Baildon Town Council Governance Committee
Present Cllrs P Ashton, J Ashton, L Brook, L Vasey.
In AttendanceGary Stevenson Deputy Clerk.
GV 1718/52Chairs opening remarks
Chairwelcomed Councillors to the meeting.
GV 1718/53To receive and accept apologies for absence
Apologies for absence received and accepted from Cllr Dixon and Cllr Ware, Cllr Joe Ashton will be a few minutes late.
GV 1718/54Councillors attending but not a committee member
GV 1718/55Disclosures of interest
There were none.
GV 1718/56Minutes of the previous Governance meeting
Cllr L Vaseyproposed, Cllr L Brook seconded and it was resolvedunanimously to approve the minutes of the meeting of the Governance Committee held on Monday 13thNovember 2017 and the Extraordinary meeting of the Governance Committee held on Monday 8th January 2018.
GV 1718/57Public participation in accordance with SO’s
There were none.
GV 1718/58Important information from Councillors and staff
GV 1718/59Clerks report
There was none.
GV 1718/60Council websiteand email report
To decide whether to exclude members of the public and the press under the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 S1(2) during consideration of business of a confidential nature.)
P Ashton proposed, seconded by Cllr L Brook and resolvedunanimously to move to a private session.
To receive a confidential report from the Clerk and to consider the recommendations contained withinon issues pertaining to the Town Councils website and email costs. (Confidential report to be circulated to Committee members only)
P Ashton proposed, seconded by Cllr L Brook and resolved unanimously to accept the recommendation contained in the report.
Private session concluded by the ChairCllr J Ashton joined the meeting
GV 1718/61Committee Recommendations
To receive three final drafts attached and consider the following recommendation from the Economy Committee.
A draft lettings policy and associated documents were noted. It was resolved that the Clerk would be delegated (in conjunction with Cllr Dixon) to agree a final draft to be recommended to the next Governance Committee.
The Committee resolved not to accept the Policy until a fully finalised version was available (following legal advice) and a business case and health and safety arrangements had been clarified. Proposed Cllr P Ashton seconded Cllr Vasey all in favour
GV 1718/62Audit Plan
To receive quotes from internal audit service providers (including from the exiting service provider) from the Deputy Clerk, in order to consider the appointment of a new internal audit service provider. Only two quotes were available from the list provided by YLCA It was Resolved to reappoint Yorkshire Internal Audit Services for the current year 2017/18 and to obtain further details from alternative suppliers for next year 2018/19. A decision for next year to be made at the earliest opportunity. Proposed Cllr P Ashton seconded Cllr Brook 3 in Favour 1 abstention.
GV 1718/63Finance
63.1The budget monitoringpaper was received and noted for February 2018.
63.2The schedule of payments was received and noted for February 2018.
63.3Proposed by Cllr P Ashton, seconded by Cllr L Brook and resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Brook and one other to conduct the second internal finance check.
GV 1718/64Review the Risk Register and Asset Register
As per Terms of reference, the Risk Register and Asset Register were reviewed and noted . Clarification was requested on post intervention scores and the Clerk was requested to update the register in light of potential new risks that have arisen due to new service provision.
GV 1718/65Council agendas
It was Resolved to agree a meetings’ agenda template, to be used at all Council, Committee and Sub – Committee meetings, for recommendation to Full Council, proposed Cllr P Ashton seconded Cllr Vasey all in favour.
GV 1718/66Policy Reviews
To consider setting up a working group of two councillors to review both the Council’s Code of Conduct and its Standing Orders. It was Resolved that Cllr P Ashton and Cllr J Ashton would review the Policies, Proposed Cllr Ashton seconded Cllr Vasey all in favour.
GV 1718/67Promotional opportunities
GV 1718/68To inform the Clerk of any items for future agenda
- Management of records policy
- Draft business continuity plan for the prolonged absence of the Clerk or Deputy Clerk.
- Policy review - Code of Conduct and Standing Orders
- Organisation Volunteering Policy
GV 1718/69Next meeting date
The next meeting of the Governance Committee is scheduled for the 9th of April2018 at 7.30pm at Baildon Library.
Meeting closed at 9pm.
Town Clerk Tel. (01274) 593169 Email:
Date of document: 13thFebruary2018 Meeting date: 12th February2018
Signed………………………………………Date………………………Page 1 of 2