Washington State Department of Transportation - Bald Eagle Form
Washington State Department of Transportation
On-Call ConsultantBald Eagle Form
Go to for step-by-step instructions to this form.
Project Biologist:WSDOT Reviewing Biologist: Project has bald eagle restrictions: Yes No
Consulting Company:Date Form Completed: Date Form Reviewed:
- Project Information
Project Name: County: Project Construction Dates:
Work Order:
Federal Aid Number: Region:
Project Location
SR: Start MP: End MP:
County: T: R: S: WRIA:
- Nest/Communal Roost Site Information
Office and Field Review of Nest and Communal Roost Information:
Project Biologist: Date of Field Review:
PHS Data: Date PHS Data Accessed:
WDFWTerritory Information*: Date Website Accessed:
Agency Biologist Contact: Agency: Date of Communication:
Information Provided:
Other information reviewed:
* Include Territory Name and Number. WDFW territory information available is at
3.Local Compliance1
County Critical Area Ordinance (CAO) Review: No Bald Eagle Requirements Bald Eagle Requirements
Describe what actions, if any, are required for compliance with CAO regarding bald eagles.
1State bald eagle management plans are no longer required under Washington State Bald Eagle Protection Rules.
- Federal Compliance[1]
a.Go to Step-By-Step Guidance to avoid disturbing nesting bald eagles.
b.If the project can implement the recommendations in the USFWS’s Step-By-Step Guidance, print USFWS’s signature page, sign and attach to this form.
c.If the project cannot implement the recommendations, then attach written recommendations from USFWS.
d.Answer supplemental questions in # 5 of this form. Attach additional documentation if necessary.
Timing Restrictions Required: Yes NoJanuary 1 through August 15 October 31 through March 31
Explain Timing Restrictions:
Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Permit Required: Yes No
- Supplemental Questions
1.Does project involves cutting or removal of overstory trees within 330 ft of nest at any time? Yes No
If yes, project falls outside of the National Bald Eagle Management Guidelinesfor nesting eagles. See the guidelines for additional information.
2.Will any activities occur after construction as a result of the project (for example, construction of a trail that will increase future pedestrian use)?
Yes No
If yes, contact the local USFWS field office. Attach additional documentation of project compliance.
3.Is a communal roost documented within 1 mile of the project area? Yes No
(Note: A WDFW, USFWS, or FS biologist needs to provide information on the communal roost. Document the information and sources above under Nest and Communal Roost Site Information.)
If yes, answer questions 4 through 6 beginning on page 3 of this form.
If no, fill in remainder of page 1 on this form, sign and date.
4.Does the project involve cutting or removal of communal roost trees at any time? Yes No
If yes,project falls outside of the National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines for roosting eagles and a permit will be required to complete the project. See the guidelines for additional information.
Continue to 5to see if project is outside guidelines for other activities.
5.Does project work occur between October 31 and March 31 and include aircraft, blasting, or pile driving? Yes No
If yes, check project activities that may occur and answer the associated questions for each activity checked.
If no, go to 6.
5a. Aircraft
Aircraft activity 1000 ft from communal roost. Yes No
If yes, provide distance of the activity from the roost and describe any factors that may reduce the distance that noise levels are elevated. These may include topographic and vegetation screening, ambient sound levels, and eagle habituation to human activities. If any of these apply, contact theUSFWS for their agreement that the activity will fall within the National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines. If no factors apply, the project should restrict aircraft use between October 31 and March 31.
Project restricts aircraft use between October 31 and March 31. Yes No
If this restriction only affects part of the project area, (for example the project may only need to restrict construction which falls within a specified distance to the communal roost), explain in detail below.
USFWS agrees that no timing restriction is needed. (Attach e-mail or letter from USFWS).Yes No
(If the project cannot apply a timing restriction, or the USFWS does not agree that no restriction is needed, this project falls outside of the National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines for roosting eagles and a permit will be required to complete the project. Continue to see if project falls outside guidelines for other activities.)
If no, a timing restriction for this activity is not necessary.
5b. Blasting or pile driving
Blasting or pile driving 0.5 mile(1.0 mile if roost site visible) from communal roost. Yes No
If yes,provide distance of the blasting or pile driving from the roost and describe any factors that may reduce the distance that noise levels are elevated. These may include topographic and vegetation screening, ambient sound levels, and eagle habituation to human activities. If any of these apply contact the USFWS for their agreement that the activity will fall within the National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines. If no factors apply, the project should restrict blasting or pile driving between October 31 and March 31.
Distance: miles
Project restricts blasting or pile driving between October 31 and March 31. Yes No
If this restriction only affects part of the project area, (for example the project may only need to restrict construction which falls within specified distance to the communal roost), explain in detail below.
USFWS agrees that no timing restriction is needed. (Attach e-mail or letter from USFWS). Yes No
(If project cannot apply a timing restriction, or the USFWS does not agree that no restriction is needed, this project falls outside of the National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines for roosting eagles and a permit will be required to complete the project.)
If no, a timing restriction for this activity is not necessary.
Continue to 6.
6.Are any potentially disruptive activities located on an eagle flight path between roost sites and important foraging areas? Yes No
If yes, explain how potential impacts will be minimized.
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Project Name:Consultant BE Form_updated_06.11.docx
[1]This section of the form is intended to document project compliance with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act based on guidance in the National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (May 2007). This form is not intended to be a substitute for thorough familiarity with the guidelines and will not cover all possible project actions. If you have a project with actions in categories not covered on the USFWS website, or that do not follow the guidelines, you will need to contact the WSDOT project office you are working with for technical assistance. The form covers only bald eagle compliance with the National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines. Golden eagles are not covered by the National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines. Therefore, this form will not apply to golden eagles.