(Amended upto 16th August, 2004).
An Act to amend and consolidate the law, relating to salaries, allowances and other facilities to the Members of the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan and to provide for certain Privileges to the Leader of the Opposition in the Provincial Assembly.
This bill was passed by the Balochistan Provincial Assembly on 04-04-1975 and after having received the assent of the Governor of Balochistan, published an Act of the Provincial Assembly, in the Balochistan Gazette (Extra-ordinary) dated 14thApril, 1975.
Preamble. / WHEREASit is expedient to amend and consolidate the law relating to salaries, allowances and other facilities to the Members of the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan, and to Provide for certain privileges to the Leader of the Opposition in the Provincial Assembly;It is hereby enacted as follows:─
1. Short title and
commencement / (1) / ThisAct may be called the Balochistan Assembly Members (Salaries and Allowances) Act, 1975.
(2) / It shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions. / In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:─
(a) / ‘‘Assembly’’ means the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan;
(b) / ‘‘ Committee’’ means a Committee, appointed by the Assembly and includes a Finance Committee, Standing Committee and a Select Committee of the Assembly;
(c) / ‘‘Government’’ means the Government of Balochistan;
(d) / ‘‘Leader of the Opposition ’’means a member who, in the opinion of the Speaker, is for the time being, Leader of the majority of the members or, the majority group or the party in opposition in the Assembly;
(e) / ‘‘meeting’’ means a meeting of the Assembly or a Committee;
(ff) * / ‘‘Member’’ means a member of the Assembly but does not include the Chief Minister, Minister, Speaker or Deputy Speaker;
‘‘Secretary’’ means the Secretaryof the Balochistan Assembly;
(i) / ‘‘session’’ means the period commencing from the date of the first sitting of the Assembly,after it has been summoned, and ending on its prorogation or dissolution;
‘‘sitting’’means the meeting of the Assembly or a Committee from the commencement of its business to the termination for the day;
‘‘Speaker’’ means the Speaker of the Assembly and includes the Deputy Speaker for the time being acting as Speaker.
3. Salary. / ** / A member shall be entitled to a consolidated salary at the rate of ten thousand rupees per mensem.
4.Daily Allowance / ** / A member shall be entitled to a daily allowance of five hundred and fifty rupees per day for the period on duty.
Explanation:- / A member staying for the purpose of attending a session, sitting of a Committee or any other business as such member, shall be considered to be on duty for the period of such stay which includes two days immediately preceding as well as following the session, a sitting of a Committee or other business.
5. Travelling allowance and mileage allowance. / * / A member shall be entitled to draw a travelling allowance for journey performed for the purpose of attending session, meeting of a Committee, or any other business as such member, from the place where he ordinarilyresides to the place where the session or the meeting is held or the other business istransacted or whenever a demand is made by the Provincial Government for the presence of the member of the Provincial Assembly at Quetta or any other place in connection with the visit of the President of Pakistan or the Prime Minister of Pakistan and for the return journey from the last mentioned place to the first mentioned place, at the following rates:-
(a) / in case of journey by rail, an amount equalto one air-conditioned class fare;
(b) / in case of journey by air, an amount equal to one economy class fare;
** / in case of journey by road, an allowance at the rate of rupeesthree and fifty paisas per kilometer when the journey in a vehicle not owned or maintained by Government is performed:
5.A Controlling Officer. / * / Provided that if the meeting of the Assembly is adjourned for a period of morethan ten days, a member shall be entitled to travelling allowance for a journey performed from the place of session to the place where he ordinarily resides and back from such place to the place of session.
The Secretary shall be Controlling Officer for the purpose of travelling allowance admissible under this Act.
5-B. free Travel
6.Telephone. / **
*** / (1) Every Member shall be provided during a year with vouchers of the value of thirty thousand rupees for the purpose of any journey within Pakistan without payment of any fare by Air or by Rail;
Provided that where a person becomes a member during the course of a year, the value of the vouchers with which he is provided during that year shall not exceed the value which bears the same proportion to thirty thousand rupees as the un-expired portion of the year bears to a year.
(2) A member who does not wish to be provided with such vouchers shall be paid travelling allowance of fifty thousand rupees in cash during a year for the purpose of any journey.
A member a shall be entitled to-
(a) / at the government expense the facility of telephone the place where he ordinarily resides, if the installation facility is available at such place; and
(b) * / rupees five thousand per month as fixed charges of rental of the telephone and the calls made there-from. The telephone bills will be paid by the members themselves;
6-A Office Maintenance Allowance.
6-B Sumptuary Allowance for Member. / **
*** / Providedthat Government shall not pay expenses of reinstallation in case the place of residence is changed.
A Member shall be entitled to receive an office maintenance allowance at the rate of five thousand rupees per month...
A Member shall be entitled to receive Sumptuary Allowance at the rate of three thousand rupees per month.
7. Leader of
Opposition. / The Leader of the Opposition shall, in addition tothe allowances and facilities admissible to him as a member, be entitled to_
(a) **** / consolidated salary of rupees twenty thousand per month inclusive of his salary under section 3;
. / (b) / office accommodation within the precincts of the Assembly building;
***** / the services of a whole-time
Senior Scale Stenographer and a
Naib Qasid in the office; and
(d) (i)
* (ii)
(e) **
(f) ***
(g) *** / the installation of a telephone at Government expense in his office in addition to the telephone at his residence as a member of the Assembly;
the charges of rent of office telephone and calls made therefrom not exceedingseven thousand rupees per month.
The Leader of Opposition shall be entitled to receive Sumptuary Allowance at the rate of rupees five thousand per month.
The Leader of Opposition shall be provided an official residence otherwise he shall be entitled to draw House Rent Allowance at the rate of fifteen thousand rupees per mensem.
An official vehicle shall be provided to the Leader of Opposition and he shall also be entitled to draw five thousand rupees per month as POL Allowance with Salary.
7-A Medical facilities.
7-B Session Allowance. / Explanation:-
***** / The holding of office of the Leader of the Opposition shall not disqualify the holder from being elected or chosen as, or from being, a member of the Assembly.
A Member shall be entitled to medical facilities as admissible to a Government servant of a highest class under the West Pakistan Government Servants (Medical Attendance)Rules, 1959.
A Member shall be entitled to asession allowance of rupees five hundred per day for actual working days.
8.Repeal of
Balochistan ActNo. III of 1972. / The Balochistan Provincial Assembly Members (Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1972 (Act No. III of 1972)is hereby repealed.
9. Omission of
Section 14 of Balochistan Act No. VII of 1973)
10. Official Transport for Chairman of Committee. / *
(ii) / Section 14 of the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan Privileges Act 1973 (Balochistan Act No. VII of 1973) is hereby omitted.
A Member who holds the office of Chairman of a Committee of Assembly, other than that of a Select Committee or a Special Committee shall be entitled to the use of not more than one official car regardless of his entitlement to have an official car in any other capacity, and where he avails himself of this facility, he shall not be entitled to receive the conveyance allowance;
Provided that –
Only one car shall be provided to a Chairman of a Committee during the whole term of his office;
A Chairman of a Committee shall be allowed five thousand rupees per month as POL charges.
Provincial Assembly of Balochistan.
Dated Quetta the 14th April, 1975.
No.Legis-X(2)/75.The Balochistan Assembly Members (Salaries, and Allowances) Bill, 1975, having been passed by the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan on 2nd April,1975 and assented to by the Governor of Balochistan, is hereby published as an Act of the Provincial Assembly.
(First published after having received the assent of the Governor of Balochistan, in the Balochistan Gazette (Extraordinary) dated 14th April, 1975.)
to amend and consolidate the law, relating to salaries, allowances and other facilities to the Members of the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan and to provide for certain Privileges to the Leader of the Opposition in the Provincial Assembly.
