Ballot Review Summary
2012Cycle 6
REGION: North America
EVENT: NA Standards Fall 2012 Meetings
DATE OF MEETING: November 1, 2012
PLACE OF MEETING: SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California
COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRS: Chris Evanston/Salus Engineering, Sean Larsen/Lam Research AG, Eric Sklar/Safety Guru, LLC
I. Document Number & Title
Document 4449D / Delayed Line Item Revision to SEMI S2-0712, Environmental, Health, and Safety Guideline for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment. Line Item Revisions related to Work at Elevated Locations and Design Criteria for Platforms, Steps, and LaddersII-1 Line item 1
Line Item 1 / Addition of a Delayed Revisions Section Related to Work at Elevated Locations, and Design Criteria for Platforms, Steps, and Ladders1. Tally (Staff to fill in)
Voting Tally: As-cast tally after the close of the voting period
A minimum of 60% of the voting interests that have voting members within the technical committee must return votes. (Regulations ¶9.6.1)
Reject 1 (Applied Materials – Edward Karl)
Negative2 of Reject 1
Negative / Referenced Section / *TF/Committee to fill in if necessary18.8.3.1 Exception
Reason / *Original negative comment and as well as justification should be included.
The Exception clause to Section specifies that fall protection may not be provided or specified for operation, service, or maintenance tasks scheduled or anticipated by the supplier to be performed no more than once every two weeks and for a total of no more than 4 worker-hours during any sequential 4-week period. The second part of the clause is problematic from a compliance verification perspective because the duration for any task could vary depending on a number of factors.
Secondly, it is not clear just when the clock starts and stops in a particular task. For example, if the procedure states, “Step 1: Turn off Main Circuit Breaker at the Equipment. Step 2: Don appropriate Arc Flash apparel. Step 3: Erect signs and barriers tape around the AC Box. Step 4: Open the AC Box door and verify zero energy isolation using a calibrated Digital Voltmeter. Step 5: Don appropriate clean room garment and step up onto the raised service platform and perform Chamber clean procedure per XXX.” Step 1 through 4 of this hypothetic maintenance task could take an hour or more, even before personnel steps onto the elevated platform.
Proposed Solution:
Delete the phrase, “and for a total of no more than 4 worker-hours during any sequential 4-week period (e.g., 2 workers every 4 weeks for 2 hours = 4 worker-hours per 4-week period). If TF wishes to bring attention to the reader that OSHA Directive STD 01-01-13 has this time based requirement, include this as part of the NOTE ##.
If the TF believes that the justification and the proposed solution above are not persuasive, I would like to propose that the TF at least clarify in the Exception clause by adding the words, “at the elevated locations” following the words “to be performed”. This would at least address the concern raised in the second part the Negative above.
Withdrawal / x / No withdrawal made / GOTO“Related” section
Withdrawal document received by staff on XXXX / GO TO “Final”(A)
Related / Motion and Reason / x / “Related” is mutually agreed upon.
*This motion can be appended to the motion for Persuasive (See Persuasive Section)
Negative is related (needs over 1/3 votes to pass)
Negative is not related(needs 2/3 or more votes to pass)
Reason / XXXX
Motion by/2nd by / Name (Company)/Name (Company)
Result of Vote (check ONE) / XX-XX
[Negativeis related] 1/3 / GO TO “Persuasive”
[Negativeis not related] < 2/3
2/3=< [Negative is not related] <90% / GO TO “Final”(B)
90% =< [Negative is not related] / GO TO “Not Significant Finding Option”
Persuasive / Motion and Reason / x / Negative is related and persuasive(needs over 1/3 votes to pass)
Negative is related and not persuasive(needs 2/3 or more votes to pass)
Reason / The exception as written is not an appropriate exception for fall protection.
Motion by/2nd by / Ron Macklin (Macklin & Associates) / Lauren Crane (KLA-Tencor)
Discussion / None
Result of Vote (check ONE) / 11-0
x / [Negative is related and persuasive] 1/3 / GO TO “Final” (E)
[Negative is related and not persuasive] < 2/3
2/3=<[Negative is related and not persuasive] <90% / GO TO “Final” (C)
90%= [Negative is related and not persuasive] / GO TO “Not Significant Finding Option”
Not Significant Finding Option / This option can only be used in either case of “if the committee finds a negative not related by a vote equal to or greater than 90% of the persons voting on the action” or “if the committee finds a negative not persuasive by a vote equal to or greater than 90% of the persons voting on the action”. (Regulations ¶,
It is mutually agreed upon to term the negative “not significant” / GO TO(D)
It is mutually agreed upon to term the negative “significant” / GO TO (B)OR(C)
Motion / The negative is “not significant”.
Motion by/2nd by / Name (Company)/Name (Company)
Vote / XX-XX Motion passed with simple majority / GO TO (D)
XX-XX Motion failed with simple majority / GO TO (B)OR (C)
Final / Negative is:
(A) / withdrawn (counted under h in disposition)
(B) / not related (significant) (counted under i in disposition)
(C) / related and not persuasive (significant)
(D) / not significant (counted under j in disposition)
x / (E) / related and persuasive / DOCUMENT FAILS
Comment generated. See comment #x
Reject votes were also received from the following voters:
- KLA-Tencor: Alan Crockett, Lauren Crane
- Lam Research AG: Sean Larsen
- Lam Research: Paul Kryska, Brian Claes
- Salus: Chris Evanston
- Tokyo Electron: Mitsuju Nambu
Comments were received from the following voters:
- KLA-Tencor: Lauren Crane
- Lam Research AG: Sean Larsen
- Hatsuta Seisakusho: Moray Crawford
- Macklin & Associates: Ron Macklin
V. Action for this document
Motion(Check all applicable items) / Line item(s)[X], [X] and [X]passed committee review as balloted and will be forwarded to the A&R for procedural review.
Line item(s)[X], [X] and [X] passed committee review with editorial changes and will be forwarded to the A&R for procedural review.
x / Line item(s)[1] failed committee review and will be returned to the task force for rework.
Line item(s) [X], [X] and [X] failed committee review and work will be discontinued.
Motion by/ 2nd by / Ron Macklin (Macklin & Associates) / Lauren Crane (KLA-Tencor)
Vote / 12-0
Final Action / x / Motion passed
Motion failed