltic deep-sea pilot.
3.1 Minimum requirements
- highest master’s certificate according to the STCW[3];
- sufficient record of service time as a master, chief mate, or licensed pilot;
- medical fitness particularly regarding eyesight, hearing and physical fitness according to STCW;
- appropriate practical experience in the Baltic Sea area, preferably with recent practical experience of navigation in ice as a master, chief mate, or pilot in waters where ice-breaker assistance has been provided;
- appropriate theoretical knowledge of the Baltic Sea area according to the training requirements; and
- any additional requirements or other standards that the competent pilotage authority considers appropriate.
3.2 Training and licensing standards
The competent pilotage authority is responsible for the requirements for training and licensing standards. The standards should enable Baltic deep-sea pilots to carry out their duties safely and efficiently. The training should include both theoretical knowledge and practical experience.
The pilotage service provider is responsible for the training and for how the skills and knowledges of a Baltic deep-sea pilot determined by the competent pilotage authority should be developed.
Each applicant for a Baltic deep-sea pilot license should demonstrate, as a minimum, the following necessary knowledge:
- the main routes of the Baltic Sea area, including the maximum draught permissible for transit through the Sound and the Belts, other narrow passages, and harbour approaches;
- existing traffic separation schemes and other routeing systems;
- existing vessel traffic services and ship reporting systems;
- systems and procedures of navigational warning broadcasts in the Baltic Sea area;
- provisions and traffic restrictions on ice-breaking assistance;
- provisions on protection of the environment in the Baltic Sea area;
- search and rescue (SAR) procedures;
- use and limitation of relevant types of tugs, e.g. escort tugs;
- factors affecting ship performance such as temperature, wind, current, ice, water depth, bottom, bank and ship interaction including squat;
- the national areas of pilotage in the Baltic Sea area, pilot boarding positions and pilot order procedures;
- pilot embarking and disembarking procedures;
- the English language to a standard adequate to enable the pilot to express communication clearly;
- Bridge Resource Management (BRM) and information exchange, e.g. pilot card, between the master and the pilot;
- International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG), 1972
as amended; and
- any other relevant knowledge considered necessary by the competent pilotage authority.
The applicant should also produce and present a Bridge Book for the relevant part of the Baltic Sea area which should include passage plans[4] and incorporated sections of charts.
4. Examination
The competent pilotage authority should consider requirements for an examination in which each applicant for a Baltic deep-sea pilot license should demonstrate the necessary knowledge according to the requirements under Training and licensing standards (3.2).
Upon fulfilling the requirements and passing the examination the applicant may be granted a license entitling him to act as a deep-sea pilot in the Baltic Sea area.
5. Baltic deep-sea pilot identity card (red card)
A Baltic deep-sea pilot should hold an appropriate Baltic deep-sea pilot identity card issued by the competent pilotage authority of a Baltic coastal state according to IMO Resolution A.480(12) and this agreement. The Baltic deep-sea pilot identity card, also called Red Card, shows that the holder is licensed to act as a Baltic deep-sea pilot.
5.1 Format of the identity card
The Baltic Sea is divided into areas that should be stated on the identity card. The areas used but not limited to are Kattegat, the Sound, the Belts, the Baltic including Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia.
The Baltic deep-sea pilot identity card shall be issued in English and include:
- the holder’s name and date of birth;
- the holder’s signature;
- a photo of the holder;
- the pilotage area(s) for which the holder is licensed;
- the number of the identity card (national code and numbers in three digits e.g. DK-123),
- issue and expiry dates; and
- name, signature and contact information of the issuing authority.
The identity card shall be in credit card size and material. An example is shown in Annex 2.
5.2 Validity, renewal of license/identity card and continued proficiency
A Baltic deep-sea pilot license should be valid for maximum five years. The license may be renewed after application to the competent pilotage authority.
Before the license can be renewed a Baltic deep-sea pilot shall meet the requirements upon the basis of which the license has been issued. In order to ensure the continued proficiency of Baltic deep-sea pilots the competent pilotage authority should ensure that a Baltic deep-sea pilot in particular should: