Ballad Analysis/Presentation Assignment Due 11/23

No more than two (2) people per group*.*Queen Elinor’s Confession Group may have 3 people

Each pair willchoose a ballad to analyze and interpret. Be sure that both members of your group participate in the preparation and presentation. Please hand in one copyof your prepared handout for grading.

IDENTIFICATION: In your ballad you must identify the following:

  • Plot—what is the story of your ballad. Go through the ballad stanza by stanza and explain what is happening in each stanza.
  • Central character—who is the central character?
  • Dialogue—is there dialogue? Who is speaking to whom?
  • Refrain—does your ballad have a refrain? What effect does it have on the poem?
  • Rhyme—Does your ballad follow traditional ballad rhyme scheme? Have internal rhyme?
  • Stanza—does your ballad have the traditional ballad stanza?
  • Repetition—does your ballad contain repetition? Where? Incremental repetition? What is its purpose?
  • Tone—what is the tone of your ballad? Does it follow traditional ballad tone?
  • Theme—what themes does your ballad have (lost love, death, cheating, etc.)? Is the theme in your ballad still relevant(something that could happen) today? How?


  • Prepare a handout for the class that gives a plot summary of your ballad and answers the questions posed above. This should be typed (probably at home), error free and formatted so it is easy to read. You may wish to include a copy of your ballad with things like rhyme, incremental repetition, internal rhyme, etc. marked directly onto the ballad.
  • Read your ballad to the class (know what the words mean; you can read them in plain English/without the Scottish pronunciation).
  • Review the answers to the questions that you have answered and Be prepared to answer any questions that might arise.

EXTRA CREDIT: for an additional 5 points on this project, SING your ballad to the class. You may use a

well known tune, compose your own tune, or find one on Youtube. Individual extra credit may be given (both pals don’t have to sing, only singers get EC).

Any/all of these ballads (plots) may appear on the Anglo-Saxon and Middle Ages Test! That means you should know your ballad well, read the other ballads carefully and pay attention during others’ presentations.

Ballads Assignment Rubric:

Group Members:

Ballad Name:

_____/5Use class time appropriately; all group members work

_____/5All portions of assignment are complete

_____/ 20Plot and ballad elements are correct

_____/ 15Presentation is clear, concise and appropriate

_____/5Work handed in is grammatically and mechanically correct, and neatly done.

_____/50Total points