Preamble. / WHEREAS it is required by clause (1) of Article 250 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan that within two years from the commencing day of the Constitution, provision shall be made by law for determining the salaries, allowances and privileges of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Provincial Assembly;1. Short title and
commencement. / It is hereby enacted as follows:─
(1) / ThisAct may be called the Balochistan Speaker's and Deputy Speaker's (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975.
(2) / It shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions. / In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context─
(a) / "Assembly" means the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan;
(b) / "family" means the wife, legitimate and step children residing with and wholly dependent upon the Speaker or Deputy Speaker, as the case may be;
(c) / ‘‘Government’’ means the Government of Balochistan;
(d)* / ‘‘maintenance’’ in relation to an official residence of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, as the case may be , includes the payment of local rates and taxes, water charges , electricity ,gas and fuel charges;
(e) / ‘‘Speaker’’ means the Speaker of the Assembly;
(f) / ‘‘Deputy Speaker’’ means the Deputy Speaker of the Assembly;
(g) / ‘‘official residence’’ means the house reserved from time to time for use by the Speaker or Deputy Speaker, as the case may be, and includes the staff quarters and other buildings and gardens appurtenant thereto.
3. Allowances
on taking up
and laying
down the
office. / The Speaker or the Deputy Speaker, as the case may be, shall, for the journey from his ordinary place ofresidence to the seat of Government for the purpose of assuming office and from the seat of Government to his ordinary place of residence after laying down office, be entitled to—
(a) / the actual travelling expenses for himself and and his family;
(b) / the cost of transporting not more than two personal servants by rail in the lowest class; and
* / the cost of transporting his house-hold effects of total weight not exceeding four thousand and four hundred and eighty Kilogrammes in case of the Speaker and two thousand nine hundred eighty six Kilogrammes in case of the Deputy Speaker, by goods train, steamer or other craft( excluding aircraft), and personal car, if any;
Provided that the journey is performed not later than six months from the date of taking up office or, as the case may be, from the date of laying down office.
4. Charge Report. / The Speaker or Deputy Speaker, as the case may be,shall not be required to sign a charge report on taking up or laying down his office.
5. Salary. / * / The salary of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker shall respectively be thirty two thousand rupees and twenty seven thousand rupees per mensem.
6. Official
Residence. / (1) ** / The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker shall be entitled without payment of rent, to the use of a residence through out term of their office and for a period of fifteen days immediately thereafter, and no charge shall fall on them personally in respect of its maintenance.
The Speaker and the Deputy
(2) / Speaker, shall until official residence as provided to them by Government, be paid the actual expenditure incurred by them on furnished accommodation subject to a maximum of five thousand rupees and four thousand rupees per mensem , respectively.
*** / The residence of the Speaker shall be furnished by Government at a cost not exceeding three hundred thousand rupees and that of the Deputy Speaker two hundred thousand rupees, in accordance with such scale as may be prescribed by Government from time to time;
Provided that spending of the whole of the aforesaid amount on anyone item of furnishing shall not be permissible;
Provided further that at the option of the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker, as the case may be, he shall be entitled to a monthly furnishing allowance of two thousand rupees, in lieu of the furnishing of the residence.
(4) / Where the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker resides;
in a house hired
by Government / (i) * / Fixed sum ofrupees twenty five thousand per month in lumpsum shall be paid to the Speaker and Deputy Speaker if they choose to reside in a hired house.
in his own house. / (ii) / Fifteen thousand rupees per month shall be paid to the Speaker and Deputy Speaker.
In a rented house.
Occupied by him before his appointment as the Speaker or Deputy Speaker, as the case may be. / (iii) / To be decided on case to case basis.
6-A. Telephone. / ** / The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker shall be entitled to telephone facilities at office and residence at Government expense without ceiling both for official and private purposes through out the term of their office and for a period of fifteen days immediately thereafter. They will also be entitled to free telephonic facility while on tour where such facility is available.
