Balance of State Continuum of Care Committee
January 7, 2015
Lawrence KS
In attendance: Dani Dresslar, Natasha Derakhshanian, James Chiselom, Vivian Baars, Milton Scott, Emily Wagner, Phyllis Shaefer, Jeanette Collier, Tyler Rasmussen, Rose Aker, Joyce Stockham, Anne Smith, Joyce Schau, Cheryl Patrick
On phone: Chris Leach, Debbie Snapp, Megan Thompson, Jami Crowder, Deanne Goering, Dusti Fansler, Christy McMurphy, Beth Waddle
Guest(s): none
Topic Item / Recommendations/Actions / Follow-upWelcome, introductions and announcements. Corrections to minutes / December Minutes: Cheryl presented the December minutes. / No comments or suggestions, December minutes approved.
3a. PIT/HIC / An email was sent to RC on 12/18 containing information on the PIT (survey, methodology, counties to include, aggregate report & training slides).
The survey has been updated to reflect grammar & formatting fixes and a separate one for DV has been created.
Agencies can submit their PIT as aggregate data (pulled from HMIS or comparable) in lieu of doing individual surveys as long as data is accurate and covers 100% of those in facility. This method is highly encouraged.
All surveys are to be done on paper; each person (adult & children) will have a survey. All families surveys will be stapled together (this is how households can be counted) and all agencies surveys should be bundled together.
Tiers can be swapped out for similar tiers regardless of the region, as long as it is the same tier.
Hic Survey will be forthcoming / All RCs need to notify Cheryl/Natasha of when their PIT training will be held and if C/N is invited to help facilitate.
Natasha will send out all information again to RC and include the updated surveys.
3b. BHOC & HMIS / The new APR requires non-cash benefit information to be reported on, which doesn’t align with the 2014 Data Standards. The Financial Assessment was removed for minors and now it will be re-added for reporting purposes.
BHOC (BoS HMIS Oversight Comm) can now regroup with KHSC staff. The BHOC will meet 1/14 to discuss implementing the Data Quality Assurance Agreement and to be inline with data quality and monitoring. / Natasha will send out email to HMIS users about the change.
3c. Summit / The Save the Date, Call for Presentation and Vendor registration is on the website. The Registration aims to be available on 2/4/15.
Thursday from 1-5 is when vendors can setup, there was confusion.
There are a few pre-summit workshops to be held, one will be on SOAR. The BoS Coordinators from TX & MO have been invited to speak at the summit regarding their communities Coordinated Assessment, PIT, Governance, etc.
The Board and RCs should plan to attend the summit.
1 Keynote speaker has been confirmed, Linda Kaufman, from Community solutions. Reception will be hosted by the United Methodist Open House which is a social service agency in Wichita / Planning mtg being held 1/8/2015
3d. Coordinated Assessment Comm / Tyler is stepping down as committee chair. Cheryl is going to regroup and refocus the efforts with those that are still on the committee.
Natasha presented information on NC & AZ’s BOS coordinated assessments. NC allows each region to design their own system, as long as there is a plan in place that the BOS COC approves. Their assessment is 3 tiered, the first established immediate need, the second is the referral and the 3rd is the VI-SPADT only after 14 days. / Cheryl will regroup and plan for next mtg.
Natasha will continue to research other BOS and their approach.
3e. NOFA Comm / The NOFA Planning Comm will meet 1/9 in Manhattan. 6 individuals currently make up the committee and they will review the entire process and present recommended changes.
Discussed publicizing scores versus rank of each applicant or both. General consensus to publish Rank but not score / none
3f. CoC Manual / The Manual is a work in progress and there are still items to be reviewed and changed. The manual was initially created by grabbing a template from the Web and filling in a few policies where needed and leaving the boiler plate in place for the most part. Now more and more policies need to be defined and shored up.
NEKCAP is now a CoC RRH recipient and there needs to now be in place the RRH standards at the COC level. HUD has RRH standards that NEKCAP will utilize for now. / NEKCAP will utilize the HUD RRH standards and bring it with their recommended changes to the Feb COC Mtg.
3g. Grantee/Regional Updates / South Central/Joyce Stockham
Last mtg was 12/11 and very well attended, thank you. The region will hold a mini-summit on March 12th or 13th, trying to tap community resources to attend. Their Mission is to grow regional membership and to network further. PIT Training TBD.
South West/Debbie Snapp
Last met in November, would like to hold the PIT training via webinar due to logistics.
South East/ Jami Crowder
Last mtg was 12/10 and next is 1/14, PIT training will be held at that time. The region talked about holding monthly trainings of some sort at each mtg and how to grow membership
North East/Emily Wagner
Last met in December trying to maintain membership and doing all mtgs by conference call. Next mtg is in late Feb or Early March. PIT training will be held 1/7, feels comfortable with the process. MHHA and DCF are assisting with Count
East Central/Beth Waddle
Struggling with membership working on contacts and schedule for 2015’s mtgs. PIT Training TBD and may feel comfortable enough to not need additional assistance.
Lawrence/Dani Dressler
Met in December, just agency & PIT updates. Dani will hold PIT training on 1/13
North West/Linda Mills Not Present
Central/Mike Lynam Not Present / Quarterly reports due yesterday. There are still a few outstanding
4. Other Funding Updates / NEKCAP needs an agreement with their local housing authority, however, as NEKCAP is the administrator for the HA they are unsure how to proceed.
5. Next Mtg Topics & Location / The 2015 meeting schedule has been sent out; please volunteer to host a mtg in your city!
Next meeting will be held at:
DCF Office
Myers Conference Room
1701 Wheeler
Emporia, KS 66801 / Contact Cheryl if you can host a mtg at your facility or city.
Signature of Recorder: Natasha Derakhshanian