Minutes of the regular Meeting of the
Baldwinsville Baseball Booster Club
Monday, April 3rd, 2017
At the Durgee School Library
In Attendance: Jim Carson, Trish Marsello, Joe Marsello, Karen Anthony, Steve Nardelli, John Levanti, Brian McKee, Stacey Gorham, Mike Carr, Dan Robinson, Chris Savacool, Pat Carson, Dave Penafeather, Pat Anson, Brian May, Sean Welch, Gina May, Deb Starczewski, Karen Levanti
Meeting called to order at 7:01 PM.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes from March 6th report were reviewed. Minutes were provided by email, there were no changes. Trish will send reminder email to entire club regarding Bottles and Cans and Applebee’s fundraiser money. Motion made by Joe Marsello; Seconded by Jim Carson. Motion Approved and Carried.
Treasurer’s Report: March Report was reviewed. The Booster Club paid for new helmets. Karen brought up the question of whether the school could help pay for this? Coach answered that he turns in a budget every year and helmets were not a part of that.
Karen gave Coach the tip, laundry, water, and ice money for the Florida trip.
Statement: 2018 is starting its Varsity Spring Trip with $378.00.
Motion made by Stacey Garham; Seconded by Jim Carson. Motion Approved and Carried.
Concession Stand: There are 11 home games on the schedule for concessions. Gina would like to have the varsity parents out of the stand. Parents will be assigned dates, they will NOT sign up for dates. Schedule to be emailed. Gina will also have a sign-up sheet at the concession stand for the items needed at the May 20th picnic. There will be emails from Trish to follow as well.
President’s Report: Jim Carson, President reviewed the following:
-Stacey Gorham and Trish Marsello will attend the modified parent/player meeting to collect money and answer questions of parents if needed.
-Stacey Gorham has volunteered to be the modified “point person” to help keep things running smoothly and break up a little of the designated tasks by level, rather than everything being done by the Secretary.
-Trish will email Jennifer Richardson to see if she will be willing to coordinate any un-eaten food from the picnic to shelters. Last year’s food portions that were made were too big! This year they need to be cut in half!!
-We may possibly split the food type for the picnic by level.
Coaches Report: Coach Penafeather reviewed the following:
-Coach will get Trish the modified roster asap so that she can secure haulers and parents to be at the redemption center to dump bottles and cans during the bottle drive.
-The Club owes Coach Pallotta $100.00 for the Training Clininc.
-Sponsors are needed for the ALS Game being held at NBT Stadium, April 28th.
-The Corning Game that was to be rescheduled due to SAT’s May 6th, is back on the schedule for May 6th. This will now be a home game. Coach is looking into playing at OCC after 4PM. He is checking into the amount to play there as well. The school is allowed $300.00 to use towards this, if it is more than that, Coach will look into asking the Club to pay the difference.
-Cleaning needs to be done this weekend (April 8-9) at Reeve’s.
Open Conversation:
-Dan Robinson has brought up the prospect of possibly getting a banner made recognizing the 2013 State Championship. Many people in the room like this idea. Possible places to put it have been thrown out are: outfield fence, concession stand, score board. Dan will look into this further. Mike Carr has offered to pay for this sign.
Future Meeting:
-Monday, May 1st, 2017. 7 PM at the Durgee Library.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:53 PM. Motion was made by Jim Carson; seconded by Trish Marsello. Motion Approved and Carried.
Trish Marsello, Secretary