6-B Utility Allowance. / *** / The Speaker and Deputy Speaker shall be entitled to receive Utility Allowance at the rate of rupees fifteen thousand and twelve thousand, respectively per month.
6-C Other Facilities. / **** / On the dissolution of Provincial Assembly, the Speaker including current Speaker who might have completed minimum four years of the tenure as such, shall for the life time be entitled to the following facilities at Government expenses:-
a) / one Driver.
b) / free access to Provincial Government Rest houses in the Country.
c) / free installation of official telephone at residence and utilization thereof to the extent of Rs.2000 per month;
Provided that such facilities shall be discontinued if the Speaker holds any Government office during such period.
7. Transport. / The Speaker or the Deputy Speaker, as the case may be, shall be entitled to the use of an official car maintained at Government expense.
8. Equipment Allowance / * / The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, may draw a sum of rupees three thousand as equipment allowance on appointment as Speaker or Deputy Speaker.
9. Travelling
for touring in
Pakistan. / (1)
** / Subject to provisions made hereinafter, the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, as the case may, travelling on official dutyshall be entitled to get five hundred and fifty rupees as Daily Allowance.
(2) / Journey by Air-
The Speaker or the Deputy Speaker, as the case may be, travelling on duty by air, shall be entitled to---
(a) ** / A single air fare for business class;
*** / the cost of transporting personal luggage upto forty five kilogrammes inclusive of the free allowance given by the air company;
(c) / the actual premium paid by him for insuring himself for the air journey on an amount not exceeding rupees one lac;
(d) * / The Speaker when proceeding on tour within Pakistan may take his wife and an infant child by air, but no charge for extra luggage transported by air beyond the free allowance may be made.
I) / The Speaker shall, in addition to above, be entitled to the cost of transporting not more than two personal servants by rail in the lowest Class.
II) / Wherever possible, the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker, as the case may be, shall purchase return air tickets.
(3) / Journey by Rail─
The Speaker travelling on duty by railway shall be entitled to─
(a) / Requisition at the cost of Government─
(i) / when travelling on the main lines, an ordinary first class- cum-second class carriage or B class tourist car;
(ii) / when travelling off the main lines, an eight wheeled( A Class) tourist car;
(iii) / if the vehicles specified in sub-clauses (i) and (ii) are not available, or not desired, an ordinary four-berthed first class compartment or a two berthed first class air– conditioned coupe;
(b) / take his wife in the reserved accommodation without payment of any fare;
(c) / take not more than two personal servants in the lowest class;
(d) / the carriage of personal luggage upto the normal free allowance limits according to the accommodation utilized.
(4) / The Deputy Speaker travelling on duty by railway shall be entitled to─
(a) / Requisition at the cost of Government─
(i) / when travelling on the main lines an ordinary first class two berthed compartment;or
(ii) / where an air-conditioned coach is provided a first class coupe in such coach;
(b) / take one personal servant in the lowest class;
(c) / the carriage of personal luggage upto the normal free allowance limits according to the accommodation utilized.
Note- / The Speaker or Deputy Speaker, as the case may be, having reserved accommodation in therailway, shall, before beginning the journey, have the number and other details of the tickets purchased for the persons travelling with him in the reserved accommodation, entered on the requisition form by the Station Master of the station from which the journey is to commence.
(5) / Journey by Steamer or Launch─
The Speaker or Deputy Speaker, as the case may be, travelling on duty by a steamer or launch, shall be entitled to─
(a) / draw the actual fare paid for him self ;
(b) / take with him not more than two personal servants in the lowest class; and
* / the carriage of personal luggage upto one hundred and twelve kilogrammes.
(6) / Journey by Road─
The Speaker or the Deputy Speaker, as the case may be, travelling on duty, by road, between places, not connected by railway or when so connected he chooses to forego the privileges admissible to him under this section for rail journey, he may, where the journey is performed in a vehicle not owned or maintained by Government, draw─