Balances and Interest


Balances and Interest

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Balances and Interest



Agenda (continued)



Bank account balance maintenance and reporting is supported for all internal bank accounts in the system that are defined in Oracle Cash Management.

For each bank account, you can keep track of multiple bank account balance types including: ledger, available, value dated, 1-day float, 2-day float, projected month-to-date average, and year-to-date average.

Reporting tools are available to view all this centrally stored balance history for trend analysis as well as to compare actual versus projected balances.

Overview (continued)

Overview (continued)

You can also verify interest amounts charged or credited by banks based on balance history and user-defined interest rate schedules.

Tracking Bank Balances by Account

Tracking Bank Balances by Account

(N) Cash Management, Vision Operations (USA)Bank Account Balances > Maintenance
Tracking Bank Balances by Account

To maintain bank balance by account, complete the following steps:

1.Enter or select Legal Entity, Bank Name, Currency, Account Name, and/or Account Number as search criteria.

2.Click Go.

3.Select the account you want to update and click the Update icon for either Historical Balances or Projected Balances.

4.Enter the appropriate date range, if the desired balance dates are not displayed automatically, and click Go.

5.Enter or update the account balance using Export.

6.Click Apply.

Note: The Notional Cash Pool balance cannot be entered or updated directly as it is automatically calculated as a sum of balances of the pool participants. If the Notional Cash Pool balance is incorrect, the balances of pool participating accounts should be updated. Before you can maintain balances of bank accounts that are used in Oracle Treasury, you need to assign an interest rate schedule to such accounts.

Tracking Bank Balances for Multiple Accounts

Tracking Bank Balances for Multiple Accounts

(N) Cash Management, Vision Operations (USA) > View > Bank Balances > Bank Account Balances

To maintain bank balances for multiple accounts, complete the following steps:

1.Enter or select Legal Entity, Bank Name, Currency, Account Name, and/or Account Number as search criteria.

2.Click Go.

3.Select the accounts you want to update and click Update as Group.

4.Enter the desired balance rate.

5.Enter or update the account balances.

6.Click Apply.

Bank Balance Types

Viewing Actual, Historic, and Projected Balances

Entering Account Balances Manually or Uploading Automatically

Entering Account Balances Manually or Uploading Automatically

Enter any bank account balance values manually either for one bank account for multiple dates or multiple bank accounts for one date.

You can also automatically upload bank statement to reflect in the bank balances using the Bank Statement Loader program.

The following balances reported on the bank statement are populated as new balance values for the following balance types:

•Ledger Balance

•Available Balance

•Interest Calculated Balance

•1 Day Float and 2 Day Float

•Average Closing Ledger MTD

•Average Closing Ledger YTD

•Average Closing Available MTD

•Average Closing Available YTD

Creating and Assigning Interest Rate Schedules to Bank Accounts

Creating and Assigning Interest Rate Schedules to Bank Accounts

(N) Cash Management, Vision Operations (USA)Interest Rate Schedules

To create interest rate schedules and assign them to bank accounts, complete the following setup steps:

1.Click Create Schedule.

2.Enter or select Name and Currency.

3.Select Basis, Interest Rounding, and Day Count Basis. The default values are Flat, Nearest, and Actual / 365 respectively.

4.Click Next.

5.Enter the balance ranges (from lowest to highest) to which different rates will apply and click Next.

6.Enter the interest rates that will apply to the balance amount ranges you have defined in the previous step and click Next.

7.Click Assign Accounts and select bank accounts to which this interest rate schedule will apply. Click Finish.

Note: If you have bank accounts authorized for use in Oracle Treasury, you have to assign an interest rate schedule to such accounts before you can maintain their bank account balances.

Reusing Interest Rate Schedules

Calculating Interest on Bank Accounts

Calculating Interest on Bank Accounts

To calculate interest on bank accounts, complete the following setup steps:

1.Navigate to the Bank Account Interest page.

2.Enter search criteria and click Go.

3.Select one or more bank accounts and click Calculate Interest.

4.Enter the date range, for which you want the interest to be calculated, and click Go.

5.Click the calculated Interest Amount to see the interest rates and balance amounts used in the calculation.

Creating Reports for Account Balances and Interest Calculations

Creating Reports for Account Balances and Interest Calculations

To view bank account balances online, complete the following steps:

1.Navigate to the Report Bank Account Balance page.

2.If you do not have any personalized views created, you will be taken to the Advanced Search page. In this case, enter the search criteria and click Go. The bank account balances will be displayed using the system default layout.

3.If you already have at least one view created, you will be taken to the Views page. In this case, select a view name from the list and click Go. The bank account balances will be displayed using your personal layout.

To create a personalized view layout, complete the following steps:

1.Navigate to the Report Bank Account Balance page.

2.If you do not have any personalized views created, you will be taken to the Advanced Search page. In this case, click Save Search. If you already have at least one view created, you will be taken to the Views page. In this case, click Personalize and then Create View.

3.On the Create View page, configure a personalized bank balance view layout.

4.In the General Properties region, enter the name, number of rows displayed per page, default view flag and description.

5.In the Column Properties region, select the columns you would like to display, arrange them in the desired order, rename, if needed, and add totals where appropriate. You can also specify which columns should be used for sorting the bank account balance data.

6.In the search query to filter data in your table, enter the search criteria to fetch the bank account balance data. Please note that you must select at least either a Name or Account Number.

7.Click Apply.

Creating Reports for Account Balances and Interest Calculations (continued)

Creating Reports for Account Balances and Interest Calculations (continued)

Bank Account Balances Single Date Report and Bank Account Balances Date Range Report can show all the bank account balances converted into a single currency, if you specify a reporting currency and select an exchange rate type.


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